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1504 Ergebnisse - Zeige 121 von 140.

Fantastische Filmklassiker

Fantastische Filmklassiker
Der Golem, Frau im Mond, Metropolis, Münchhausen, Nosferatu - Eine Symphonie des Grauens, Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari

CHF 89.00

Plant Cell and Tissue Differentiation and Secondary Metab...

Ramawat, Kishan Gopal / Goyal, Shaily / Ekiert, Halina Maria
Plant Cell and Tissue Differentiation and Secondary Metabolites
This reference work provides a comprehensive review of cell and tissue differentiation and its role in the formation of specific secondary metabolites. Divided into five sections, this book covers the main cellular processes involved in the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites. Chapters from expert contributors offer specific case studies of cell and tissue differentiation, examines secondary metabolites in shoot and root cultures, and presen...

CHF 709.00

Paving Your Path Towards Self-Healing

Tata (wolfy), Firoz
Paving Your Path Towards Self-Healing
Paving Your Path Towards Self-healing' enhances our knowledge over the skills to lead happy and peaceful life. This book is written by keeping in mind the tense times we are living in. Dishonesty, revenge, resentment, ruthlessness and over and above expectations play vital role in our lives, seizing our inner peace and joy. Self-dejection too stops us from walking on the righteous path. Self-healing is all about having the right shift at the r...

CHF 17.50

Water Resources of Chile

Gironás, Jorge / Fernández, Bonifacio
Water Resources of Chile
Chile is a privileged country in terms of water resources, with an average annual runoff of approximately 50, 000 m3/person. However, water availability varies enormously in space, as less than 1, 000 m3/person are available for more than 50% of the population. The temporal and spatial distribution of water resources is driven by processes highly variables across a country with different climates explained not only by a large range of latitude...

CHF 157.00

StreetDance - Paris

Chollat, Ladislas / Morio, Joris / English, Jane / Amar, Dimitri / Trouillet, Romain / Breton, Pascal / Poucques, Serge De / Debeurme, Henri / Goldberg, Sylvain / Hayat, Serge / Iland, Cédric / Khamlichi, Nadia / Politowski, Adrian / Rocher, Raphaël / Lozano, Philip / Bensetti, Rayane / Giordano, Alexia / Tonquédec, Guillaume de / Kerkouche, Mehdi / Zaibat, Brahim / Renaud, Line / Campanella, Fiorella / Marchand, Mwen / Defretin, Laura
StreetDance - Paris
Joseph, ein leidenschaftlicher Hip-Hop-Tänzer, weigert sich das Geschäft seines Vaters zu übernehmen, um stattdessen sein Glück in Paris zu finden. Zusammen mit seinen besten Freunden Emma und Karim schließt er sich der Pariser Breakdance Crew von Youri an, um an einem internationalen Hip-Hop-Wettbewerb teilzunehmen. Aber am Tag der Auswahl läuft nichts wie geplant: Joseph wird von Emma und Youri verraten und die Gruppe löst sich auf. Doch dan...

CHF 17.90

Paolo e la Fabbrica di Pasta

Buscemi, Marco
Paolo e la Fabbrica di Pasta
Succede qualcosa di strano all'interno della vecchia fabbrica di O'Malley! C'è un nuovo proprietario in città, e si dice che sia il più grande pastaio del mondo. Ma la sua fabbrica non è aperta al pubblico, potranno entrare solo cinque fortunati bambini, possessori di un misterioso biglietto d'argento nascosto in una confezione di spaghetti. Chi sono questi bambini? Giada Girasole, una piccola monella che una volta ha vinto un concorso di bell...

CHF 16.50

Faire votre forêt comestible

Ma ferme autonome
Faire votre forêt comestible
Les forêts comestibles sont des biotopes qui produisent de la nourriture et qui ont la particularité de ne demander aucun entretien. On les met en place en modifiant l'écosystème pour que les végétaux producteurs de nourriture qui nous intéressent poussent à l'état sauvage, sans que l'on ait d'effort à fournir pour l'entretenir.Dans une forêt on n'a pas besoin d'arroser, de désherber, de pailler, de semer, de rempoter, de mettre de l'engrais, ...

CHF 33.90

Life Behind My Journey

Tate, LuKesha / Young, Katherine
Life Behind My Journey
Sharing her story of life compelling toxic soul ties with trying to see the good in having a relationship with men. Not paying attention to the signs, when people show you who they are, but we convince ourselves that they will change. Yet, we look past the signs and try to see the good in those people. Breaking those soul ties, aren't easy, rather starting to build a closer relationship with GOD, in choosing a time to pray, heal your spirit an...

CHF 38.50

The God Who's Glad To See You: Practical keys to revoluti...

Morton, Peter
The God Who's Glad To See You: Practical keys to revolutionise your devotional life
God made us for relationship with Him! Regular devotional times are a vital key to our spiritual growth, yet there are many common struggles we can face as we try to make devotionals a consistent part of our life: Procrastination can prevent us from startingDistractions can fight for our attentionFrustration and boredom can undermine our enthusiasmComparing our struggles with other's 'show-reels' can make us feel like we're failingIn this book...

CHF 23.50

Phantom Gunslinger

Jones, Eddie
Phantom Gunslinger
A mystery . . . A phantom . . . A killer on the loose. In Deadwood, you may lose your life. In Old West World you could lose your soul.Someone is coming for Nick -- and maybe his sister and all who ever helped him solve a "monster" murder. Who is this phantom gunslinger and why does he want Nick to leave Old West World in a pine box? In the fifth book in the series Nick finds that loose ends from past cases may leave him tied to a train trestl...

CHF 25.50

Divinely Uninspired to a Hellish Extent: Finale

Capaldi, Lewis
Divinely Uninspired to a Hellish Extent: Finale
Lewis Capaldis von der Kritik gefeierte Debütalbum "Divinely Uninspired To A Hellish Extent" findet als Doppel-CD sein Finale, darunter die Extended Edition mit der #1-Single "Before You Go" und dem Smash-Hit "Someone You Loved", der weltweit über 1 Milliarde Mal gestreamt wurde und in 18 Ländern Platin erreichte, sowie 12 weitere Tracks live aus Wembley.

CHF 20.90

Wie Man Drachen Zeichnet - Band 2 (Dieses Buch Über Das Z...

Manning, James
Wie Man Drachen Zeichnet - Band 2 (Dieses Buch Über Das Zeichnen Von Drachen Zeigt, Wie Man Niedliche Drachen, Drachenflügel, Drachenhörner Und Mehr Zeichnet)
Dieses Buch Über Das Zeichnen Von Drachen Zeigt, Wie Man Niedliche Drachen, Drachenflügel, Drachenhörner Und Mehr Zeichnet. Suchen Sie nach einer lustigen und mental ansprechenden Möglichkeit, Ihrem Kind bei der Entwicklung und Feinabstimmung seiner Zeichenfähigkeiten zu helfen?Benötigen Sie eine einfache, aber dennoch aufregende Möglichkeit, Ihrem Kind die Grundlagen des Malens beizubringen?Ich möchte ein Zeichenpaket finden, das Kinder liebe...

CHF 16.90

Mitarbeiter zu Fans machen

Brink, Christian
Mitarbeiter zu Fans machen
Der größte Erfolgsfaktor für gesunde Unternehmen sind die Mitarbeiter! Ganz gleich welche Branche. Die Mitarbeiter sind das entscheidende Zünglein an der Waage. Christian Brink beschreibt seine Sicht auf die moderne Mitarbeiterführung. Dabei ist sein Motto: "Geht nicht, gibt's nicht." Er musste in seinem Leben seinen Mann stehen, wurde bereits als kleiner Junge aufgrund seiner Diabetes-Erkrankung ständig mit Aussagen konfrontiert wie "Das scha...

CHF 27.90

My Daily Gratitude Journal

Blank Classic
My Daily Gratitude Journal
My Daily Gratitude Journal is an inspirational guide to creating a positive approach to the pursuit of happiness. The act of writing down three simple things each day, over a period of 52 weeks, establishes a state of mindfulness that supports and reinforces the Law of Attraction. Writing down three simple gratitudes every morning can help ensure that each day starts with positivity, and it can help to attract positivity from others. Concentra...

CHF 15.50