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K. Gayathri
Drop is a story that explains the process of evaporation as an exciting journey of the water droplets & clouds. It is an illustrated book suitable for 3+ years that signifies the importance of every drop of water.

CHF 11.50

Sviluppo e Training Formativo nel promuovere efficacia ed...

Roberto, Acciu
Sviluppo e Training Formativo nel promuovere efficacia ed efficienza e vantaggio competitivo
Lo sviluppo e training formativo, è un'attività tesa al miglioramento dell'efficienza lavorativa e al conseguimento degli obiettivi organizzativi, la psicologia del lavoro e delle organizzazioni vede gli psicologi, confrontarsi con il capitale umano di un'organizzazione, dove svolgono processi di selezione, reclutamento, sviluppo e valutazione formativa, orientamento professionale, attività che costituiscono l'area della gestione delle risorse...

CHF 30.90

Towards the Light

Anamika Gopan
Towards the Light
At times it is necessary to listen to advises irrespective of who it is from. Two brothers are trapped as a result of their careless attitude. The little sibling restricts his brother several times from doing unwanted deeds. But the elder one does not listens and both are stuck now. Read to know more.

CHF 11.90

A Funky Christmas Carol

Anderson, Barbara
A Funky Christmas Carol
A story about Jace, whose interaction with a family friend, Morris, causes him to question his method of helping others to the point of calling him Scrooge, but when he falls asleep and has a dream, Morris tells him in his dream the hard road he took why he became tight with money despite his wealth.

CHF 21.50

Brita And Time

L. Priyadharshini
Brita And Time
Brita and time is a story of of a little girl named Brita, who wishes to spend her time playing and roaming around. Brita thinks that no one understands her and detaches herself from the family. Her life takes a turn when the little one understands her mistakes and identifies her commitment to life.

CHF 11.50

Joey the Little Duckling

Tapp, Karen J
Joey the Little Duckling
Is a darling story for children that follows the question "What if?" The children watched a mother duck who had been named Molly, walk with her ducklings from the backyard and down the street to the pond, The curious children went to see the empty nest. But wait! There was an egg left behind. What if Molly forgot this egg. What if she didn't give it enough time. What is there was no chick inside. The children's mother gave them one day to expl...

CHF 29.90

Down the Aisle

Hinske, Barbara
Down the Aisle
When a cyberattack threatens to destroy Emily's company, she does what she can to counter the threat. Her efforts, however, are thwarted until she's promoted to oversee both her team and the cyber security group. With the company's survival at stake and in her hands, she knows the one person she can turn to-Dhruv.Meanwhile, work deadlines and family emergencies repeatedly interrupt Emily and Grant's plans for a romantic weekend. Luckily, Zoe a...

CHF 36.50

My Personal Fables Book 2

Chapman, Sadie
My Personal Fables Book 2
The legend of the Horse Continues: With Seequest (the Unicorn King) is now living out is days with his dear friend princess Helena in Neptune's kingdom of Vissen as a glorious hippocampus ( Water horse) with a complete twist in the tale once again where there are more mystical and incredible creatures being born that seem to have become legends of our time in the present day!Come and join Seequest once again on his lifetime adventures that he ...

CHF 46.50

My Indulgent Interior Life-Seasons of the Deep

Constable, Janis
My Indulgent Interior Life-Seasons of the Deep
An indulgent interior life is an impassioned prayer life--alive with questions, and wonder, and prayerful conversations with God. And it is driven by a decidedly seeking spirit. My Indulgent Interior Life is a seasons-based prose and photography collection--a collage of works curated for the contemplative soul. Spacious, intensely colorful and deep, its pages breathe wonder, beckoning you into your interior-most depths. Come! Open this book!...

CHF 57.90

Il servitore di due padroni

Carlo, Goldoni
Il servitore di due padroni
Troverai, Lettor carissimo, la presente Commedia diversa moltissimo dall'altre mie, che lette avrai finora. Ella non è di carattere, se non se carattere considerare si voglia quello del Truffaldino, che un servitore sciocco ed astuto nel medesimo tempo ci rappresenta: sciocco cioè in quelle cose le quali impensatamente e senza studio egli opera, ma accortissimo allora quando l'interesse e la malizia l'addestrano, che è il vero carattere del vi...

CHF 14.50

Samantha the Good Sport

Obeng, Tiffany
Samantha the Good Sport
Teach and promote:good sportsmanship, kindness, perseverance, respect, and empathy with easy to read and brightly illustrated, Samantha the Good Sport. Samantha loves to be first, loves to win, but above all, loves to be a good sport. With relatable characters and relatable text, Samantha shows readers why good sportsmanship is important and covers the 5 behaviors of good sportsmanship. With none of the negative stuff, this book is an ama...

CHF 23.90

Sammy the Good Sport

Sammy the Good Sport
Teach and promote:good sportsmanship, kindness, perseverance, respect, and empathy with easy to read and brightly illustrated, Sammy the Good Sport. Sammy loves to be first, loves to win, but above all, loves to be a good sport. With relatable characters and relatable text, Sammy shows readers why good sportsmanship is important and covers the 5 behaviors of good sportsmanship. With none of the negative stuff, this book is an amazing way ...

CHF 23.90

Familienplaner 2024 - Lauter verrücktes Zeug mit 5 Spalte...

Waurick, Kerstin
Familienplaner 2024 - Lauter verrücktes Zeug mit 5 Spalten (Wandkalender, 21 x 45 cm) CALVENDO
In diesem Kalender sind 12 KI generierte Bilder versammelt. Sie haben einen entzückenden Charme und laden aufgrund ihrer Fülle an Details zum rätseln und erfinden ein. Warum also nicht mal darin versinken und sich inspirieren lassen? Nicht alle Gegenstände ergeben Sinn... aber man kann ihnen einen geben. Groß und klein können auf diese Weise eigene Ideen entwickeln, auf neue Ideen kommen oder einfach Alltagssorgen vergessen. Lassen Sie sich in...

CHF 31.90

Sun, Sky, Sea, and Sometimes Mud!

Wilkinson, Joan Lavern Marshall
Sun, Sky, Sea, and Sometimes Mud!
For Joan L. Marshall, there are powerful metaphors buried in the word "mud." Not just the natural material that squelches under a child's bare feet when playing at the beach, but complex memories of coming of age in her native Barbados. Sun, Sky, Sea, and Sometimes Mud is a collection of sixty-two poems that celebrate and honour the author's Barbadian upbringing and Caribbean culture. The words are at once heavy with meaning and transcendent a...

CHF 41.90

Familienplaner 2024 - Malediven, Perle im Indischen Ozean...

Grellmann Photography, Tilo
Familienplaner 2024 - Malediven, Perle im Indischen Ozean mit 5 Spalten (Wandkalender, 21 x 45 cm) CALVENDO
Erleben sie Bilder aus dem Inselreich der Malediven. Dreizehn phantastische Landschaftsbilder machen diesen Kalender zu etwas ganz besonderem. Tag für Tag und Monat für Monat hat man die Gelegenheit kurzzeitig dem Alltag zu entfliehen. CALVENDO bietet Ihnen eine große Auswahl an Familienplanern mit den unterschiedlichsten Motiven - so findet jeder einen geeigneten Familienkalender! 14 Seiten bestehend aus 1 Cover | 12 Monatsseiten | 1 In...

CHF 31.90


Salgari, Emilio
- Ohe, ragazzi! Altro che balene! Sono i ribbon-fish, che vengono a galla. Brutto segno, amici!... - Voi brontolate sempre, bosmano. - disse la voce quasi infantile di un mozzo. - Che ne sai tu dell'Oceano Pacifico e delle sue isole, ragazzaccio, che hai finito di poppare appena qualche mese fa. - No, bosmano, ho sedici anni suonati e sono figlio di un marinaio. - Sì, d'acqua dolce forse. Scommetterei che non è mai uscito dal porto di Vald...

CHF 27.90

Forever Human

Slatter, Ian
Forever Human
Does the past really matter when you hold humanity's future in your hands? With just days of its thousand year journey remaining, the starship Renaissance 3 is on course to deliver its precious cargo - the last living humans - to its new planetary home. But a message from beyond the grave challenges everything that pilot Maya has been taught about her kind, and threatens the future of the entire mission. As life aboard the Renaissance des...

CHF 15.50

Exnovation und Verkehrswende

Wetzchewald, Alina
Exnovation und Verkehrswende
Der Verkehrssektor ist das Sorgenkind beim Klimaschutz. Um die Klimaschutzziele zu erreichen, sind ein rascher und tiefgreifender Wandel beim Verkehr und insgesamt weniger Autoverkehr nötig. In der Verkehrspolitik werden dazu meist innovationsorientierte Strategien verfolgt. Solange das Auto aber seinen privilegierten Status als bevorzugtes Verkehrsmittel behält, wird eine Verlagerung auf innovative und nachhaltige Alternativen verhindert.Alin...

CHF 46.90

Gemeinsam die Welt verändern – aber wie?

Stützel, Eva
Gemeinsam die Welt verändern – aber wie?
»Gemeinsam die Welt verändern«: Dafür engagieren sich viele Menschen in Transition Towns, bei Fridays for Future, in der Commons-Bewegung und in anderen Initiativen. Doch häufig verlieren sich diese Gruppen im Geflecht zwischenmenschlicher Probleme, ineffektiver Abstimmungen und zeitlicher Überforderung. Was kann gemeinschaftliche Initiativen zum Blühen bringen? Ökologische Lebensgemeinschaften sind ein Beispiel für einen besonders intensiven...

CHF 42.90