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395 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Necesidad de trascender

Aguasvivas, Ángel
Necesidad de trascender
Necesidad de trascender, una minuciosa y sosegada exploración en ese territorio de la psiquis y los sentimientos del individuo y sus motivaciones, con el propósito de indagar y arrojar luz y buenas vibraciones precisamente donde las vacilaciones y las tentaciones, la mayoría de las veces, encuentran caldo de cultivo para minar el ánimo y desestabilizar los sanos valores espirituales del hombre de estos días. Una vía expedita hacia la libertad,...

CHF 26.90

Juathuur OWoA v2

Sweet, Katie
Juathuur OWoA v2
Down one member, Faevv and the remainder of her squad recuperate at a nearby oasis. Sojueilo waits nervously, haunted by Rowasu's vow to hunt her down and decimate her squad. Faevv learns the name of the God-in-the-Tree and discovers that she is not the only Juathuur who can speak with him. Thom makes a decision and Dej sees first hand what the deserters in Erab Adur have been up to.

CHF 31.50

The Baby Ballers

Zimdars, Richard
The Baby Ballers
Ryan and Dawnna shared several hobbies, and their favorite was following women's professional basketball. Little did they realize that an unknown force from another dimension would bring them face-to-face with the tiniest professional basketball players imaginable. On a parallel Earth where human biology and culture are radically different from our own, Ryan and Dawnna meet the Denavah Di-Di's, a team of eight babies with athletic skills to ri...

CHF 26.50

Buscando tu Propio Camino a la Verdad

Cámpora, Luciana
Buscando tu Propio Camino a la Verdad
¿Qué tanto desearías tener cerca un Maestro que pudiera responder a los enigmas más intrigantes de tu vida? ¿Cuántas veces lo buscaste hasta el cansancio, en una u otra persona, en uno u otro lugar, recorriendo incluso enormes e incómodas distancias? ¿Qué pensarías si te dijera que ese Maestro, esa Sabiduría, existe mucho más cerca de lo que imaginas? Hay un Maestro disponible para ti ahora mismo... dentro tuyo, dentro de cada uno de nosotr...

CHF 25.90

Boosting-Based Face Detection and Adaptation

Zhang, Zhengyou / Zhang, Cha
Boosting-Based Face Detection and Adaptation
Face detection, because of its vast array of applications, is one of the most active research areas in computer vision. In this book, we review various approaches to face detection developed in the past decade, with more emphasis on boosting-based learning algorithms. We then present a series of algorithms that are empowered by the statistical view of boosting and the concept of multiple instance learning. We start by describing a boosting lea...

CHF 46.90

Jamie Lee Curtis (hardback)

Grove, David
Jamie Lee Curtis (hardback)
Jamie Lee Curtis launched her film career with the immortal 1978 horror classic Halloween, creating a heroine in Laurie Strode who would become the prototype for the ultimate scream queen. Subsequent roles in horror films like The Fog, Prom Night, Terror Train, Roadgames and Halloween II - all of which are genre classics - would cement Curtis' status as cinema's undisputed scream queen, a title she holds to this day. Jamie Lee Curtis: Scream ...

CHF 61.00

200 Sonnets from New Zealand

Wyles, Hugh
200 Sonnets from New Zealand
This is a book of poetry, a variety of rhyming sonnets created according to the concept of aesthetics specific to the author. They tell of life, belief, history, friends, beauty, family - as seen from the heart of that beautiful place called New Zealand.

CHF 28.90

Bystraq faza motornogo naucheniq i osobennosti tonkoj mot...

Grigal, Pawel
Bystraq faza motornogo naucheniq i osobennosti tonkoj motoriki ruki
Tonkaq motorika ruki qwlqetsq odnim iz klüchewyh faktorow razwitiq rebönka. Razwitie koordinacii u detej naprqmuü swqzano s mnogimi kognitiwnymi funkciqmi i, skoree wsego, w tom chisle s razwitiem rechewyh struktur. V to zhe wremq do sih por ne suschestwowalo metoda, pozwolqüschego bystro i prosto prowodit' ob#ektiwnuü kolichestwennuü ocenku sostoqniq tonkoj motoriki. Nastoqschuü rabotu mozhno razdelit' na dwe chasti - odna poswqschena razrabo...

CHF 88.00

Femtosekundnaq lazernaq plazma w mikrokanalah

Makarow, Iwan
Femtosekundnaq lazernaq plazma w mikrokanalah
Ispol'zowanie swerhsil'nyh swetowyh polej delaet wozmozhnym izuchenie fundamental'nyh swojstw weschestwa w äxtremal'nyh i sil'no nerawnowesnyh sostoqniqh, a takzhe prowedenie qderno-fizicheskih äxperimentow s ispol'zowaniem korpuskulqrnogo i älektromagnitnogo izlucheniq, woznikaüschego w wysokotemperaturnoj plazme femtosekundnogo lazernogo impul'sa. Klüchewoj osobennost'ü takoj plazmy qwlqetsq ee wysokie welichiny plotnosti (porqdka twerdotel'...

CHF 64.00

Politicheskie faktory stabil'nosti sowremennogo rossijsko...

Negrowa, Marina
Politicheskie faktory stabil'nosti sowremennogo rossijskogo obschestwa
Kniga predstawlqet soboj rezul'tat teoreticheskogo i ämpiricheskogo issledowaniq politicheskih faktorow stabil'nosti i ih wliqniq na rossijskoe obschestwo. Awtor rassmatriwaet situaciü w Rossii na primere dwuh regionow - Krasnoqrskogo kraq i goroda federal'nogo znacheniq Sankt-Peterburga. Rabota prednaznachena dlq sociologow, politologow i obschestwowedow, a takzhe wseh, interesuüschihsq rossijskim proshlym, nastoqschim i buduschim.

CHF 88.00

Argonauts of the Western Pacific, An Account of Native En...

Malinowski, Bronislaw
Argonauts of the Western Pacific, An Account of Native Enterprise and Adventure in the Archipelagoes of Melanesian New Guinea
COMPLETE AND UNABRIDGED: contains the full text of "Argonauts of the Western Pacific" including preface, illustrations and index."Argonauts of the Western Pacific" is widely regarded as a masterpiece of anthropology. Through it Malinowski became one of the best-known anthropologists in the world in the 1920's. Malinowski's reading of "The Golden Bough" introduced him to anthropology, so it is fitting that this edition is prefaced by Sir James ...

CHF 47.50

Sexual Perversity in Chicago and the Duck Variations

Mamet, David
Sexual Perversity in Chicago and the Duck Variations
Comedy Characters: 2 males, 2 females Bare stage, movable props The Obie award-winning Sexual Perversity in Chicago "takes funny and painful digs at the fantasies and distances of the contemporary sexual game, " according to The New York Times. Two male office workers, Danny and Bernie, are on the make in the swinging singles scene of the early 1970's. Danny meets Deborah in a library and soon they are lovers as well as roommates. The other ...

CHF 22.90


Litwack, Gerald
First published in 1943, Vitamins and Hormones is the longest-running serial published by Academic Press. The Editorial Board now reflects expertise in the field of hormone action, vitamin action, X-ray crystal structure, physiology, and enzyme mechanisms. Under the capable and qualified editorial leadership of Dr. Gerald Litwack, Vitamins and Hormones continues to publish cutting-edge reviews of interest to endocrinologists, biochemists, nutr...

CHF 245.00

Roman Britain

Hobbs, Richard / Jackson, Ralph
Roman Britain
For nearly four centuries, Britain was a province on the outer edge of the Roman Empire and developed a distinctively Romano-British culture and way of life. This title offers an introduction to the history, society, culture and art of Britain when it was a province of the Roman Empire.

CHF 22.50