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2147 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.


Peris Delcampo, David
¿Cuántos jóvenes futbolistas prometían mucho en sus primeros años y después "no llegaron a nada" y, además, recuerdan malas experiencias? ¿Cuántos otros, que parecía que no eran tan buenos, consiguieron logros inesperados y, además, tienen grandes recuerdos de sus primeros años como futbolistas? ¿Qué papel tienen los padres y las madres en el bienestar y el éxito deportivo de sus hijos en el fútbol? En este libro se presentan consejos práct...

CHF 36.90


Fabbri, Alejandro
La Copa Libertadores de América siempre fue el torneo más importante del continente, pero su brillo la ha convertido en la actualidad en una verdadera obsesión para todos los clubes del continente: los más grandes, para quienes su obtención es el objetivo principal de cada temporada, y para los demás, que sueñan con agregar prestigio a sus vitrinas, aunque solo sea en forma de participación. De aquella legendaria primera edición de 1960, de la...

CHF 41.90


Cochran, Douglas
This delightful book is a mashup of AI assisted images and nonsense poetry designed to entertain and provide a laugh. The author has other children's books available in print or digitally, The Hyrax in the Mogogos, Doodily Zoo and Crikey's Tail. Enjoy.

CHF 25.90

Essential Adulting Life Skills for Teens

Godfrey, V.
Essential Adulting Life Skills for Teens
Are you nervous about adulthood? Don't worry - everyone feels the same way... And you're about to uncover the skills that will make it a breeze. You're right in the middle of the most important stage of your life... and as you know by now, it isn't always an easy road. Your teenage years are crucial to your transition into adulthood. Your mind and body are going through a lot of changes very quickly... You're developing more complex socia...

CHF 24.90

Betty Zane

Grey, Zane
Betty Zane
Betty Zane, published in 1903, was Zane Grey¿s first novel. It tells the romanticized story of Grey¿s great-great-aunt, who made a miraculous dash under fire to save a frontier fort from Indian attack. Fort Henry sat on the site of present-day Wheeling, West Virginia. One of a series of fortifications built to protect frontier settlers, it was commanded by Colonel Ebenezer Zane, and was the center of a small community where Colonel¿s brothers ...

CHF 30.50

The Hill of Dreams

Machen, Arthur
The Hill of Dreams
An ancient Roman hilltop fort proves an irresistible draw to Lucian Taylor, but what awaits at the top isn¿t just a view of the surrounding Welsh landscape but a bacchal experience his young soul isn¿t ready for. This experience sets his path as he attempts to transcribe his increasingly elaborate visions into the perfect book, the book that will actually mean something more than the banal novels he sees the publishing houses push out. The Hil...

CHF 26.50

The Secret Agent

Conrad, Joseph
The Secret Agent
The place is London, and the time is the late 1800s. Mr. Verloc appears to be an unassuming owner of a bric-a-brac store, but he¿s actually a spy for an unnamed country. When he¿s summoned by his superiors and ordered to plant a bomb to foment unrest in English politics and society, he finds himself stuck in a more-than-uncomfortable situation. Conrad¿s novel is set against the background of the Greenwich Observatory bombing, in which an anarc...

CHF 30.50

Il Corsaro nero

Salgari, Emilio
Il Corsaro nero
Una voce robusta, che aveva una specie di vibrazione metallica, s'alzò dal mare ed echeggiò fra le tenebre, lanciando queste parole minacciose: - Uomini del canotto! Alt! o vi mando a picco!... La piccola imbarcazione, montata da due soli uomini, che avanzava faticosamente sui flutti color inchiostro, fuggendo l'alta sponda che si delineava confusamente sulla linea dell'orizzonte, come se da quella parte temesse un grave pericolo, s'era brus...

CHF 27.90


Scaruffi, Gasparo
Per occasione del soggetto che di presente si ha da trattare, primieramente saper si dee che, sí come tutte le cose, che si comprendono sotto il peso, sotto il numero e sotto la misura, deono essere da una forma certa regolate, che ad un fin le guidi, cosí parimente nel maneggio dell'oro e dell'argento, per ridurre le cose che da essi hanno dipendenza al loro debito fine, ed in particolare il far monete di varie leghe o finezze, quali siano di...

CHF 27.90

Das komplette Börsengrundwissen

Sparing, Oliver
Das komplette Börsengrundwissen
Die Ersparnisse gewinnbringend anlegen - die meisten Menschen verbinden diesen Gedanken leider immer noch mit dem Sparbuch." Oliver Sparing Woran denken Sie als erstes, wenn Sie das Stichwort “Börse” hören? Womöglich geht es Ihnen wie vielen Ihrer Mitmenschen und Sie bringen damit das Bild eines Casinos in Verbindung, in welchem wohlhabende Menschen freizügig ihr Geld verspielen. Dies wird jedoch dem eigentlichen Grundgedanken der Börse als ...

CHF 55.90

Tafeln wie Gott in Deutschland

Zipperer, Alexandra
Tafeln wie Gott in Deutschland
»Ich will nicht! Widerstrebend ziehe ich mich an. Über die Unterwäsche eine Wollstrumpfhose, darüber Leggings und die schwere Thermojeans. Dann schlupfe ich in ein Unterhemd, ein langärmeliges T-Shirt sowie einen dicken Wollpullover. Die Füße bekommen über das dünne ein extra Paar warme Socken. Dezentes Make-up. Nun gefütterte Winterstiefel, Stulpen, Daunenanorak, Mütze, doppelt gewickelter Schal, Handschuhe. So sehe ich aus wie die Zwillings...

CHF 17.50

Bildlexikon der Podologie

Scholz, Norbert
Bildlexikon der Podologie
Dieses Buch ist das perfekte Nachschlagewerk für alle, die sich für die Pflege und Behandlung der Füße interessieren. Mit über 480 Abbildungen und den verständlich und präzise formulierten Texten werden in diesem Bildlexikon Krankheiten, Symptome und Begriffe anschaulich dargestellt, so werden auf Fragen schnelle Antworten gefunden. Dadurch deckt dieses Buch alle Aspekte der Podologie ab. Expertenwissen wird in diesem Werk kurz und knackig ver...

CHF 40.50

Dear Beatle People

Schmidt, Sara / Davis, Janet
Dear Beatle People
The story about the Beatles Fan Club in North America has never been told in over 50 years. This book tells the story of The Beatles fan clubs in the United States and Canada from 1963-1972. The Beatles had a lot of love and respect for their fan club members and frequently met them while they were touring North America. The stories of fan club members who met The Beatles are shared. The Official Beatles Fan Club in New York City did not meet ...

CHF 129.00

The Complete Sailing Stories: A Sailing Romance Story Col...

Buchman, M. L.
The Complete Sailing Stories: A Sailing Romance Story Collection
Five tales of romance and boats collected together on a voyage of love, travel, andadventure in a world afloat.Solo Crossing - sailing away from it all can chart a fresh course through the pastReturn Passage - setting a course for home leads to a new futureNarrowboat Goddess - love on the English canalsCarved from Sand - when sand sculpture and sailboat racing collideSanta and the Pirate Queen - true love at Christmas only needs a pirate shipP...

CHF 23.50


Rogers, Leroy 'Plump'
4393: From A Ride to His Will tells of Leroy's transformational story of being in the back seat of car, catching a ride and not realizing this ride would be the one that changed his life forever. Leroy was wrongfully convicted during the Florida Tourist Murder/Robbery years in the early 1990s. This book is being released in recognition of the 30th year mark of this tragic accident and Leroy's life turned upside down. Being taken away for his t...

CHF 27.90