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1432 Ergebnisse - Zeige 61 von 80.

CRICKET SUICIDES The deaths that should never have happened

Elwood-Stokes, Caroline
CRICKET SUICIDES The deaths that should never have happened
Cricketers are human beings just like ordinary people. If they don't perform well, it is not right to hurl abuses at them. In today's world, hurling abuses or cursing cricketers is common. At times, some people go beyond any extent to drag cricketers' families by cursing them. Recently, Ben Stokes shared about a fans' abuse of his family. Some cricketers faced racist remarks as well. With the advent of social media, fans are misusing the pla...

CHF 40.90

Find Your Purpose in 15 Minutes Workbook

Schooler, Julie
Find Your Purpose in 15 Minutes Workbook
This WORKBOOK is a complete and unabridged version of the best-selling book, Find Your Purpose in 15 Minutes, with workbook additions. Throughout the workbook, there are sections with questions, prompts and plenty of blank lines. Ultimately, Find Your Purpose in 15 Minutes WORKBOOK will guide you to write your life's purpose within its pages. · Do you feel like your life is going nowhere? · Do you struggle to get out of bed each morning? · ...

CHF 24.90

Das bezaubernde Blumen-Malbuch mit Poesie

Das bezaubernde Blumen-Malbuch mit Poesie
Das farbige Ausmalen der wunderschönen Blumenbilder ist eine kontemplative Beschäftigung: Es beruhigt die Nerven, entspannt den Geist und bringt viel Freude. Gönnen Sie sich eine kleine Auszeit vom Alltag und verwandeln Sie die Schwarz-Weiß-Vorlagen in ein buntes Blumenmeer! Viele der 64 perforierten Seiten zum Heraustrennen sind zusätzlich mit passenden Zitaten versehen.

CHF 9.50

The War of Art

Pressfield, Steven
The War of Art
A succinct, engaging, and practical guide for succeeding in any creative sphere, The War of Art is nothing less than Sun-Tzu for the soul. What keeps so many of us from doing what we long to do? Why is there a naysayer within? How can we avoid the roadblocks of any creative endeavor-be it starting up a dream business venture, writing a novel, or painting a masterpiece? Bestselling novelist Steven Pressfield identifies the enemy that every one ...

CHF 39.50

No More Mr Nice Guy

Glover, Robert A.
No More Mr Nice Guy
Originally published as an e-book that became a controversial media phenomenon, No More Mr. Nice Guy! landed its author, a certified marriage and family therapist, on The O'Reilly Factor and the Rush Limbaugh radio show. Dr. Robert Glover has dubbed the "Nice Guy Syndrome" trying too hard to please others while neglecting one's own needs, thus causing unhappiness and resentfulness. It's no wonder that unfulfilled Nice Guys lash out in frustrat...

CHF 44.90

Return To New London

Marcus, H. H.
Return To New London
Franz Fichte renowned explorer, world traveler and adventurer returns in his fifth exciting tale. Franz returns home after his harrowing vacation and soon the call to return to New London becomes his destiny. His nemesis and the cult that supports him are plotting against him and the entire world. As time runs out he finds himself in the midst of an occult conspiracy.

CHF 17.50

Fontenay Coup-d'épée - Tome I

Du Boisgobey, Fortuné
Fontenay Coup-d'épée - Tome I
Roman historique qui se situe principalement en 1808 en Espagne. Paul Fontenay est envoyé en Espagne afin de gagner des grades dans le régiment du colonel Suchet. L¿impératrice Joséphine a promis de lui accorder la main de sa lectrice Marguerite de Gavre à son retour. Celleci a un oncle en Espagne qui lui a dérobé une cassette contenant sa fortune. Lors de son séjour en Espagne, Paul Fontenay retrouveratil la trace de cet homme, la cassette vo...

CHF 27.90

Beyond Sound

Mardon, Austin / Neku, Ayushma / Wasim, Laiyba
Beyond Sound
Beyond Sound is a collection of writings surrounding the science and benefits surrounding music. It goes beyond music theory and into subjects of neurology, therapy, and kinetics. An exploration into the other benefits of music promotes the curiosity and capabilities of the beautiful art form that has been otherwise familiar to human beings. There is focus on performance, piano, violin and many other elements of music.

CHF 36.90

Cook Me

Parish, Sam
Cook Me
This is a cookbook with the freedom to choose! 30 dishes cooked 3 ways giving you 90 uncomplicated recipes with maximum of flavour and minimum of fuss. For each dish Sam has 3 versions: 1. Slap it together: These are Sam's 'hack-style' recipes that are even more minimum fuss than usual. This one's all about putting convenience and flavour first and getting you a result with the smallest effort required. 2. Go to: These are Sam's ride-or-die, t...

CHF 43.50

Historical Sketch And Roster Of The South Carolina 1st In...

Rigdon, John
Historical Sketch And Roster Of The South Carolina 1st Infantry Regiment (Butler's)
The 1st Regiment, South Carolina Infantry was also known as Butler's 1st Regiment, South Carolina Infantry, 1st South Carolina Infantry Regulars, 1st Regulars or Enlisted Men and several variations of those names. This regiment first served in the Army of the State of South Carolina with ten companies but it was accepted into the service of the Confederate States in May, 1861, with only eight companies, A to H. Companies I and K were added ear...

CHF 87.00

The Perfect Bundle For Raising an Explosive Child

Harvey, Kenneth
The Perfect Bundle For Raising an Explosive Child
ADHD doesn't have to be a burden - make the best of it and control your child's sudden outbursts. Do you suspect that ADHD is behind your child's Impulsiveness and hyperactivity? Do you want to help your child control their ADHD symptoms, but you don't know where to get the information you need? Are you frustrated by ADHD-related resources that just go into the science of ADHD without giving any actionable advice? What you need are practical s...

CHF 35.90

Commentary on the Book of Isaiah

Pratte, David
Commentary on the Book of Isaiah
Bible study notes and commentary on the Old Testament book of Isaiah. Emphasizes understanding the text with practical applications. Intended to be helpful to all Christians, including teachers and preachers, while avoiding an emphasis on technical issues. Written from the conservative viewpoint of faith in the Bible as the absolute, inerrant, verbally inspired word of God. Comments include discussion of these topics: * Predictions of the Me...

CHF 62.00

Heart Impulses

Castro, Mónica de / Leonel, By the Spirit / Palma, Claudia del Pilar Mendoza
Heart Impulses
The central essence of the work is the approach to issues related to social and existential problems. It presents, through short chapters a unique opportunity to reflect on the behavior of a person as a social and spiritual being. As a child, Augustus abruptly separates from his best friend and his parents force him to become a priest. What at first had been seen as an obligation, over time was exercised with love and dedication. But her life ...

CHF 52.50

Gospel Pictures From Mt. Moriah

Shepard, Gary
Gospel Pictures From Mt. Moriah
The things written and published in this book were not meant to be a book at all. They are sermons preached from the pulpit, recorded and transcribed. These sermons I preached to the church I pastor over a period of weeks meant for the instruction and comfort of that congregation. Hoping to benefit them further and to possibly benefit others with the good news of the gospel of Christ crucified, I have printed and published them. Furthermor...

CHF 19.50

Der "Erinnerungsimperativ" und dessen Folgen im Kontext g...

Gerst, Johannes Michael
Der "Erinnerungsimperativ" und dessen Folgen im Kontext gesellschaftlichen Wandels
Die Untersuchung der Einstellungen von Schülerinnen und Schülern zur geschichtskulturellen Auseinandersetzung mit dem Holocaust ist ein Thema, das weit über den engeren Bereich der Geschichtsdidaktik hinaus von großer gesellschaftlicher Bedeutung ist und das zugleich ein Forschungsdesiderat darstellt. Wie reagieren Jugendliche auf Forderungen nach einem "Schlussstrich"? Und wie gehen sie mit den Herausforderungen des Gedenkens im 21. Jahrhund...

CHF 40.50

Geld in modernen Sozialenzykliken

Karas, Piotr
Geld in modernen Sozialenzykliken
Geld regiert die Welt." Dieses häufig gebrauchte geflügelte Wort weist auf die Bedeutung des Geldes für Wirtschaft, Politik oder Gesellschaft hin. Wie stellt sich dieser Satz in ethischer Perspektive dar? Anhand der modernen Sozialenzykliken der Päpste werden die Funktionen des Geldes in der modernen Gesellschaft kritisch beleuchtet. Dabei geht es den Päpsten weniger um Geldtheorien oder um abstrakte Betrachtungen des Geldes als vielmehr um de...

CHF 40.50

Schule und Religionsunterricht jenseits der Komfortzone

Glunz, Volker
Schule und Religionsunterricht jenseits der Komfortzone
Dieses Buch enthält 26 Geschichten aus Schule, Religionsunterricht und Katechese, die zum Nachdenken anregen. Sie erzählen von den besonderen Momenten eines oft übersehenen (religions-)pädagogischen Alltags: nüchtern, beobachtend, nicht wertend und ohne zu glätten. Durch den narrativen Zugang wird eine religiöse Bildungsrealität erkennbar, zu denen empirische Studien häufig keinen Zugang bekommen. Es ist ein Buch für jene, die vielfältige Ei...

CHF 40.50