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Jacob Tik-Tok: Double Amputee Jacob Goes Back in Time wit...

Houben, Robert
Jacob Tik-Tok: Double Amputee Jacob Goes Back in Time with His State-of-the-Art Prostheses
Ten-year-old Jacob, a double amputee, finds himself, along with his eight-year-old brother, accidentally sent back in time to the year 1910. In this era, the wonders of electricity were just beginning to be realized, and many people believed that the sky was the limit! This made his state-of-the-art bionic prosthetic arm and prosthetic leg a fascinating sight that feels possible but still raises eyebrows. Jacob enjoys playing robot with his ad...

CHF 11.90

&#26360,&#21517,: &#21361,&#27231,&#65292,&#24819,&#30693...

33802,&29305,&26364,&21338,, &.
&#26360,&#21517,: &#21361,&#27231,&#65292,&#24819,&#30693,&#36947,&#28858,&#20160,&#40636,&#65311
書名 危機,想知道為什麼?內容描述 (書折頁部分-關於本書)危機到底是什麼?危機的背後又隱藏著什麼?自然災害真的是自然的嗎?災難是上天對人類的懲罰嗎?為什麼會爆發金融危機?氣候和生態危機是如何造成的?為什麼危機和災難發生的越來越頻繁了呢?恐怖主義的根源是什麼?為什麼世界從來沒有真正的和平過?幸福為什麼總是稍縱即逝?為什麼蘋果這麼成功?為什麼Facebook這麼流行?如何才能獲得真正的幸福?如何才能解決危機?我們都在期待改變,真正需要的改變是什麼?生命意義是什麼呢?......總之,歷史發展到21世紀的今天,人類從來沒有像今天這樣感到如此迷茫和困惑。人們甚至絕望到相信世界毀滅的末日就要到來,難道:謀求發展帶來的卻是毀滅追求幸福收穫的卻是痛苦渴望和平導致的卻是戰爭道路在何方?未來在哪裡?難道發展的終點是毀滅?!一個為今天而準備的五千年的偉大智慧被一個民族攜帶著、隱藏著、發展著、等待著,只為今天這個危機四伏的時刻出現,當人類真正開始需要她的時候,她才會揭開她神秘的面紗,為人類指點迷津,引...

CHF 30.50

&#26360,&#21517,: &#36947,&#36335,&#65306,&#21382,&#21490...

33802,&29305,&26364,&21338,, &.
&#26360,&#21517,: &#36947,&#36335,&#65306,&#21382,&#21490, &#29616,&#22312, &#26410,&#26469,&#65311
書名 道路:历史 现在 未来?The Road: History, Present and Future內容描述 (書折頁部分-關於本書)《道路:历史,现在与未来》《道路:历史,现在和未来》从卡巴拉智慧的崭新视角,纵览了整个宇宙创造的过程和人类历史的关系,揭示了那个驱动了生命起源和进化的隐藏着的力量。在对创造者和创造物,也就是给予的愿望(利他主义)和接受的愿望(利己主义),这两个宇宙中唯一存在的力量之间的相互作用关系的解读当中,读者不但可以了解创造和生命进化的秘密,还可以看到我们人类在这整个宇宙创造和进化过程中所扮演的关键角色,以及为什么我们人类历史是过往这么一种痛苦的历史的背后的秘密;我们人类又为什么会在今天处于一种全面的危机当中;更重要的是你可以清晰地"看见"创造者将引领人类到达的将来是什么,危机与历史事件,现在状况和人类未来的关系,我们人类的自我在整个进化过程中的变化和作用。我们人类目前面临的危机只有在真正"看见"将来的情况下才能知道如何去化解并同时步入一个幸福的未来。通过阅...

CHF 28.90


33802,&29305,&26364,&21338,, &.

CHF 25.90

City Gothic

Linder, Giselle / Poetry Publishing, Dark Thirty
City Gothic
In a collection that is all teeth, Linder declares, I spent my girlhood growing spare teeth with nothing to bite into, then proceeds to give us something to maul and gnash. Simultaneously stepping outside of herself while owning the thing with teeth she has become, this work travels in and out of a kind of wanderlust that is really more of a wish to leave one's self entirely, but a knowing that we are all always every version of ourselves. Int...

CHF 25.90

Cicero Wants You: Harrowed Earth Book Two

Conaway, Aaron
Cicero Wants You: Harrowed Earth Book Two
The Kingdom.Once a significant midwestern city on Earth-That-Was, but no more. A series of hard-won baronies built in its place, The Kingdom stands as one of the last vestiges of humanity. Cicero is in the barony of Renaissance in her capacity as a Bard-peacekeeper, lawmaker, and beyond. Criminal activity has been showing an uptick in frequency throughout The Known Lands, and the Bards, in response, are trying to increase their recruitment num...

CHF 12.90

Ava's Life: Eyewitness Accounts of Gods' Grace and Power

Lee, Ava
Ava's Life: Eyewitness Accounts of Gods' Grace and Power
Embark on an extraordinary journey through captivating memories and cherished vignettes of a remarkable 93-year-old woman. She unfolds her life's tapestry, weaving together a collection of breathtaking snapshots that have shaped her existence. Through each heartfelt story, readers are transported across the decades, encountering joys, trials, and triumphs that have marked her path. From the innocence of her early childhood to the challenges of...

CHF 21.90

Recovering the Radical Promise of Superheroes: Un/Making ...

Kirkpatrick, Ellen
Recovering the Radical Promise of Superheroes: Un/Making Worlds
Superhero meaning making is a site of struggle. Superheroes (are thought to) trouble borders and normative ways of seeing and being in the world. Superhero narratives (are thought to) represent, and thereby inspire, alternative visions of the real world. The superhero genre is (thought to be) a repository for radical or progressive ideas. In the superhero world and beyond, much is made of the genre's utopian and dystopian landscapes, queer ide...

CHF 36.90

From Death to Birth

Campbell, Cicely S.
From Death to Birth
At first you won't believe that there is anything good can come of the pain. You think pain, you think negative, right? There is nothing positive about this! Why God why, you ask. This process is developing maturity and building faith in you. It takes a huge leap of faith to say to God while suffering "God I don't understand the purpose of the pain, but I trust you to have a purpose in it." This can accelerate your Christian growth like nothin...

CHF 24.50


Riedel, Richard G.
There are so many books! There is so little time! One visit to your local bookstore will tell you that . . How many books will you have time to read: and where do you start? In an easy to read fashion Dr. Riedel will open up an unbelievable number of books: visit the book's Bibliography. As he used to open up the passages of Holy Scripture on Sunday morning, using text, story and appropriate comments, he now opens up the writers of some of th...

CHF 38.50

I Know the Answers

Khachatryan, Simon
I Know the Answers
Comparing human lifespans to the age of our planet, we consider the Earth as some kind of constant. But should we? According to the Old Testament and many ancient manuscripts, there were events and mythical characters that modern science can neither prove nor disprove. In fact, getting a scientific explanation of an event is much harder than witnessing it. That is why science is way behind religion, and our only hope for the future is to bri...

CHF 64.00

I Know the Answers

Khachatryan, Simon
I Know the Answers
Comparing human lifespans to the age of our planet, we consider the Earth as some kind of constant. But should we? According to the Old Testament and many ancient manuscripts, there were events and mythical characters that modern science can neither prove nor disprove. In fact, getting a scientific explanation of an event is much harder than witnessing it. That is why science is way behind religion, and our only hope for the future is to bri...

CHF 34.50

Oak Cliff and the Missing Pieces

Hasty, Gregory M.
Oak Cliff and the Missing Pieces
Oak Cliff and the Missing Pieces is the first book written about the area's history in over three decades. It not only captures the beginnings of the early settlement, it takes the reader beyond a century and a half of growth and tracks how the community has evolved. The book is unique in that it captures the history of West Dallas in conjunction with its Oak Cliff neighbor and how the two transformed together over time into what we see today....

CHF 52.50

Healing For The Soul

Hill M. D., Jerron C.
Healing For The Soul
Healing for the Soul, a moving and inspiring collection of contemporary poems composed by Dr. Jerron C. Hill, gracefully and thoughtfully addresses modern-day challenges common to believers and non-believers alike. Following a supernatural encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ in 1984 at the age of 23, Dr. Hill subsequently became a devoted follower. In 2009, he experienced a vision of himself writing poetry shortly before awakening from sleep,...

CHF 69.00

A Boy Named Jonathan

Demoff, Mary
A Boy Named Jonathan
Meet Jonathan, a young boy with special needs, who BRIGHTENED THE WORLD WITH KINDNESS and reminds us of the power we each hold to make a difference in the lives of others. In a world that desperately needs more kindness, this heartwarming TRUE STORY will touch your heart, inspire your soul, and encourage you to live a life that makes the world a better place. A Boy Named Jonathan is more than just a story, it's a testament to the powerful impa...

CHF 48.50

Healing For The Soul

Hill M. D., Jerron C.
Healing For The Soul
Healing for the Soul, a moving and inspiring collection of contemporary poems composed by Dr. Jerron C. Hill, gracefully and thoughtfully addresses modern-day challenges common to believers and non-believers alike. Following a supernatural encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ in 1984 at the age of 23, Dr. Hill subsequently became a devoted follower. In 2009, he experienced a vision of himself writing poetry shortly before awakening from sleep,...

CHF 40.50