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590 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Tilda's Summer Ideas

Finnanger, Tone
Tilda's Summer Ideas
A beautiful collection of summer projects using the latest Tilda fabrics and embellishments. The designs include angels, garlands, decorations and accessories, all in the seasonal shades of turquoise, green, pink and red. All projects are accompanied by clear instructions, gorgeous photographs and color illustrations, making them ideal for beginners, as well as more experienced sewers. Popular techniques, such as appliqu? and embroidery, are u...


Davis, Mikaela
A choose-your-own-adventure novel that follows the life of eighteen year old Nonarei. She awakes from a nightmare one night that brings up startling questions of her past. Chose wisely and help her to recover what she didn't even know she lost.

CHF 24.50

Reality Religion

Heaton, Dale
Reality Religion
Reality Religion-A Biblical Faith Handbook for the Modern World. Many people have questions about the Bible and the faith that they do not feel free to ask, since questioning is often viewed as ignorance or lack of faith. In reality, questions are a sign of intelligence and sincere seeking after faith, a search for answers to doubts. I have always viewed questions as an opportunity to rethink my own faith and re-shape my answers to help peo...

CHF 20.90

Mystic Apprentice 4

Ludden, Ken
Mystic Apprentice 4
The Mystic Apprentice series is the companion text to the study and apprenticeship program of Ankahr Muse training. Uncovered in Hungary at the onset of World War II, this mystic tradition is among the oldest traditions of mysticism in Eastern Europe, and by some estimates predates even the ancient Egyptian civilizations. This text deals with the 4th Level of training, the Clairvoyant Skills. In this book you will find a vast wealth of know...

CHF 33.90

Memoir of Shadows Solace

Hollinshead, Darren
Memoir of Shadows Solace
The final entry in the series covered by Jason Sacis. His attempts to end the Lotarian war had cost him more than he would've liked. His final entry covers his time in the Expanse. The space between our galaxies, which had never been explored by any human. His only problem is lacking the ability to return home. The Dauntarians who are his allies are their only hope. In the time that passes, the crew of the station and Relay construction ...

CHF 25.90

Diario de un peregrino incrédulo

Olmo, J. L.
Diario de un peregrino incrédulo
Diario de viaje de un peregrino a Santiago de Compostela. Un camino único, rotulado primero en el cielo, después en la tierra, siguiendo siempre las mismas huellas, el camino de las estrellas. Algo más que un reto, la fe recobrada, el silencioso encuentro con uno mismo, la aventura que entraña la realización de un sueño perdido en el baúl donde el tiempo esconde los sueños de un niño.

CHF 44.50

Ubuntu Server for Small Business

Giro, Stefano
Ubuntu Server for Small Business
The situation of a school or a small or very small business where the desire to save money without sacrificing security or efficiency is a primary need, is the perfect environment for solutions based on GNU Linux, an operating system very widespread and with proven efficiency, security and scalability. Learn how to use Ubuntu to create and administer a powerful, modern and complete system suitable to school and to small and very small business.

CHF 31.50

So Simple, Who Knew?

Gibson, John P
So Simple, Who Knew?
A down to basics look at our global way of life and how it impacts human health and the health of our planet. If you have ever wanted to improve not only your health, but also that of our planet, then this is a must read, it really is simple.

CHF 21.50


Myles, Sidni Louise
This mystical autobiographical rhyme evokes reader participation by weaving you into a dimensional time travel experience. Written in a refreshingly descriptive pro's format, this linear story will engage, captivate and amaze you through the miracle of connectivity.

CHF 28.50

Remember This

Bevilacqua, Edward
Remember This
The ability to memorize what we read is essential, the ability to recite what we've memorized distinguishes us from our peers. This book provides the poems and speeches of traditional American culture, the materials we should know in order help us along our path to create a life of meaning and purpose.

CHF 18.90

Jekologo-äkonomicheskie problemy razwitiq derewoobrabatyw...

Vitahowskaq, Anastasiq
Jekologo-äkonomicheskie problemy razwitiq derewoobrabatywaüschej otrasli
Aktual'nost' temy «Jekologo-äkonomicheskie problemy razwitiq derewoobrabatywaüschego predpriqtiq» obuslowlena ogranichennost'ü prirodnyh resursow i problemami ih racional'nogo ispol'zowaniq. Derewoobrabotka - odna iz naibolee ustojchiwyh otraslej belorusskoj äkonomiki. Segodnq proizwodstwom mebeli w Respublike Belarus' zanimaütsq predpriqtiq koncerna Bellesbumprom, Belmestprom, a takzhe massa indiwidual'nyh predprinimatelej, osuschestwlqüschih...

CHF 64.00

Paradigma mesti i wozmezdiq w ewropejskoj ciwilizacii. Ch...

Sergej, Pileckij
Paradigma mesti i wozmezdiq w ewropejskoj ciwilizacii. Chast' 2
Dannaq kniga qwlqetsq, po suti, perwoj popytkoj filosofskogo analiza takoj sil'nejshej strasti chelowecheskoj prirody, kak mest', i takogo naiwazhnejshego principa social'nogo bytiq, takogo besspornogo regulqtora chelowecheskih wzaimootnoshenij, kak wozmezdie. V perwoj eö chasti tema mesti i wozmezdiq skrupulöznym i tschatel'nejshim obrazom proslezhiwaetsq cherez kanonicheskie texty hristianskogo Swqschennogo Pisaniq, - Vethogo i Nowogo Zaweto...

CHF 102.00

Neqwnyj pensionnyj dolg

Volkow, Yaroslaw
Neqwnyj pensionnyj dolg
Odnim iz wazhnejshih social'nyh obqzatel'stw sowremennogo gosudarstwa qwlqetsq wyplata pensij. V Rossii problema finansirowaniq pensij qwlqetsq odnoj iz ostryh i aktual'nyh. Pensionnyj fond Rossii ispytywaet hronicheskij deficit. V to zhe wremq u gosudarstwa i obschestwa otsutstwuet chetkoe predstawlenie o tekuschih razmerah pensionnyh obqzatel'stw. Osoznanie neobhodimosti opredelennyh shagow w naprawlenii pensionnyh reform zachastuü natalkiwa...

CHF 77.00

Idei i obraz M. K. Gandi w nezawisimoj Indii

Litwincewa, Ekaterina
Idei i obraz M. K. Gandi w nezawisimoj Indii
V istorii Indii XX weka ne bylo figury bolee znachitel'noj po swoemu wliqniü na sud'bu strany, chem Mohandas Karamchand Gandi. Kto-to schital ego chelowekom, blagodarq kotoromu Indiq dobilas' nezawisimosti, a kto-to winil ego w razdele edinoj strany na Indiü i Pakistan. V 1948 godu Gandi pogib ot puli indusskogo nacionalista, no ego idei prodolzhali w nemaloj stepeni opredelqt' politicheskuü i äkonomicheskuü zhizn' Indii. Gandistskie principy ...

CHF 102.00

Oceniwanie i identifikaciq sluchajnyh posledowatel'nostej

Magola, Dmitrij / Amosow, Oleg
Oceniwanie i identifikaciq sluchajnyh posledowatel'nostej
Metody iskusstwennogo intellekta otlichaütsq ot tradicionnyh shirokim diapazonom reshaemyh s ih pomosch'ü zadach. V nastoqschee wremq nablüdaetsq tendenciq k ih ob#edineniü w gibridnyh intellektual'nyh sistemah, kotorye akkumuliruüt w sebe dostoinstwa otdel'nyh metodow i pozwolqüt tem samym powysit' kachestwo resheniq. Na styke ätih koncepcij poqwilis' nowye konstrukcii, poluchiwshie nazwanie wejwlet-nejronnyh setej i nechetkih nejronnyh setej...

CHF 77.00

Klassicheskoe uchenie Vil'gel'ma Gegelq o cheloweke

Trufanow, Sergej
Klassicheskoe uchenie Vil'gel'ma Gegelq o cheloweke
Uchenie Gegelq o cheloweke qwlqetsq klassicheskim ne tol'ko potomu, chto w nöm w posledowatel'nom porqdke rassmatriwaütsq wse osobennye formy chelowecheskogo duha, no i po toj prichine, chto razrabotano ono bylo w ramkah ego "Jenciklopedii filosofskih nauk". A äto proizwedenie zanimaet osoboe mesto w istorii intellektual'nogo razwitiq chelowechestwa. Esli w obychnyh änciklopediqh wse te ponqtiq, posredstwom kotoryh my osmysliwaem mir i peredaö...

CHF 102.00

Samodeterminaciq stanowleniq sub#ekta nauchno-tworcheskoj...

Balymowa, Inna
Samodeterminaciq stanowleniq sub#ekta nauchno-tworcheskoj deqtel'nosti
V dannoj knige predstawleno issledowanie psihologicheskih uslowij formirowaniq lichnosti w professional'noj deqtel'nosti (nauchno- issledowatel'skoj) i rassmatriwaetsq ne tol'ko w kontexte obschih zakonow funkcionirowaniq i ätapow tworcheskogo akta, no psihologicheskih determinant produktiwnosti nauchno-issledowatel'skoj deqtel'nosti. Nesomnennym dostoinstwom w predstawlennyh rezul'tatah qwlqetsq celostnoe rassmotrenie i reshenie raznoplanowyh...

CHF 88.00

Jetnokul'turnaq dispersiq assirijcew w kontexte globalizacii

Lawo, Roza
Jetnokul'turnaq dispersiq assirijcew w kontexte globalizacii
V knige rassmatriwaetsq process diasporal'noj diffuzii odnoj iz starejshih mirowyh ätnodiaspor - assirijskoj (galuta). Processy globalizacii pozwolqüt istoricheski territorial'no razdelennym assirijskim diasporam reintegrirowat'sq w kommunikatiwnom prostranstwe assirijskoj ätnokul'tury. Jeto qwlenie opisywaetsq awtorom s pomosch'ü wwodimogo w nauchnyj oborot awtorskogo koncepta diasporal'noj globalizacii kak nowoj paradigmy kul'turnoj globaliz...

CHF 102.00

Obrabotka informacii w mass-spektrometrii

Manojlow, Vladimir
Obrabotka informacii w mass-spektrometrii
Vazhnejshej chast'ü sowremennogo mass-spektrometra qwlqetsq ego komp'üternyj apparatno-programmnyj komplex, funkcii kotorogo sostoqt w sbore, obrabotke i identifikacii informacii, postupaüschej ot ego analiticheskoj chasti. Pri ätom zadachi programmnyh sredstw mass-spektrometrow sostoqt w obespechenii trebuemoj tochnosti analiza i w snizhenii nagruzki na analiticheskuü chast' mass-spektrometra. V knige opisany komp'üternye metody obrabotki mas...

CHF 102.00

Sistema indiwidualizacii podgotowki sportsmenow w igrowyh...

Kozina, Zh. L.
Sistema indiwidualizacii podgotowki sportsmenow w igrowyh widah sporta
Indiwidualizaciq - neobhodimoe uslowie podgotowki sportsmenow. V igrowyh widah sporta wperwye razrabotana koncepciq indiwidualizacii, kotoraq osnowana na sistemnom podhode, teorii funkcional'nyh sistem P.K. Anohina, obschej teorii podgotowki sportsmenow V.N. Platonowa, L. P. Matweewa. Predstawlennaq w knige sistema indiwidualizacii qwlqetsq integral'noj, äffektiwnoj, informatiwnoj, dostupnoj dlq trenerow i sportsmenow. Sistema indiwidualizacii...

CHF 102.00