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517 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Mortuary and Religious Sites

Mortuary and Religious Sites
A compilation by Richard F. Veit and Alasdair M. Brooks including articles from Historical Archaeology. Topics include Investigative Methods, Places and Landscapes, "Small Things" Material Culture, Commemoration, and Human Remains and Grave Goods. For a complete Table of Contents, please view, or visit the publication's homepage and click "preview" beneath the large image of the cover, which will disp...

CHF 41.50

Revealing Landscapes

Revealing Landscapes
A compilation by Christopher C. Fennell including articles from Historical Archaeology. Topics include Methods and Cartographies of Analysis, Terrains Shaped by Economics, Class, and Social Identities, Configuring Landscapes of Geometry, Ideology, and Surveillance, and Geographies of Racism and Inequality. For a complete Table of Contents, please view, or visit the publication's homepage and click "pre...

CHF 38.90

The Cutting of the Orm

Twyman, Tracy R.
The Cutting of the Orm
In January 2011, following an abrupt adjustment of polar north, the Minnesota Planetarium Society and the mainstream media proclaimed that a new zodiac system would need to be adopted. Ophiuchus, the Serpent-Bearer, was proclaimed as the "new" astrological sign for a new zodiac made of thirteen houses instead of twelve. But all of this was foreseen back in 2002, by Tracy R. Twyman, then writing for Dagobert's Revenge Magazine. In 2002's The...

CHF 32.50

Same Life, New Story

Silvious, Jan
Same Life, New Story
Move from what" is" to what "can be" by changing how you think and talk to yourself. Using powerful character studies of ten women from Scripture, as well as modern-day stories from her work as a professional life coach, Bible teacher Jan Silvious helps women choose new stories instead of dumping, or wallowing in, their old lives. Naomi, Leah, Rahab, Deborah, Hannah, Anna, Jehosheba, Abigail, Naaman's servant girl, and Elizabeth round out the...

Los cuentos de Cebolledo

Santaolalla, David
Los cuentos de Cebolledo
Colección de relatos cortos y microrrelatos. [...]Cebolledo me enseñaba sus relatos y me confiaba sus proyectos. Me pedía opinión y tenía en cuenta mis observaciones como un científico escucha a un colega experimentado. Pronto supe que yo era su único confidente.[...]

CHF 21.50

Thief of Life

Anna, Christi
Thief of Life
Consumed by paranoia, Daniela struggles to put her life in order while establishing her independence. Though she is truly in love with one, there is another that is close on the heels of her heart, making her question her true feelings altogether. Just When Daniela doesn't think she could be any more confused, her ex-boyfriend Ryan suddenly has a new girlfriend, Emily. Aside from her unde-niable jealousy, Daniela is suspicious of this strange ...

CHF 31.90

French Speaking Activities

Leleu, Sinéad
French Speaking Activities
French Speaking Activities: Fun Ways to Get Pupils to Talk to Each Other in French contains 60 time-saving photocopiable activities designed to get Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3 pupils having meaningful conversations with each other. Activities range from role plays and surveys to quizzes, presentations and games. One of the main aims of children learning a modern foreign language is to enable them to communicate in that foreign language. Due ...

CHF 41.50


Abdullah Mujahid, Khadeejah Yasminah
Have you ever been in your kitchen wondering what you are going to make for dinner. Well this cookbook is just for you. In this cookbook you will find tasty recipes that I have created in the comfort of my home. Please be advise that all recipes have been tasted and enjoyed by my family and friends.

CHF 49.90

Decorations at Home

von Pfuel, Stephanie
Decorations at Home
Nach ihrem Erfolg Cool Events at Home verrät Stephanie von Pfuel in diesem Band, wie sich jedes Zuhause in eine Wohlfühloase verwandeln lässt. Mit gewohnt sicherem Gespür führt sie die Schönheit von Alltagsgegenständen vor und demonstriert, wie gewöhnliche Dinge neue Verwendung finden. Mit Fantasie und Geschicklichkeit erweckt sie Kerzenleuchter als Vasen zu neuem Leben. Kombinieren auch Sie Funktionalität und Vorstellungskraft, und treten Si...

CHF 8.90

Problema nerasprostraneniq OMU i mirowoe obschestwennoe m...

Kuznecow, Dmitrij
Problema nerasprostraneniq OMU i mirowoe obschestwennoe mnenie
V dannoj rabote, predstawlqüschej soboj Chast' 1 issledowaniq «Problema nerasprostraneniq OMU i mirowoe obschestwennoe mnenie», w kontexte obschestwennogo mneniq rassmotrena iranskaq qdernaq programma. Posredstwom priwlecheniq shirokogo kruga istochnikow byla osuschestwlena rekonstrukciq kartiny obschestwennogo mneniq, suschestwuüschego w 2000-e gody w SShA, stranah Ewropy, Kanade, Awstralii, stranah, okruzhaüschih Iran, Rossii. Predprinqta po...

CHF 102.00

Problema nerasprostraneniq OMU i mirowoe obschestwennoe m...

Kuznecow, Dmitrij
Problema nerasprostraneniq OMU i mirowoe obschestwennoe mnenie
V dannoj rabote, predstawlqüschej soboj Chast' 2 issledowaniq «Problema nerasprostraneniq OMU i mirowoe obschestwennoe mnenie», w kontexte obschestwennogo mneniq rassmotrena sewerokorejskaq qdernaq programma. Posredstwom priwlecheniq shirokogo kruga istochnikow byla osuschestwlena rekonstrukciq kartiny obschestwennogo mneniq, suschestwuüschego w 2000-e gody w SShA, stranah Ewropy, Kanade, Awstralii, stranah, okruzhaüschih Sewernuü Koreü, Rossi...

CHF 88.00

Ontologiq swobody woli

Krejdich, Sergej
Ontologiq swobody woli
Dannoe issledowanie stawit cel'ü rassmotrenie woprosa o swobode woli ne tol'ko w kachestwe mirowozzrencheskoj sostawlqüschej, no i kak woprosa postulata. Osnownoj cel'ü raboty qwlqetsq wyqwlenie mirowozzrencheskih granic i wyqsnenie funkcional'nyh limitow ätoj problemy w ramkah teh, ili inyh mirowozzrencheskih predposylok, no, pomimo ätogo, udelqetsq wnimanie takzhe istorii ätoj problematiki w istoricheskih äpohah (ot antichnosti do Nowejshego...

CHF 77.00

Sinkretizm slozhnopodchinennyh predlozhenij sowremennogo ...

Druzhinina, Swetlana
Sinkretizm slozhnopodchinennyh predlozhenij sowremennogo russkogo qzyka
Monografiq poswqschena opisaniü russkih sinkretichnyh slozhnopodchinennyh predlozhenij w ih wzaimoswqzi. Issledowanie opiraetsq na sowremennye lingwisticheskie teorii sinkretizma i funkcional'no- semanticheskogo polq. Sistema slozhnopodchinennyh predlozhenij rassmatriwaetsq kak polewaq organizaciq, w predelah kotoroj wydelqütsq drugie, menee krupnye, polq so swoimi qdrami i periferiqmi. V rabote podrobno rassmotrena sinkretichnaq periferiq slo...

CHF 102.00

Powyshenie konkurentosposobnosti na osnowe brendinga

Gawrilowa, Zoq Vadimowna
Powyshenie konkurentosposobnosti na osnowe brendinga
V monografii izlozheny teoreticheskie i metodicheskie podhody k brendingu, kak sposobu powysheniq konkurentosposobnosti molokopererabatywaüschih predpriqtij. Dano teoreticheskoe obosnowanie sistemy brendinga, kak osnowy powysheniq konkurentosposobnosti predpriqtiq. Raskryty razlichnye metody ocenki äffektiwnosti brendow, kak instrumentow powysheniq konkurentosposobnosti molokopererabatywaüschih predpriqtij. Vyqwleny naprawleniq powysheniq konk...

CHF 88.00

Dialogowoe wzaimodejstwie w zhanre ispanskoj delowoj pere...

Korzhukowa, Elena
Dialogowoe wzaimodejstwie w zhanre ispanskoj delowoj perepiski
Pis'mennoe obschenie w delowoj sfere osuschestwlqetsq s pomosch'ü delowoj perepiski. Zhanr delowoj perepiski - sostawnaq chast' oficial'no-delowogo stilq, chto predpolagaet osobye "prawila igry". Delowoe pis'mo - äto, s odnoj storony, standartizowannyj dokument, sostawlennyj po strogim kanonam zhanra, s drugoj - slozhnyj instrument wzaimodejstwiq s sobesednikom i wozdejstwiq na nego. Gramotno wystroennyj dialog - zalog uspeha lübogo wida obsch...

CHF 88.00

Stress-related testosterone increases in men: Psychologic...

Pütz, Petra
Stress-related testosterone increases in men: Psychological, physiological and social correlates
Research on stress and stress-related health impairments mainly focuses on classic stress hormones, such as cortisol and catecholamines. Testosterone, the predominant male sex hormone, in turn, is poorly studied in stress research despite its negative associations with many "classic" stress-related disorders, such as depression, diabetes or obesity in middle-aged and elderly men. This work examines the role of testosterone in the acute respons...

CHF 32.90

Onomasticheskoe soznanie sowremennogo gorozhanina

Trapeznikowa, Anna / Podberezkina, Liliq
Onomasticheskoe soznanie sowremennogo gorozhanina
Issledowanie poswqscheno problemam rekonstrukcii onomasticheskogo soznaniq sowremennogo gorozhanina, kotoroe rassmatriwaetsq s pozicij sozdaüschego ärgonimy imqdatelq i wosprinimaüschego ih nositelq russkogo qzyka. Rabota wypolnena na styke tradicionnoj onomastiki, kognitiwnoj lingwistiki, psiholingwistiki i lingwisticheskogo gradowedeniq. Obraschenie k kommercheskoj nominacii obuslowleno tem, chto sowremennyj ärgonimikon predstawlqet sistemu,...

CHF 102.00

Vosproizwodstwo osnownyh fondow sanatorno-kurortnyh organ...

Amqn, Karen
Vosproizwodstwo osnownyh fondow sanatorno-kurortnyh organizacij
V monografii izlozheny klüchewye nauchnye i prakticheskie problemy wosproizwodstwa material'noj bazy sanatorno-kurortnoj sfery na primere osobo ohranqemogo äkologo-kurortnogo regiona Rossijskoj Federacii - Kawkazskih Mineral'nyh Vod. V sowremennyh uslowiqh hozqjstwowaniq razwitie osnownyh fondow zdrawnic sostawlqet ne tol'ko material'nuü osnowu wysokogo kachestwa i äffektiwnosti lecheniq, no takzhe qwlqetsq wazhnym faktorom powysheniq konkuren...

CHF 77.00