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2367 Ergebnisse - Zeige 61 von 80.

A Woman's Guide to Business Domination

Gibbins, Annie
A Woman's Guide to Business Domination
When women come together, they thrive. When women write together, they empower. When women unite together, they change the global landscape for the better. Get ready to learn from eighteen phenomenal business leaders who have come together to share their business domination stories for your benefi t. This purpose-driven anthology is led by The Women's Biz Tribe founder Annie Gibbins who leads the way when it comes to taking actionable steps to...

CHF 35.50


Meighörner, Jeannine
DIE PACKENDE UND BEEINDRUCKENDE GESCHICHTE EINER STARKEN FRAU! Anna Hofer (1765-1836) ist im Schlagschatten der Denkmäler ihres Mannes Andreas Hofer in Vergessenheit geraten. Vielleicht auch deshalb, weil die Frau und Schicksalsgefährtin des Freiheitskämpfers etwas gewagt hatte, was einer Frau nicht zustand: Selbstbehauptung. Auf erschütternde Weise zeigt ihr Leben, was es bedeutet, wenn Krieg über eine Familie hereinbricht. Wenn all das zer...

CHF 27.90

Different Lawyers

Luijtgaarden, Eric van de
Different Lawyers
This text was presented as an inaugural speech by Eric van de Luijtgaarden at Maastricht University on 22nd September, 2022. This is a bilingual publication. The Dutch title is Andere juristen and the text can be read in Dutch at the back of the book when turned upside-down.

CHF 73.00

Horse Punk

Lee, Linda Jisun
Horse Punk
Lovers of horse stories will be particularly enamored with this one, but the interplay between Rose and her friends is likely to give the novel wider appeal. An immersive fictional exploration of teen identity, Southern Californian music culture, and the power of human-animal connection." - Kirkus Reviews True love for animals never dies... After discovering a cryptic family secret, Korean American high schooler Rose Moon escapes to where he...

CHF 22.90

Winding Road Dreams

Santerre, Jeff
Winding Road Dreams
Jess is living a normal life when she gets devastating news. She is diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer, and now she must fight for her life. Will her journey be the last? Or will it be the beginning of a new "existence". Whatever the case, she is determined to fight this demon to the death!

CHF 12.90

Pursuing Pretenses

Getchell, Madison
Pursuing Pretenses
Kylie Nichols and her father are police officers in Portland, Maine, and when her father is killed on duty, she becomes a part of the investigation to find the killer. But when it's found to be connected to a very powerful, yet elusive, crime boss who goes by the name of Odin, the investigation is put into the hands of the Boston Division FBI. Unwilling to let it go, Kylie requests to continue to be a part of their investigation, but in orde...

CHF 23.90


Alfred, Weinert
Professor Paul Berenz und sein Kollege Frank Mischke werden zu einem Zufallsfund gerufen. Schon bald erweist sich der Inhalt einer bernsteinummantelten Röhre als äußerst brisant, denn sie enthält Jahrtausende alte Dokumente, die die Geheimdienste mehrerer Länder auf den Plan rufen. Doch ein uralter Geheimbund, der dem Vatikan unterstellt ist, versucht das Mysterium zu bewahren. Es kommt zum Showdown zwischen den Geheimdiensten. Tauche in d...

CHF 26.50

Raised by Wolves, The Complete Series

Morales, Casey / Slattery, Carlie
Raised by Wolves, The Complete Series
I didn't run when he kissed me. Why didn't I run? I thought we were just two friends going to see a movie. He thought it was a date. When he picked the movie Threesome, I thought it was odd. Then his arm pressed against mine. When he kissed me, I thought my heart might burst. What followed was a hilariously authentic beginning to a lifetime of love and laughter. In Raised by Wolves, you'll walk with Michael as he discovers who he is,...

CHF 39.90

THE GUERRILLA AND THE JOURNALIST - Exploring the Murderou...

Fred, Bridgland
THE GUERRILLA AND THE JOURNALIST - Exploring the Murderous Legacy of Jonas Savimbi
For many years, UNITA leader Jonas Savimbi was known for his charisma, charm and brio: he convinced millions of his fellow countrymen and also international statesmen that he was Angola's and the West's best hope for democratic rule. More than 30 years after writing a sympathetic biography of Savimbi, Fred Bridgland sets the record straight. Based on new evidence that has come to light, he reveals the rebel leader's murderous legacy. In the...

CHF 26.90

Top Gunner 2 - Danger Zone

Gottlieb, Marc / Leal, Ramiro / Broderick, Michael / Daidone, Gina / Herrald, Alex / Ii, Edwin Modlin / Newman, David Thomas / Pearson, Jack / Richardson, Torrey / Telfer, Anna
Top Gunner 2 - Danger Zone
Sie sind die Besten der Besten, die TOP GUNNER, die F/A-18 Hornet-Kampfjet-Piloten der US-Air Force. Doch als sie gerufen werden um eine Linienmaschine auf dem Weg von New York nach Santa Domingo zu eskortieren, geraten sie an ihre Belastungsgrenze. Denn an Bord von Flug 2191 befinden sich mehrere Bomben, die sofort explodieren, sollte das Flugzeug unterhalb von 400 Meter sinken. Air Marshal Tony Wilkes (Michael Paré) versucht mit Hilfe der Ch...

CHF 16.50