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Zur Kasse

1044 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

The Economic Value of Water

Gibbons, Diana C
The Economic Value of Water
Gibbons examines the water supply problem through five case studies. The problems faced by these regions and the methods suggested to overcome them provide excellent models for the entire United States. The case studies---typically, expanding supplies---but economic efficiency principles lead to emphasizing managing the demand. In many cases, this means reducing demand by raising prices.

CHF 53.90

Programmierhandbuch für den IBM® PC

Programmierhandbuch für den IBM® PC
Als ich dieses Buch schrieb, hatte ich ein einfaches, aber hochgestecktes Ziel vor Augen: Ihnen die Grundlagen der Programmierung der wichtigen IBM PC­ Modelle zu vermitteln. Als IBM im Herbst 1981 ihren ersten Personal Com­ puter vorstellte, war klar, daf~ das Gerät eine herausragende Bedeutung auf dem Mikrocomputersektor spielen würde. Im Laufe der Zeit stellte IBM eine Reihe neuer PCs vor, mittlerweile ist eine komplette Produktpalette dara...

CHF 65.00

Rise to World Power

Contosta, David R / Hawthorne, Jessica R
Rise to World Power
This selection of letters derives from the microfilm ed. of the Whitelaw Reid Papers on deposit at the Library of Congress. The editors used four broad criteria for selecting letters: (1) those that illuminate the conduct & formation of international relations, (2) those that reveal Reid's own role in the direction of foreign policy, (3) those that demonstrate Reid's attempts to measure or to manipulate public opinion in foreign affairs, & (4)...

CHF 57.90

Religion and Industrial Society

Liebersohn, Harry
Religion and Industrial Society
This is a print on demand publication. The Protestant Social Cong. ("Evangelish-Sozialer Kongress"), met each year from 1890 to 1914 to discuss Germany's sudden transformation into an industrial capitalist society. It served as a forum for Wilhelmine Germany's educated middle class. Prof. & public leaders such as Friedrich Naumann, Max Weber, Ernst Troeltsch, Gertrud Baumer, Adolf von Harnack, & Hans Delbruck addressed the yearly meetings. A c...

CHF 51.90

Prussia in Transition

Gray, Marion W
Prussia in Transition
Contents: (I) The Stein Ministry in Historical Perspective: Hero History and Beyond, (II) Social Change and a New Ideology Confront Prussia's Old Regime, (III) Optimism Springs From Crisis: The Reform Party, (IV) Bureaucratic Change and Accommodation of the Aristocracy, (V) Government by Property Owners, (VI) Anchoring the Foundations of a Capitalist Economy, (VII) The Stein Reform Ministry and the Process of Change in Prussia, and Bibliography.

CHF 57.90

Science and Society in Early America

Klein, Randolph S
Science and Society in Early America
These 12 essays reflect Dr. Bell's interests not only as a distinguished scholar of Benjamin Franklin & of the cultural & scientific life of early Amer., but also as Librarian & Exec. Officer of the APS. Contents: Remarks by Jonathan Rhoads, Biographical Sketch of Dr. Bell, with Selected Biblio., Benjamin Franklin, "The Old England Man" by Esmond Wright, Frustration & Benjamin Franklin's Medical Books, by Edwin Wolf 2nd, William Byrd Reports o...

CHF 102.00

Supplement to the Tuckerman Tables

Houlden, Michael A
Supplement to the Tuckerman Tables
This is a supplement to the planetary, lunar and solar tables produced by Bryant Tuckerman (1962, 1964). These tables have proved an invaluable aid to historians of astronomy. An important usage is the dating of ancient and medieval astronomical observations, but the tables also have wide application in determining the accuracy of early measurements and calculations. This supplementary volume owes its origin to the discovery by the authors of ...

CHF 120.00

Medieval Agriculture, the Southern French Countryside, an...

Berman, Constance H
Medieval Agriculture, the Southern French Countryside, and the Early Cistercians
This is a print on demand publication. A study of medieval ag., of the rural world of southern France, & of the early corporate farms of the new religious order of Citeaux, founded in Burgundy in 1098 & imported into southern France in the mid-12th cent. It is a study of the agriculture & pastoralism practiced by the white monks, as the Cistercians were called, in a region which is both vast & varied in topography, climate, & custom. Assesses ...

CHF 57.90

Maya City Planning and the Calendar (Transactions, Americ...

Aveni, A. / Hartung, H.
Maya City Planning and the Calendar (Transactions, American Philosophical Society) (Vol. 76, Part 7)
This is a print on demand publication. Why do people orient buildings the way they do? That the depiction of the cardinal directions of space had something to do with events taking place in the sky is suggested by cosmological diagrams derived from the civilizations of ancient Mexico. Contents: The Orientation Problem & Categories of Explan., The Orientation of Ceremonial Architecture in Ancient Mesoamerica, Alignment of Maya Sites, Puuc Build...

CHF 51.90

Universal Bach

Universal Bach
Lectures presented at the Basically Bach Festival of Philadelphia in 1985.

CHF 51.90

German Socialist Party

Maehl, William Harvey
German Socialist Party
Of all the political parties in German history none was more ambivalent than the Social Democratic Party (SDP). Beneath the misleading surplice of Marxism, the SDP was basically only a lower class reformist party. This study shows that, far from continuing revolution, very realistic, ordinary goals of pacification & recovery after WW1 determined the tactics of the SDP. A sober understanding of the importance of foreign policy for the post-war ...

CHF 77.00

El Inga

Mayeroakes, William J
El Inga
This is a print on demand publication. In Jan. 1960, author Mayer-Oakes & Robert Bell began a program of field archeology in Ecuador, with their relocation & test pit excavation at the El Inga site near Quito. Initial studies of the surface collection convinced the two investigators that a major excavation was necessary. Contents of this study: (1) Summary History El Inga Surface Collection, Present Status & Future Prospects, (2) The Surface C...

CHF 57.90

Henry C. Carey and American Economic Development

Morrison, Rodney J
Henry C. Carey and American Economic Development
This is a print on demand edition of a hard-to-find book. The development of economic thought of the mid-19th century is essentially a history of classical English political economy. The tenets of this school were communicated to the U.S., where the writings of Smith, Malthus, Mill, and Ricardo were adopted by early American political economists. But there was also a strain of political economy in the U.S. at that time that opposed the adoptio...

CHF 51.90

The Story of Texas

Weems, John Edward / Stone, Ron / Jones, Tom
The Story of Texas
Children of all ages will enjoy this colorful, instructive book on Texas history. Told in simple language, the story emphasizes the drama and excitement of the state's history - from prehistoric times, when Texas was largely underwater and inhabited by strange creatures, to the modern age of space travel and computers. The text is amply illustrated by lively sketches and paintings that will make reading about history fun.

Wahlrecht und Parteiensystem

Nohlen, Dieter
Wahlrecht und Parteiensystem
In der vorliegenden Schrift geht es urn den immer wieder proble­ matischen Zusammenhang von rechtlich-institutionellen Regelungen des Wahlprozesses einerseits sowie Pcuteienwettbewerb und Wahler­ gebnissen andererseits. Inwiefem formen Wahlrecht und Wahlsystem die Pcuteiensysteme? Lassen sich gesetzmii8ige Beziehungen feststel­ len? Zur Priifung dieser Fragen werden methodisch-theoretische Ge­ sichtspunkte vorgetragen und historische Erfahrung...

CHF 71.00