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1355 Ergebnisse - Zeige 81 von 100.

Elevate Your Energy

Hartman, Emily
Elevate Your Energy
Elevate Your Energy" is a transformative guide that delves into the intricate web of energy that surrounds and permeates every aspect of our lives. In this insightful journey, the book is meticulously structured across twelve chapters, each offering profound insights and practical wisdom to help you harness and elevate your energy levels. Chapter 1: "The Energy Connection" lays the foundation by unraveling the intricate threads that connect ...

CHF 34.90

L'Ultimo Respiro (Vampire)

Greco, Isabella
L'Ultimo Respiro (Vampire)
Avventurati nell'oscura notte della sopravvivenza eterna con L'Ultimo Respiro, un avvincente racconto che rivela il dramma e l'epicità di chi lotta tra le ombre dell'immortalità. In questo mondo in cui la vita e la morte danzano una danza eterna, L'Ultimo Respiro segue la storia di vampiri intrappolati nella rete di desideri tormentati, amori che sfidano il tempo e il costante richiamo del buio. Le alleanze si sgretolano, i segreti emergono e ...

CHF 99.00

Sin Conclusión (Paranormal)

Guerrero, Sara
Sin Conclusión (Paranormal)
Sin Conclusión (Paranormal) En el rincón más oscuro de la realidad, donde los límites entre lo natural y lo sobrenatural se desdibujan, surge un relato envuelto en enigmas: "Sin Conclusión". Esta narrativa paranormal se adentra en un mundo donde las respuestas eluden las leyes de la lógica, y cada revelación es simplemente otro giro en la espiral de lo desconocido. La historia se despliega en un laberinto de eventos inexplicables, donde lo...

CHF 101.00

L'Ultima Danza dell'Oscurità (Vampire)

Palma, Sebastian
L'Ultima Danza dell'Oscurità (Vampire)
Titolo: L'Ultima Danza dell'Oscurità (Vampire) In un mondo in cui l'oscurità avvolge ogni angolo e il velo tra la vita e la morte è sottile come il filo di una ragnatela, si dipana la trama avvincente di "L'Ultima Danza dell'Oscurità." Questo racconto di vampiri si svolge tra le ombre della notte, dove la danza diventa la lingua segreta di creature eternamente affascinanti. Il protagonista, un vampiro dal cuore tormentato e l'anima intrisa...

CHF 108.00

Embrace the Unknown

Hartman, Emily
Embrace the Unknown
Embrace the Unknown" is a transformative guide that navigates the uncharted waters of uncertainty with wisdom and resilience. In this thought-provoking journey, the book unfolds a tapestry of insights and practical strategies to empower you to not only face the unknown but to thrive in its embrace. Chapter 1: "Embracing the Journey of Uncertainty" Embark on a profound exploration of the uncertain path, understanding its inherent challenges a...

CHF 34.90

Protector Celestial (Paranormal)

Diaz, Simone
Protector Celestial (Paranormal)
Protector Celestial (Paranormal) En el rincón más recóndito del firmamento, donde las estrellas conspiran con la noche, surge un guardián más allá de la comprensión humana. "Protector Celestial" desentraña una narrativa donde lo paranormal adopta la forma de una presencia divina, tejida en los hilos luminosos del cosmos. La historia se despliega en un mundo donde las fuerzas celestiales descienden para proteger el equilibrio entre la luz y...

CHF 114.00

Mirada de Noche Estrellada (Paranormal)

Agua, Nataniele
Mirada de Noche Estrellada (Paranormal)
Mirada de Noche Estrellada (Paranormal) Bajo el manto insondable del firmamento, existe un rincón del universo donde las estrellas no solo observan, sino que también susurran secretos ancestrales. En "Mirada de Noche Estrellada", la oscuridad se convierte en un lienzo donde los destellos cósmicos revelan un paranormal encanto. Las noches se vuelven testigos de un fenómeno único: ojos luminosos que destilan misterio. En esta narrativa, las ...

CHF 108.00

L'Ultima Rinascita (Vampire)

Farra, Bianca
L'Ultima Rinascita (Vampire)
Nel cuore della notte, tra le ombre di un mondo in cui il destino dei vampiri è intrecciato con la danza dell'eternità, si svela "L'Ultima Rinascita". In questa epopea vampirica, antica come il tempo, il mistero si intreccia con la sete di vita eterna, mentre un oscuro segreto minaccia di cambiare per sempre il corso delle loro esistenze immortali. Il racconto segue il percorso di un vampiro solitario e tormentato, destinato a essere il fulc...

CHF 101.00

L'Ordine Sacro dei Combattenti (Vampire)

Alvaro, Angelica
L'Ordine Sacro dei Combattenti (Vampire)
Titolo: L'Ordine Sacro dei Combattenti (Vampire) In un mondo notturno dove il confine tra la luce e l'oscurità è sfumato e la vita eterna è la moneta di scambio, sorge "L'Ordine Sacro dei Combattenti, " un'epica che si dipana tra segreti ancestrali e lotte millenarie. In questo racconto vampiresco, l'ordine sacro è il fulcro di una società segreta di guerrieri immortali destinati a difendere l'equilibrio tra il mondo umano e quello delle cre...

CHF 108.00

No Fault, No Blame

Lightbearer, River
No Fault, No Blame
When you live a traumatizing life, it's common to blame yourself for what you've experienced. Perhaps you believe you deserved it. Perhaps you've been told you created it. In this book, beings of light Shiva and Pietkela, through their channel River Lightbearer, discuss and deconstruct the self-blame and condemnation trauma survivors might experience. You did not create what others have done to you. You did not deserve it. And healing is poss...

CHF 18.90

Data-Driven Technology for Children's Health and Wellbeing

Chen, Yunan / Su, Zhaoyuan
Data-Driven Technology for Children's Health and Wellbeing
Data-driven health informatics technologies such as mobile health apps and wearable and smart medical devices have become ubiquitous in people's daily lives. As these technologies advance and become more pervasive, the datafication of personal health research has grown substantially in recent years. The field is however primarily focused on adult users, leaving a limited understanding of children's data practices and technology for managing th...

CHF 101.00

The Two Bears and Other Sermons for Children

Ryle, J. C.
The Two Bears and Other Sermons for Children
First published in 1867, The Two Bears and Other Sermons for Children by J.C. Ryle contains seven lively sermons aimed at young audiences. With creative storytelling and gentle encouragement, Ryle makes biblical truths and life lessons accessible and compelling for children. The title sermon draws from the cautionary story told in 2 Kings where a group of children are punished for mocking the prophet Elisha. Another sermon celebrates the simpl...

CHF 17.50

The Los Angeles Mafia Crime Family

Library, Mafia
The Los Angeles Mafia Crime Family
Delve into the hidden underbelly of crime as we unveil the secrets of the Los Angeles Mafia Crime Family. From its elusive origins to its far-reaching influence, prepare to uncover the tangled web of power, intrigue, and betrayal that defined this criminal empire. In this book, you will:Discover the inner workings of the mafia, dissecting the codes, hierarchies, and rituals that governed this clandestine society. Explore the roots of the Sic...

CHF 38.90

Unleashing the Power of AI in Art, Music, and Literature

Shortt, Cecilia
Unleashing the Power of AI in Art, Music, and Literature
In the symphonic exploration of AI's role across the creative spectrum be it in the harmonies of music, the intricacies of literature, or the evocative strokes of art-this book has delved deep into the confluence of technology and imagination. We have witnessed AI not as a mere tool but as a collaborator, augmenting human creativity, challenging conventions, and unveiling new dimensions of artistic expression. In the dance between technology a...

CHF 31.50

How to Make Money Online Using AI Everything you Need to ...

Harrison, Matthew Rymer
How to Make Money Online Using AI Everything you Need to Know About Artificial Intelligence to Make You Rich
It doesn't matter if you have no knowledge or almost no free time. Every now and then there is a revolutionary technological change that creates a new group of rich and powerful: those who implement the new technology first. Are you going to be left behind? Follow a proven method that guarantees success. What will you find in this handy little encyclopedia?What is AI and how to use it to your advantage. The step-by-step guide to make money wit...

CHF 24.50

La Maledizione del Sangue (Horror)

Stefano, Bea
La Maledizione del Sangue (Horror)
In un remoto villaggio di montagna, la maledizione di un antico patto si risveglia con la discesa di una luna scarlatta. Il sangue di antiche stirpi si intreccia in un vortice oscuro che minaccia di distruggere la fragile tranquillità della comunità. Con il passare delle notti, segreti sepolti emergono e le linee familiari si dissolvono nel terrore di una maledizione che ha sempre vegliato sull'ombra delle loro vite. Chiunque sia coinvolto si ...

CHF 102.00

World-Building Harmony Setting Essentials

Musk, Rayan
World-Building Harmony Setting Essentials
World-Building Congruity: Setting Basics" welcomes essayists on an enthralling excursion into the core of narrating, underscoring the urgent job of setting in creating vivid and resounding stories. In this thorough aide, we investigate the sensitive craft of world-building, zeroing in on fundamental procedures to make an agreeable and convincing setting for your story. The underpinning of any extraordinary story is laid inside its setting, wh...

CHF 48.50

The Clown Princess

Slavens, Dustin
The Clown Princess
Thanks to a family feud and a vengeful spell, Crystal is stuck performing as a clown for a grumpy old man's circus-a fitting role, now that she resembles one. With the help of her nanny and the circus animals, she learns to be confident in herself despite her unusual appearance. She also learns that she may not be exactly who she was told. Past secrets are brought to light when the King starts his annual search for his long lost daughter.

CHF 30.90

Burnout Breaker

Langford, Michael J.
Burnout Breaker
Escape the Cycle: Transcend Burnout and Reclaim Your Life If you find yourself overwhelmed, burned out, and trapped in a never-ending cycle of exhaustion, "Burnout Breaker: Escape the Hamster Wheel" is the guide you've been waiting for. Picture life where stress doesn't dominate your every waking moment. In it's place, flourishing mental peace, newfound resilience, and a refreshed perspective appear. This isn't a far-off dream, it's a reality...

CHF 20.90

Companion Paws

Publishing, Well-Being
Companion Paws
Discover the Joy of Ageless Bonds: Find Your Ideal Four-Legged Friend Welcome to a heartwarming journey where the simple act of choosing a dog transforms into the discovery of unconditional love and unwavering companionship in your golden years. "Companion Paws: Selecting the Perfect Dog for Elderly Companionship" is not just a guide, but a gateway to forging indelible bonds that rejuvenate souls and sprinkle joy across the twilight of life. ...

CHF 20.90