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1425 Ergebnisse - Zeige 61 von 80.

The Dubious Disciples

Woodington, J. David
The Dubious Disciples
The Dubious Disciples provides a literary examination of the four scenes of the disciples doubting the appearance of the resurrected Jesus in the canonical Gospels. Each Gospel offers a unique account of this episode, and the differences between them dramatically affect how readers evaluate the disciples' actions and perceive the role of doubt in the Christian experience.

CHF 132.00


Sabharwal, Anuj
Aditya Raj Khanna, a DU professor has been trapped in a loveless marriage for the past twenty years. His marriage with Mahima had an unknown future from the beginning. Aditya tried his best to sustain the 'strained' marriage for the sake of his daughter. Life is wonderful, and it takes you by surprise sometimes! Isn't it? Life said to Aditya, 'take it easy, I still have plans for you!' Life smiles at him again. 'Gazala', a young girl enrolls f...

CHF 24.90


Chatterjee, Arnab
After the earth is devastated by a Third World War and plate tectonic forces, an autocratic government called The Village emerges in 2222 AD that uses the then turned deadly rays of the sun and its quantum supercomputer Nemesis to devise a viral, psychological illness that keeps the populace under control, governed by the enigmatic Boss and his son, the Sir.

CHF 30.50

The Learnability of Complex Constructions

Schlechtweg, Marcel
The Learnability of Complex Constructions
Mastering one or more languages, language users have to deal with complex morphological and syntactic constructions, which include, among others, inflected forms, compounds and phrases. The present volume focuses on phenomena that reflect how these items are acquired or learned by investigating a great range of different languages, relying on a variety of methodologies and considering data from mono-, bilingual and second-language speakers.

CHF 148.00

Violent Waters: Literary Border Crossings in a Global Age

Campana, Alexandra
Violent Waters: Literary Border Crossings in a Global Age
This volume investigates contemporary literary reactions to the violent aspects of globalization, under the overarching theme of border crossings. The discussed literary aesthetics present innovative forms of narration that unfold in the context of various cultural horizons - including the countries of Algeria, China, France, Germany, Romania, Switzerland, Trinidad and Tobago, the UK, and the United States - and academic disciplines.

CHF 132.00

Mavic 666

Rush, David
Mavic 666
This is a story of a young boy who loves anything that flies. That's when he sees something , and he wants that, but being poor he could not afford it. This book tells about his experiences and innovations towards achieving his target. Everything can be achieved by a person if he works hard for it. This is a inspirational story for all who wants to achieve their dreams

CHF 17.90


Mukherjee, Meghna
A young school boy convicted of murdering his father and sister but is found in a paranoid state and recovering in the asylum. Therapy provided but he just does not wish to speak. Only talks about ruined relics and finding someone. Who is this someone Why is a businessman receving threat from an unknown person. Is the threatener really unknown? Is the boy in the asylum, the one who is pretending, or is he really in the state of shock. How is t...

CHF 18.90

Uprawlenie osnownymi fondami organizacii

Pichkurow, Sergej / Chekulaewa, Anastasiq
Uprawlenie osnownymi fondami organizacii
Osnownye fondy qwlqütsq wazhnym älementom resursnogo potenciala organizacii, ot äffektiwnosti ispol'zowaniq kotorogo wo mnogom zawisqt rezul'taty finansowo-hozqjstwennoj deqtel'nosti organizacii.Kazhdoe predpriqtie w swoej deqtel'nosti stalkiwaetsq s problemami formirowaniq, ispol'zowaniq i analiza osnownyh sredstw. Gramotnoe prinqtie reshenij w sfere uprawleniq osnownym kapitalom newozmozhno bez detal'nogo analiza sostoqniq i äffektiwnosti eg...

CHF 47.50

Instrumenty uprawleniq äkonomicheskoj äffektiwnost'ü orga...

Limarew, Pawel / Merzlikina, Elena / Limaröwa, Juliq
Instrumenty uprawleniq äkonomicheskoj äffektiwnost'ü organizacii
V monografii rassmotreny teoreticheskie i metodicheskie woprosy uprawleniq äkonomicheskoj äffektiwnost'ü organizacij ¿ izdatelej regional'nyh pechatnyh SMI. Prowedön analiz regional'nyh rynkow, na kotoryh dejstwuüt izda-tel'skie organizacii. Predlozhena klassifikaciq SMI w sootwetstwii s kontentom, chto pozwolqet tochno segmentirowat' rynki, na kotoryh dejstwuüt pechatnye SMI. Predlozheno ispol'zowat' w kachestwe instrumenta uprawleniq äffek-t...

CHF 65.00

La casa de las sombras

Fernández, Andrea
La casa de las sombras
La casa de las sombras. La casa de las sombras en una historia de suspenso basada en una ilusión desmedida provocada por un sueño de triunfo que no llegó a buen término en el tiempo esperado. La casa de las sombras. La casa de las sombras en una historia de suspenso basada en una ilusión desmedida provocada por un sueño de triunfo que no llegó a buen término en el tiempo esperado. Desilusión final.

CHF 79.00

Jenergosberezhenie w teplosnabzhenii s primeneniem teplow...

Larkin, Dmitrij / Procenko, Valentin
Jenergosberezhenie w teplosnabzhenii s primeneniem teplowyh nasosow
Priwedeno kratkoe izlozhenie istorii razwitiq teplonasosnoj tehniki. Dan obzor sowremennogo sostoqniq teplonasosnyh tehnologij w mire i perspektiwy ih dal'nejshego sowershenstwowaniq. Rassmotren opyt rqda naibolee razwityh stran po sozdaniü teplonasosnyh ustanowok (TNU), a takzhe sostoqnie rabot po otechestwennym TNU. Otmecheny osnownye prichiny otstawaniq otechestwennoj teplonasosnoj tehniki. Osoboe wnimanie udeleno razrabotkam TNU na dioxide...

CHF 47.50

La comunicación como herramienta de gestión organizacional

Rivera Sanabria, Alix Belen
La comunicación como herramienta de gestión organizacional
Las teorías de comunicación e información y de desarrollo organizacional, consideran a la comunicación como herramienta fundamental para lograr que las relaciones en las organizaciones sean exitosas. Gracias a estas teorías surge el presente artículo, luego de una investigación de campo realizado al personal administrativo activo de las diferentes Facultades y Dependencias de la Universidad del Zulia, la cual tuvo entre sus objetivos analizar ...

CHF 71.00

Teoriq i metodologiq ocenki i uprawleniq finansowymi riskami

Popow, Pawel
Teoriq i metodologiq ocenki i uprawleniq finansowymi riskami
Risk-menedzhment w uslowiqh globalizacii rynkow i ob#ektow nalogooblozheniq s kazhdym chasom priobretaet wse bol'shuü rol'. Issledowanie poswqscheno modelirowaniü wnutrikorporatiwnyh äkonomicheskih processow pri akcioniroowanii promyshlennyh predpriqtij. Original'nyj podhod k opredeleniü samogo ponqtiq riska, a tak zhe prognozu posledstwij prinqtiq riskowannyh reshenij w biznese promyshlennyh predriqtij pomozhet po-nowomu wzglqnut' na te ili i...

CHF 102.00

Anales de I Expotesis de posgrado UCV

Moya Rondo, Rafael Martín
Anales de I Expotesis de posgrado UCV
El presente libro tiene como principal desafío generar un ámbito de conocimiento y difusión de las contribuciones científicas y tecnológicas de los investigadores de la Escuela de Postgrado de la Universidad César Vallejo. Los Anales de EXPOTESIS son trabajos de investigación e innovación tecnológica seleccionados y realizados a partir de la tesis de postgrado donde se vincula a la universidad con instituciones de nuestro país, aportando hacia...

CHF 92.00

Jekologicheskoe normirowanie i raschet platy za razmesche...

Daniil, Katenowich
Jekologicheskoe normirowanie i raschet platy za razmeschenie othodow
V dannoj rabote rassmotreno stanowlenie sistemy äkologicheskogo normirowaniq w Rossii, harakteristiki ob#ekta issledowaniq, metody i materialy issledowaniq. Raschety proizwodilis' po osnownym othodam ot awtotransporta gornodobywaüschego predpriqtiq(otrabotannye awtomobil'nye masla, otrabotannye rtut'soderzhaschie lampy, otrabotannye tormoznye kolodki, otrabotannye awtomobil'nye fil'try, otrabotannyh swincowyh akkumulqtorow i t.d.)

CHF 47.50

Nivel crítico Helicotylenchus multicinctus en banano y pl...

Delgado, Alex / Triviño, Carmen
Nivel crítico Helicotylenchus multicinctus en banano y plátano
Determinación del nivel crítico del nemátodo Helicotylenchus multicinctus en plantas de banano (musa AAA) y plátano (musa AAB), establecidas en invernadero y área comercial, en el 2012 - 2013. Las densidades poblacionales de H. multicinctus fueron distribuidas en 19 tratamientos con 5 repeticiones (plantas) que fueron agrupados en baja de 1000 - 3000, media 3500 - 7000, alta 8000 - 12000 y el testigo (0). Se utilizó el Diseño Completamente al ...

CHF 52.50

Questioning Evolution

Burton, Mark
Questioning Evolution
Darwinism is not "settled science" because too many important questions remain unanswered. QUESTIONING EVOLUTION contains more than 1, 200 such questions that raise serious doubts about the underlying assumptions of Darwin's "Descent of Man" theory. It's a unique approach that will challenge the reader's intellect as well as the status quo.

CHF 19.50