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Einfluss von Retailer Brands auf das Image von Private La...

Abraham, Eike Jonas
Einfluss von Retailer Brands auf das Image von Private Label Brands
Eike Jonas Abraham untersucht die Markenarchitektur von Private Label Fashion Brands. Im Detail wird der Frage nachgegangen, ob eine Private Label Fashion Brand vorzugsweise mit oder ohne Bezug zum übergeordneten Händler erscheinen soll. Durch eine breit angelegte empirische Studie beantwortet der Autor diese Frage und berücksichtigt dabei zum einen Private Label Fashion Brands verschiedener Preisniveaus und zum anderen unterschiedliche Händle...

CHF 71.00

Research Schools on Number Theory in India

Mukherji, Purabi
Research Schools on Number Theory in India
This book is an attempt to describe the gradual development of the major schools of research on number theory in South India, Punjab, Mumbai, Bengal, and Bihar-including the establishment of Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai, a landmark event in the history of research of number theory in India. Research on number theory in India during modern times started with the advent of the iconic genius Srinivasa Ramanujan, inspiring...

CHF 49.50

Samenspende und Register

Köppen, Saskia
Samenspende und Register
Dieses Buch analysiert die Rechtslage im Hinblick auf die heterologe Insemination in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. Den Schwerpunkt bildet dabei die Untersuchung des im Jahre 2018 in Deutschland in Kraft getretenen Samenspenderregistergesetzes.In einem ersten Teil wird der Leser in die Grundlagen der Reproduktionsmedizin eingeführt, wobei auch die bislang noch offene Frage der Zulässigkeit der heterologen Insemination mit Sperma bere...

CHF 102.00

Like, Comment, Share, Buy

Creek, Jonathan
Like, Comment, Share, Buy
What makes a video go viral? Is it the star power? Is it the production values? Or is it something else entirely? Like, Comment, Share, Buy reveals the proven strategies for creating powerful marketing videos for social media--videos that will grab your customers' attention and call them to take action, whether it be to share or buy your product. Making a video go viral isn't some dark art that costs a bomb, but it does take careful thought an...

CHF 25.90

Moral Man and Immoral Society

Niebuhr, Reinhold
Moral Man and Immoral Society
One of the theological classics of the twentieth century, Niebuhr's Moral Man and Immoral Society argues that using moral persuasion and shaming to affect the behavior of such collectives as corporations and nation states is fruitless, as these groups will inevitably seek to promote only their self-interest. He calls for a realistic assessment of group behavior and enumerates how individual morality can mitigate social immorality. This edition...

CHF 56.50


Yawo, Hiromu / Kandori, Hideki / Koizumi, Amane / Kageyama, Ryoichiro
This book, now in a thoroughly revised second edition, offers a comprehensive review of the rapidly growing field of optogenetics, in which light-sensing proteins are genetically engineered into cells in order to acquire information on cellular physiology in optical form or to enable control of specific network in the brain upon activation by light. Light-sensing proteins of various living organisms are now available to be exogenously expresse...

CHF 286.00

Die aufgegangene Saat

Kecke, Andreas
Die aufgegangene Saat
1892 entschied sich die Leipziger Mission, eine Expedition in die damalige Kolonie Deutsch-Ostafrika zu schicken und damit neben Südindien ein neues Missionsgebiet zu begründen. Die ersten Missionare schafften es innerhalb weniger Jahre, lebendige Gemeinden aufzubauen, die das Fundament der heutigen Evangelisch-Lutherischen Kirche in Tansania bilden. Wie war das möglich? Wer waren diese Männer? Was prägte ihre Arbeit?Den Autor, Pfarrer Andreas...

CHF 23.90

Change and Execute

Phillips, Kevin E
Change and Execute
The business environment is changing at a faster rate than ever, with transformational shifts taking place in every industry and market in the world. These changes create increased risks for companies that remain complacent.

CHF 45.90

Christian Zionism in Africa

Holder Rich, Cynthia
Christian Zionism in Africa
Christian Zionism-a movement based on the belief that support of Israel, and Israeli ownership of and residence in Jerusalem, is a prerequisite for Christ's return-has been a significant substratum within theologies and ecclesiologies of many churches in the US and Europe for centuries. Since the 1970s, US-based Christian Zionism organizations, encouraged by and collaborating with the Israeli government, have used a significant amount of resou...

CHF 163.00

A Day in the Woods

Brian Walsh
A Day in the Woods
Twenty-something Brian arrives in Frankfurt, Germany, in March of 1976, ready for adventure. The native South African decided years before that he wanted to explore the world, emulating the characters in James Michener's novel, The Drifters. Tales of adventure shared by his friends served as further inspiration, so after a year of saving cash, he reaches Europe.Since this is Brian's first time away from home, his travel technique is naïve at b...

CHF 28.50

Testen im Dialogmarketing

Lorscheid, Peter
Testen im Dialogmarketing
Dieses Buch zeigt, wie man Tests im Dialogmarketing durchführt, um den Erfolg einer Werbekampagne zu messen. Tests im Dialogmarketing sind ein Schlüssel zur Optimierung der Kommunikation - doch in der Praxis scheitern Tests häufig. Je nach Zielsetzung sind bei den Tests andere Kenngrößen als Testgrößen relevant. Der Autor erläutert, wie man von einer vagen Hypothese zum konkreten Test im Dialogmarketing kommt, den zur KPI passenden Test findet...

CHF 49.90

Grenzwerte oder infinitesimale Zahlen?

Kuhlemann, Karl / Bedürftig, Thomas
Grenzwerte oder infinitesimale Zahlen?
In diesem Buch wird der Weg von den infinitesimalen Größen bei Leibniz über die Grenzwerte zu den infinitesimalen Zahlen der Nichtstandardanalysis skizziert. Die begrifflichen Probleme der Grenzwerte werden diskutiert und der Einstieg in die Analysis mit infinitesimalen und infiniten Zahlen vorgestellt. Ein Vergleich mit dem Grenzwerteinstieg zeigt die Möglichkeiten der infinitesimalen Zahlen. Der Grenzwertformalismus entfällt. Der Einstieg in...

CHF 21.50

Reproduction of Inequality and Social Exclusion

Pyakurel, Uddhab
Reproduction of Inequality and Social Exclusion
This book is a detailed account of how hierarchy has been maintained historically by the Nepali state, affirming the uniqueness of a caste-based hierarchical order by bringing outsiders, especially ethnic groups and religious minorities, into the caste fold. Focusing on the contemporary state of Dalits, the community that was/is put at the bottom of a very hierarchical social order in Nepal, the author argues that the traditional caste-based s...

CHF 134.00

General Principles of Thai Criminal Law

Stasi, Alessandro
General Principles of Thai Criminal Law
This book is centered around the major issues relating to criminal law in Thailand and aims to offer a detailed and systematic overview of the Thai criminal justice system. It is designed as a traditional textbook of criminal law which provides a succinct focused coverage of all the relevant aspects of laws, judgments, and legal reforms in a concise and readable form. Although all topics have been previously treated in the Thai language, this ...

CHF 89.00

Social Science Student's Guide to Surviving your PhD: Ins...

Iornem, Kohol
Social Science Student's Guide to Surviving your PhD: Insights from a Former Doctoral Student
This book provides an informal guide to applying for and studying on a PhD course. It is particularly useful to international students who have a limited understanding of the United Kingdom's application process and demands of research degrees in the UK or other Anglophile countries. The author shares his experience alongside the stories of other PhD students and highlights some of the frustrating but surmountable dilemmas students face. The b...

CHF 28.90

The Last Ghetto

Hájková, Anna
The Last Ghetto
The Last Ghetto is a social and cultural history of Terezín, or Theresienstadt, a transit ghetto for Central and Western European Jews prior to their deportation for murder in the East. It offers the first analytical case study of a Holocaust victim society that explains human behavior in extremis, and demonstrates how prisoners created new social hierarchies, reshaped their conceptions of family, and developed new loyalties. Based on extensiv...

CHF 50.50

The Right to Rule

De Santis, Hugh
The Right to Rule
In The Right to Rule, Hugh De Santis argues that while American exceptionalism has underpinned the nation's foreign policy since its inception, it has become an anachronism. In the emerging multipolar world order, America will be one of several powers that determine the structure and rules of international politics rather than its sole arbiter.

CHF 175.00