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1574 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 60.

Minds of Madness

Minds of Madness
This book is a journey into the madness of the human mind and the innate and evolutionary factors that have created the most aggressive and violent species ever to walk the earth. The true selfish nature of humans has allowed them to become susceptible to jealousy, greed, violence, aggression, and victims of those who are naturally born to hunt and prey on the weak and vulnerable. There is madness found in all humans and when unleashed can mot...

CHF 20.90

Student Economic Learning

Lok, John
Student Economic Learning
Our social economic development whether it can develop in success, it depends on many factors. They may include: employment rate increasing factor or raising productivities factor, high consumption factor, traveler leisure need factor. However, I believe that educational industry will be the main factor to influence any countries can have long time economic development in success. So, our education system needs to be reform in order to let stu...

CHF 41.90

Factors Influence Human Continue Development

Lok, John
Factors Influence Human Continue Development
Nowadays, our societies are changing, any developed countries must need to continue to improve in order to avoid technology recession. In my this book, I shall explain why Japan will need to improve technology development , America will need to improve culture, England will need to improve education and India will need to improve medical technology. I shall explain what reasons cause above these countries will need to improve as well as what ...

CHF 23.50

Introduction Facility Management Organizational Function

Lok, John
Introduction Facility Management Organizational Function
Whether do any organizations need facility management department? What function of benefits will bring when the organization sets up one facility management department? If the organization lacked one facility management department, what the disadvantage it will bring to influence the organization's operation? Does it has relationship between raising efficiency or improving performance and facility management department? I shall indicate some ...

CHF 17.50

Human Resource Development

Lok, John
Human Resource Development
This book explains why human resource strategy can bring organizational benefits. It will explain how reward strategy can bring what kinds of benefits to organizations. Reward management is nowadays considered as an important topic in order to achieve the goals of a company. Employees are considered as the main factor which plays an important role in the organisation. The success of each and every organisation is its dedicated employee's .Curr...

CHF 21.90

Hermeneutical Women of Mahasweta Devi and Ambai

Suganya, John
Hermeneutical Women of Mahasweta Devi and Ambai
The study of Mahasweta Devi and Ambai has kindled the interest in Myth, especially to pen this book. The manuscript has focused more on the similarities and dissimilarities amongst the world renowned writers. The very age in which these two writers lived had been categorized as golden age. The eminence character of women is predominantly owing to their works which are appropriate not only for a particular age but also for all ages. The book h...

CHF 23.50

Learning Exciting Tourism Leisure Methods

Lok, John
Learning Exciting Tourism Leisure Methods
In first part, I shall apply psychology methods to attempt to predict space tourism planner individual space tourism desire in whole future space tourism leisure market development. This part researchs three questions: What factors will raise space tourism leisure desire to space travelling planners? How will raise cruise or destination tourism leisure desire and their travel desire will not be reduced by space tourism choice influence? How t...

CHF 21.90

Scientific Facts & The Holy Qur'an

Bilal, Mohd
Scientific Facts & The Holy Qur'an
This book is about the Scientific Facts which are mentioned in the Holy Qur'an, but which have been discovered recently or in the recent past by Scientists. By this, I want to make the readers understand that the Holy Qur'an is a Divine Book & not a Book from some Human Source.

CHF 17.50

How Applying Robots To Improve Consumer Behavior

Lok, John
How Applying Robots To Improve Consumer Behavior
This book aims to explain why and how future artificial intelligent technology ( big data gathering method) can be applied to assit businesses to predict why and when and how consumer behavior changes. I shall explain why traditional psychological and statistic and marketing methods are applied to predict consumer behaviors, human's judgement and analytical effort will be worse to compare AI machine's judgement and analytical effort. Also, I s...

CHF 24.50

Let's Explore Delhi

Dua, Amit
Let's Explore Delhi
Are you travelling to Delhi but don't know what to do or places to visit? Are you afraid that you will not get the most of your travels to Delhi? This book will guide you to the top places to visit in Delhi. Delhi is a big place and the last thing you want to do is waste your time going from one place to another aimlessly. So why not get this book and check out the top places to explore. The book contains a description of each of the places an...

CHF 16.90

Artificial Intelligent Mathematics Technology

Lok, John
Artificial Intelligent Mathematics Technology
Management accounting is one kind of mental accounting science, instead of basic budget evaluation, cost measurement, management and control accounting function. Many behavioral economists had begun to believe that management accounting can bring mental accounting benefits to help any managers to make accurate or reasonable decisions to implement and any business strategies to bring long term benefit. Can AI be applied to management accounting...

CHF 15.90

Transitions of womanhood & cervical cancer preventive car...

Rathod, Pratiksha
Transitions of womanhood & cervical cancer preventive care through Ayurveda
Ayurveda offers a lot more than just sex education. Prevention of cervical cancers through various codes of conduct mentioned in Ayurveda, a traditional system of medicine, is the critical solution for the leading cause of death, carcinoma cervix, in developing and developed nations. This book is a small effort toward bringing the various protocols advocated in Ayurveda to be followed during the transitions in women like menstruation, pregnan...

CHF 16.90

Archäologische Wanderungen im Münchner Umland

Bernstein, Isabel / Bernstein, Martin
Archäologische Wanderungen im Münchner Umland
Auf verwunschenen Pfaden zu geheimnisvollen Orten: Ob Römerstraßen, Kultplätze oder keltische Burgen - überall in Oberbayern gibt es Spuren jahrtausendealter Geschichte. Sie zu entdecken ist besonders für Kinder ein Erlebnis. Dieser archäologische Wanderführer bietet 16 Ausflüge in die ferne Vergangenheit, die manchmal ganz nahe vor der Haustür liegt. Spannende Episoden berichten, wo und wie Neandertaler, Druiden und Legionäre lebten, beteten ...

CHF 25.50

Spannende Wanderungen im Münchner Umland

Setzwein, Erich C.
Spannende Wanderungen im Münchner Umland
Die bezaubernden Landstriche zwischen Isar, Loisach, Ammer, Amper und Lech locken mit besonderen Tourenzielen - von den Keltenschanzen beim Jexhof über Deutschlands größten Eibenwald bis zur Schaukäserei in Ettal. Alles, was diese Gegend so faszinierend macht und welche Geschichten damit verbunden sind, das können große und kleine Wanderer auf zwölf familiengerechten Touren erleben. Mit 200 Fotos und vielen Informationen macht schon die Planun...

CHF 25.50

Bergwandern hält fit

Appel, Dieter
Bergwandern hält fit
Probier's mal mit Gemütlichkeit: Die Freude am Bergwandern braucht keinen Leistungsdruck. Was gibt es Schöneres, als genüsslich auf einen Berg zu steigen, sich am Gipfel in die Sonne zu setzen und am Rückweg noch in einer Hütte einzukehren? Rund zwei Dutzend Wanderungen führen auf Berge, in eine Klamm und auf die längste Fußgänger-Hängebrücke der Welt: von ganz leicht bis sportlich und immer besonders erlebnisreich. Aktuelle Infos zu Bergbahne...

CHF 25.50

Gesetze des Freistaates Bayern 143. Ergänzungslieferung

Gesetze des Freistaates Bayern 143. Ergänzungslieferung
Zur ErgänzungslieferungDie 143. Ergänzungslieferung bringt das Werk auf den Stand vom 15. Juni 2022. Berücksichtigt werden u.a. die durch das Gesetz zur Änderung des Bayerischen Mediengesetzes und weiterer Rechtsvorschriften vom 24.3.2022 eingetretenen Änderungen des Bayerischen Mediengesetzes (Nr. 510). ZielgruppeFür Richterschaft, Rechtsanwaltschaft, Verwaltung, Studierende, Referendarinnen und Referendare.

CHF 22.50