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2723 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 60.

Change of Season [Standard Large Print]

Jacobs, Anna
Change of Season [Standard Large Print]
Rosalind's husband forces her to move from Australia to England because of his job with a multi-national company. But he's called away to deal with a crisis in Hong Kong and she's left to settle into a new country on her own. One by one, her three grown-up children need help with major life problems and there's only her to help them, because as usual, Paul puts his job first. Then she finds out that her husband's been unfaithful for years, and...

CHF 57.50

Peppercorn Street [Standard Large Print]

Jacobs, Anna
Peppercorn Street [Standard Large Print]
Three women find new hope in Peppercorn Street, a small village in a beautiful corner of Wiltshire with a mixture of homes and people. Janey is 18 and living in a small flat with her baby daughter. Just as her new life starts to show promise, her past catches up with her. Nicole is renting one of the new luxury flats. She's just walked away from her husband and teenage sons, tired of being treated as a servant, suspecting her husband of having...

CHF 57.50

A Place of Hope [Standard Large Print]

Jacobs, Anna
A Place of Hope [Standard Large Print]
A devastating accident is only the start of Emily Mattison's troubles... When Emily Mattison falls victim to a near-fatal accident shortly after receiving an unexpected inheritance from a distant cousin, her ruthless nephew George seizes the opportunity to take control of his aunt's assets. It's only when Emily reaches The Drover's Hope, the former pub on the edge of the Lancashire moors bequeathed to her by her late cousin Penelope that she b...

CHF 48.90

Books in Print Supplement - 3 Volume Set, 2022/23

Rr Bowker
Books in Print Supplement - 3 Volume Set, 2022/23
This essential mid-year supplement to Books In Print, provides the latest book publishing updates for the past six months. This resource is crucial in ensuring that libraries and bookstores have access to the most accurate information throughout the year.

CHF 1746.00

To Be Free

Sadri, Mojy
To Be Free
Join Blue and his friends as they embark on a dangerous journey to make their way to their true home. To Be Free follows the tale of a brave little fish called Blue and how all creatures deserve to be free. This is a book of beautiful words and pictures to light up any story time.

CHF 29.50

Discovering Vegan France

Georgiev, Rami
Discovering Vegan France
Discovering Vegan France: A Guide to the Best Plant-Based Eats and Tips for Ethical Travel" is an insightful and comprehensive guide for travelers who want to experience the best of France while maintaining a vegan lifestyle. This ebook takes you on a culinary journey through the country, exploring the rich and diverse array of vegan offerings available, from haute cuisine to street food. You will learn about the history of veganism in France ...

CHF 23.90


Seidel, Robert / Pennewitz, Ulrike
Katalog zur Ausstellung im Kunstverein "Freunde Aktueller Kunst e.V.", Zwickau vom 16. September bis 15. Dezember 2022. Mit einem Vorwort von Klaus Fischer und einem Interview von Ulrike Pennewitz. Robert Seidels Katalog "Yellowcake" ist ein überaus interessantes Beispiel für die aktuelle Diskussion über KI und Kunst. Denn in seinen opulenten Bildwelten greift der 1977 geborene Künstler visuelle Erzählstrukturen der Kunstgeschichte auf - wi...

CHF 37.90

I vecchi e i Giovani

Pirandello, Luigi
I vecchi e i Giovani
La pioggia, caduta a diluvio durante la notte, aveva reso impraticabile quel lungo stradone di campagna, tutto a volte e risvolte, quasi in cerca di men faticose erte e di pendii meno ripidi. Il guasto dell'intemperie appariva tanto più triste, in quanto, qua e là, già era evidente il disprezzo e quasi il dispetto della cura di chi aveva tracciato e costruito la via per facilitare il cammino tra le asperità di quei luoghi con gomiti e giravolt...

CHF 27.90

Life at ATS

Pearson, Audrey
Life at ATS
Life at ATS focuses on a teenage girl who is given the opportunity of new life, and what she chooses to do with her newfound freedom. Author Audrey Pearson wrote this book so that people could join in on the adventures that her characters go on.About the AuthorAside from loving to write fiction, Audrey Pearson enjoys reading, watching action movies, and sometimes coloring. She is interested in starting martial arts, and comes from a big family.

CHF 49.90

S.W.I.F.T. A War's Dawn

Liberty, Ryan R.
S.W.I.F.T. A War's Dawn
It is a time of armistice in the distant galaxy of Zaundos as Grand General Raymond Justice welcomes new recruits to the Republic of SWIFT's Amphibious Army Corps. Shortly after Raymond takes star recruit Kate Aloe under his wing, an attack from a mysterious new enemy prompts SWIFT to take up arms and return fire. Raymond faces an unexpected challenge as a familiar face appears among the enemy ranks. About the AuthorRyan R. Liberty is a young ...

CHF 41.90

Deceitful Reign

Burger, Kl / Burger, Sr.
Deceitful Reign
Katie has your average middle-class American life: a loving husband, three beautiful children, and wonderful friends. But when she's gifted an all-expenses-paid vacation to the home country of her ancestors, she and the rest of her family find themselves in the middle of a plot to overthrow the King of Spain, a murderous tyrant who has now set his sights on Katie. Through a series of strange occurrences, Katie not only discovers more about the...

CHF 43.90

La femme et le pantin

Louÿs, Pierre
La femme et le pantin
Une oeuvre concise, âpre et belle, dans la ligne de certaines nouvelles classiques (Mérimée, Maupassant). À Séville, un jeune Français, André Stévenol, rencontre une mystérieuse jeune femme, qui répond à ses avances, Concha. Il confie sa passion à un riche Sévillan du nom de Mateo Diaz, et celuici se met à lui raconter la liaison tumultueuse qu'il a eu avec la jeune femme, et combien il en a souffert...

CHF 20.90

Egon das Taschenmonster und seine Freunde! Erstlesebuch m...

Sander, Miriam
Egon das Taschenmonster und seine Freunde! Erstlesebuch mit monsterstarken Malbildern! 1.Auflage
Spielerisch und einfach Lesen lernen! Spannende und lustige Monstergeschichten für Erst- und Zweitklässler. Es gibt Geheimnisse, von denen kaum jemand etwas weiß. Wie auch, es ist ja ein Geheimnis, das keiner verrät! Doch jetzt will ich es dir sagen, weil ich denke, dass es an der Zeit ist, dir davon zu erzählen. Also pass gut auf und beobachte genau, ob du vielleicht doch schon mal etwas bemerkt hast und mehr weißt, als du denkst. Du hast ...

CHF 30.50

The Quest to Mountains of Avalontis

McBlain, K. T.
The Quest to Mountains of Avalontis
A children's novel which entails a spell bounding but dangerous quest to the mountains of avalontis to retrieve the precious stone that has protected Gyffards village for centuries. Along the way Gyffard and his loyal horse meet many mysterious and magical creatures who will either help him or try to challenge him. He will have to fight against the witches of nanvier and the giants of the north in order to bring back the stone to break the dar...

CHF 12.50

Ladies' Drinks

Ladies' Drinks
Von cremig-süß bis fruchtig-herb, mit oder ohne Alkohol - Ladies' Drinks sind so einzigartig wie die Frauen, die sie gerne trinken. Doch sie sind immer ein stilvoller Genuss! Mit zahlreichen Rezepten, ausgewählten Zitaten und interessanten Informationen rund um Cocktails und ihre Zubereitung wird aus einem Abend mit guten Freundinnen eine unvergessliche Ladies' Night.

CHF 14.50