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659 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 60.

Der basisdemokratische Widerstand zwischen Utopie und Wir...

Muehlbauer, Josef
Der basisdemokratische Widerstand zwischen Utopie und Wirklichkeit
Wissenschaftlicher Aufsatz aus dem Jahr 2019 im Fachbereich Politik - Internationale Politik - Allgemeines und Theorien, Universität Wien, Veranstaltung: Fachtagung "Widerstehen und Widersprechen", Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Auf interdisziplinäre Art und Weise untersucht der Beitrag die Gesellschaftskonfiguration, also den Demokratischen Konföderalismus Rojavas. Dabei werden Macht- und Herrschaftsverhältnisse, entlang von Kategorien wie Race,...

CHF 14.50

My First Grimoire

Spafford, Sadie
My First Grimoire
Enter the world of witchcraft and harness your personal magic with Sadie Spafford's guide for baby witches. Filled with information and carefully crafted with love, this collection of correspondences are from her own personal grimoire.

CHF 52.50

Sheroes of COVID-19: Women leading in the crisis

Kasule, Rehmah / Shah, Priya / Fernandez, Nandi
Sheroes of COVID-19: Women leading in the crisis
Sheroes of COVID: The women leading in the crisis" is a global, crowdsourced collection of stories that recognizes the disproportionate exposure and impact of women during the COVID-19 pandemic. The book focuses on the positive stories happening around the world, recognizing heroines, unsung or often sung, who have lead during the crisis. The story is part of a series of books to help children and families navigate the complexities of the cris...

CHF 27.90

Activating Nigeria's Prophetic Call

Bent, Jpj
Activating Nigeria's Prophetic Call
Nigeria is the most populous black nation on earth approaching 200 million and growing strong. I am proudly Nigerian but just like many of my fellow countrymen I have an inner conflict. I cannot reconcile the greatness I sense on the inside with the current state of my dear State. Nigeria has a definite divine promise over her but it will require more than a wish to see this greatness realised. This 21-Day Prayer Book is a powerful prophetic g...

CHF 21.90


Lickel, Lisa J
When you are loved, you have everything to lose...Lily Masters was born with a deformity that shaped her life. When she, white and rural-raised, and Cam Taylor, a biracial army medic and literary professor who left his work under a cloud of suspicion, meet, fall in love, and get engaged, Lily decides it's time to take control of her body in order to feel whole. She schedules plastic reconstructive surgery in Texas and leaves Cam and her nephew...

CHF 31.90

Greeks Bearing Gifts

Odell, James
Greeks Bearing Gifts
This is an alternate history novel, set at the time of the collapse of the Roman Empire. The empire has split into three hostile fragments. The Eastern Empire, under Emperor Justinian, has sent his army, commanded by General Belisarius, to invade Italy.The Western Empire knows that if Belisarius succeeds in Italy, they will be next.Gaul, poorer and weaker than the East, depends upon its aviators to patrol the frontier and bring news of any thr...

CHF 27.50

The History of My Family

Hughes, Patricia
The History of My Family
The author clarifies controversial events in William Butler Yeats's life, such as sudden heart troubles and depression from June 1925, his notorious Divorce Bill speech, the riots over O'Casey's production of 'The Plough and the Stars' and Yeats's obsession with Purgatory. His wife George was his amanuensis, this essay explains her motivation for altering details in his works and hoarding his papers after his death. She insisted that Yeats's a...

CHF 35.90

The Stuff of Our Lives

Williams, Robert
The Stuff of Our Lives
A description of how to value, organize, and preserve material possessions. Discussion of why we own and keep things and why it is difficult to free ourselves from our stuff. Recommendations to simplify the process of keeping what we own organized and easily accessible.

CHF 17.50


Blanton, Bruce
Tim Tulloch is a man conflicted. From the age of four, his father and others trained him in ten forms of hand-to-hand combat, firearms, the bow, the sword, and the staff. He's excelled at all of them. When his family dies in a mysterious car accident, his grandmother encourages Tim to turn to the Bible. The teachings he learns in its pages cause him to question his true nature. Tim knows his family didn't die in an accident - they were murdere...

CHF 21.90


Thoresen, Maya
Wenn du schon immer ein einfacheres, gemütlicheres Leben führen wolltest, dich aber von kleinsten Details überflutet fühlst, dann lies weiter... Du hast es satt, in einer hektischen, stressigen Umgebung zu leben, sowohl zu Hause als auch am Arbeitsplatz? Hast du schon unzählige andere Lösungen ausprobiert, aber nichts scheint mehr als nur ein paar Wochen zu funktionieren? Möchtest du dich endlich von der Unordnung verabschieden und etwas entde...

CHF 43.50

The adventures of Billie BAHA and her Super HEARo friends!

Jordan-Hogan, Jessica
The adventures of Billie BAHA and her Super HEARo friends!
I'm so glad you came by. My name is Billie. I'm four years old and I am also Hard of Hearing. I have bilateral hearing loss due to Microtia. Microtia is a congenital condition of a little or missing outer ear. I wear my BAHA to be able to hear the world around me. I go to a school with all my other friends that are also Deaf or Hard of Hearing, but they don't all wear BAHAs to hear like me. Some of my friends wear behind the ear hearing aids o...

CHF 33.90

Jeremy Brett - Playing A Part

Whittaker, Maureen
Jeremy Brett - Playing A Part
Holmes could be rude, impatient, abrupt, and his intolerance of fools was legendary. I tried to show all this, all of the man's incredible brilliance. But there are some cracks in Holmes's marble, as in an almost-perfect Rodin statue. And I tried to show that, too. It's difficult for me to say what I may have given to the image of Holmes. Faithful to Conan Doyle's text, certainly. Also, I've tried to bring out the emotion that is there in Holm...

CHF 183.00


Spagnolo, Piera
Cosa penseresti se scoprissi che i tuoi problemi, compresi i problemi di salute, dipendono probabilmente da ricordi emotivi indesiderati, ricordi negativi che producono programmi limitanti o addirittura dannosi? E che questi programmi biologico-emotivi manifestano proprio quei problemi? Seguendo l'antica saggezza Huna e la pratica di Ho'oponopono hai l'opportunità di cambiare la tua vita in modo semplice. Proprio come scrisse il grande medico ...

CHF 36.90

Meager Tales

Saint-Jude, Sam M. -N.
Meager Tales
Odd Tales is pleased to reprint MEAGER TALES, Sam M.-N. St.-Jude's mysterious and as-yet unexplained collection of essays. Published in 1982 by the pseudonymous Saint-Jude, MEAGER TALES explores the connections between the fictional universes of a multitude of heroes and villains from early 20th Century pulp fiction. But none of these pulp tales truly exist beyond the pages of Saint-Jude's book. The shared universe he creates is familiar yet u...

CHF 18.50

Malbuch für Kinder mit meinem Obst und Gemüse

Ludwig, David
Malbuch für Kinder mit meinem Obst und Gemüse
Von Entdeckern und Kinderforschern werden die natürlichen Lebensmittel schnell erkannt. Auch von dir?Dieses Buch ist ein ganz besonderes Ausmalbuch. Auf der rechten Seite befinden sich die Bilder zum Ausmalen und auf der linken Seite stehen tolle Informationen zu jedem Obst oder Gemüse. So kannst du dir die ausgemalten Bilder aufhängen.Welche Farbe ist die richtige?Bannane (Sie gibt dir Energie und hilft dir, dich zu konzentrieren.)Melone (Dam...

CHF 12.90

¿Bezahlen Sie zu viel?"

Wagner, Martin
¿Bezahlen Sie zu viel?"
Alarmierende Zahlen in Deutschland - Das Geld reicht vorne und hinten nicht mehr:Die Wirtschaftsauskunft Creditreform zeigt: Immer mehr Deutsche sind überschuldet und selbst viele Besserverdiener müssen leider feststellen, dass der Gürtel immer enger geschnallt werden muss:Jeder siebte Deutsche ist nicht in der Lage, auch nur eine einwöchige Urlaubsreise im Jahr zu unternehmen (Statistikamt Eurostat)Immer weniger Menschen in Deutschland können...

CHF 39.90

Angels Needless Breath

Blake, Emily
Angels Needless Breath
Do you ever wonder why angels sing? This heartfelt story captures the meaning behind their voices and explores the beautiful moments shared between the angels and Jesus, Our Newborn King. Believers of all ages enjoy this engaging text and heavenly illustrations about the Nativity.It is a captivating story that teaches children about their guardian angel while also providing a peek into the scene surrounding the birth of Christ - unlike never s...

CHF 36.90


Mackinnon, Skye
Es gibt fünf sichere Anzeichen dafür, dass eine Katze paarungsbereit ist:Sie reibt sich an allem, was irgendwie männlich istSie findet Katzenjunge extrem süßSie präsentiert ihre Vorzüge bei jeder sich bietenden GelegenheitSie lässt sich leicht ablenkenSie verliert die Lust am MordenBring mich lieber gleich um. Das hier wird die Hölle sein.Das dritte Buch in dieser schnurrig aufregenden Urban Fantasy Serie. Dies ist eine sich langsam entwickeln...

CHF 21.90