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135 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.


Pittman, Rickey E.
Stories of the Confederate South is a collection of short fiction written from a uniquely Southern perspective and presenting a variety of Southern characters, events, and issues during and after the Civil War.

CHF 40.90

Spezifische Phobien

Hamm, Alfons
Spezifische Phobien
Das Buch bietet einen Überblick über die verschiedenen Sub-Typen von Spezifischen Phobien und befasst sich ausführlich mit ihren Ursachen. Die verschiedenen ätiologischen Vorstellungen werden in einem integrativen Störungsmodell zusammengefasst, welches als Grundlage für das therapeutische Arbeiten dienen kann. Neben der Diagnostik wird v.a. die Behandlung der unterschiedlichen Formen von Spezifischen Phobien praxisorientiert beschrieben. Der...

CHF 27.90

My Lunch With God

Love, William M.
My Lunch With God
Adam and Eve once had it made, but they couldn't stand prosperity. After losing out to that snake over a lousy piece of fruit, bad things began to happen. This couple unleashed a chain reaction called Secularism that is now shredding the very fabric of this country. This social disease now defines abortion, evolution, and salvation to suit the needs of man rather than the plan of God. Come join Everyman for a lunch you'll never forget and see ...

CHF 13.90

Urbana Nirvana

Clayton, Michael Ollie
Urbana Nirvana
Graphic, detailed poems why a human being gives up on the big city, the rat race for small-town living. Sometime you gotta downsize the BS in your life lest you get shoveled under and lead a stank life!

CHF 14.90


Schweitzer, Ray D.
These thirteen stories by Ray Schweitzer will give you hours of enjoyment, lasting haunting memories and nightmares! They will keep you turning pages to the astonishing endings. It is a collection of realistic adventure having a tragedienne in common. Each story delivers a lure of the unknown.challenge of the unexpected.thrill of the unseen. There are no fantasizes, science fiction, nor fairy-tale worlds. Read about escapades that may not have...

CHF 28.90


Schweitzer, Ray D.
These thirteen stories by Ray Schweitzer will give you hours of enjoyment, lasting haunting memories and nightmares! They will keep you turning pages to the astonishing endings. It is a collection of realistic adventure having a tragedienne in common. Each story delivers a lure of the unknown.challenge of the unexpected.thrill of the unseen. There are no fantasizes, science fiction, nor fairy-tale worlds. Read about escapades that may not have...

CHF 40.90

Gentechnik im Fernsehen

Leonarz, Martina
Gentechnik im Fernsehen
Martina Leonarz untersucht unter Rückgriff auf den Framing-Ansatz und die Erkenntnisse der Risikokommunikation die mediale Inszenierung des Themas Gentechnologie.Am Beispiel der Berichterstattung im Schweizer Fernsehen zeigt sie, dass die visuelle Umsetzung der Gentechnologie durch typisches Bildmaterial geprägt ist, und arbeitet acht verschiedene Inszenierungsmuster heraus, die deutlich die ungleichen Diskurse der roten und grünen Gentechnolo...

CHF 39.50

The Geometries of Visual Space

Wagner, Mark
The Geometries of Visual Space
When most people think of space, they think of physical space. However, visual space concerns space as consciously experienced, and it is studied through subjective measures, such as asking people to use numbers to estimate perceived distances, areas, angles, or volumes. This book explores the mismatch between perception and physical reality, and describes the many factors that influence the perception of space including the meaning assigned t...

CHF 130.00

Assessing Media Education

Christ, William G.
Assessing Media Education
This volume moves through the steps of developing an assessment plan, establishing student learning outcomes in the various areas of curriculum, and measuring these outcomes. For faculty and administrators preparing for accreditation.

CHF 266.00

Overheard Voices

Keniston, Ann
Overheard Voices
Examines poetic address and in particular apostrophe (the address of absent or inanimate others) in the work of four post-World War II American poets, with a focus on loss, desire, figuration, audience, and subjectivity. This book offers an insight into both contemporary lyric and the lyric genre more generally.

CHF 68.00

Handbook of Warnings

Wogalter, Michael S.
Handbook of Warnings
This 63 chapter handbook is the first to provide the theory, design, usage, litigations, and case studies related to warning. It is edited by Mike Wogalter, a leading international authority on warning design and use. The book will have considerable academic theory, but also will provide the "applied" material concerning warnings, design, and use. An editorial board of eminent scholars worked on this handbook too.

CHF 256.00

The Electrical Engineering Handbook - Six Volume Set

Dorf, Richard C.
The Electrical Engineering Handbook - Six Volume Set
In two editions spanning more than a decade, The Electrical Engineering Handbook stands as the definitive reference to the multidisciplinary field of electrical engineering. Our knowledge continues to grow, and so does the Handbook. For the third edition, it has grown into set of six books carefully focused on specialized areas or fields of study. Each one represents a concise yet definitive collection of key concepts, models, and equations in...

CHF 350.00