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542 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Heir to the Stars

Suggs, Lionel
Heir to the Stars
Skylar Kousenshou a.k.a Garnet was erased from existence by the Ace of Spades after the war against Cain. However, she was resurrected for reasons unknown. She now searches for the answers that no one can give her. Journey with Skylar Kousenshou as she finds the meaning behind her Ansho Eyes, and her importance to the Heir to the Stars title.

CHF 15.90

My Prayer Closet

My Prayer Closet
My Prayer Closet will encourage you to live your life to the glory of God instead of focusing on building your kingdom here on earth. This pocket size reference is perfect for taking on-the-go, and the prayers are a great tool for daily recitals. The first sections are on prayer: Why we pray and what to pray for - selected verses on this topic from Scripture - and wrapping up with a section on my favorite prayers from Scripture. The articles i...

CHF 13.90

Frankie's New Beginning

Kaliser, Jennifer
Frankie's New Beginning
Frankie's New Beginning" is the true story of a young Pit Bull starting his new life. After being abandoned at an animal shelter, Frankie was fostered (then adopted) and began to see what a full life was supposed to be. This story book filled with real photos of Frankie from his first day at the shelter to his first birthday (6 months later) shows children that Pit Bulls can be sweet, loving pets doing fun, everyday things.

CHF 40.50

Heir to the Stars II

Suggs, Lionel
Heir to the Stars II
The Future Generation will always surpass the last..." Part II of the Heir to the Stars series takes you deeper into the Absolute Infinite as an Heir to the union of Nothing and All Possibility has yet to be established.

CHF 14.90

Alla base dell'impresa

Pollini, Tarcisio
Alla base dell'impresa
Per un'industria che affronta il mercato globale di oggi, ostico ed aggressivo come mai, la vita, ma soprattutto la crescita, il successo, dipendono dalla sua capacità di competere, di migliorarsi continuamente, giorno dopo giorno. Tale imprescindibile necessità ha tuttavia, un passaggio obbligato poiché, ¿il miglioramento aziendale può scaturire, solo, da quello dei suoi responsabili¿. ¿Alla base dell'impresä definisce le caratteristiche d...

CHF 22.90


Lemond, Edward
Collected Poems, 1970 - 2013. The arrangement is more or less chronological.

CHF 18.90

Swan Song

Suggs, Lionel
Swan Song
Their origins, destination, goals and motivations are unknown - even to themselves.

CHF 22.90

Heir to the Stars

Suggs, Lionel
Heir to the Stars
Take a journey into the world of the Ace of Spades somewhere during the events of Heir to the Stars and Heir to the Stars II as the End of all Time draws near...

CHF 15.90

The Bible and Sexual Relationships Issues

Zeolla, Gary F.
The Bible and Sexual Relationships Issues
This book will look in-depth at what the Bible has to say on sexual types of relationships and related issues. By this is meant: dating, pre-martial sex, marriage, divorce, re-marriage, martial sex, extra-martial sex, homosexuality, polygamy, incest, abortion, and birth control. This study will go through the Scriptures systematically, looking at relevant passages of Scripture in order. The passages are written out, with the bulk of this boo...

CHF 21.90

Mnogoletnqq dinamika gidrologicheskogo sostoqniq pochw Is...

Krawcow, Jurij
Mnogoletnqq dinamika gidrologicheskogo sostoqniq pochw Ishiskoj stepi
V Ishimskoj stepi w uslowiqh bogarnogo zemledeliq otmechaetsq izmenenie gidrologicheskogo sostoqniq pochw i gruntow zony aäracii w storonu powysheniq ih wlazhnosti w techenie 1960-2000-h gg. Glawnoj prichinoj wyqwlennoj dinamiki wystupaet obuslowlennyj hozqjstwennoj deqtel'nost'ü pod#em urownq gruntowyh wod. V mnogoletnej dinamike gidrologicheskogo sostoqniq pochw i podpochwennyh tolsch porod Ishimskoj stepi pri pod#eme gruntowyh wod wydeleno ...

CHF 102.00

Prawowye osnowy material'nogo obespecheniq i soczaschity ...

Yakushew, Vadim
Prawowye osnowy material'nogo obespecheniq i soczaschity policii(milicii)
V monografii raskrywaütsq prawowye osnowy material'nogo, finansowogo, medicinskogo i pensionnogo obespecheniq, social'noj zaschity i instituta pooschrenij sotrudnikow policii (milicii) Rossijskogo gosudarstwa. Proanalizirowano zakonodatel'stwo o finansowom obespechenii i social'noj zaschite sotrudnikow policii Rossijskoj imperii, milicii Sowetskogo gosudarstwa i Rossijskoj Federacii. Rassmotreny l'goty, garantii i kompensacii, medicinskoe obes...

CHF 102.00

Politicheskaq i prawowaq kul'tura postsowetskoj Rossii

Dewqtow, Valerij
Politicheskaq i prawowaq kul'tura postsowetskoj Rossii
Awtorom monografii rassmotreno wzaimodejstwie prawowoj i politicheskoj kul'tury w processe razwitiq obschestwa, issledowano funkcionirowanie politicheskoj i prawowoj kul'tury w ramkah kul'tury w celom, proanalizirowany i sformulirowany osobennosti prawowoj i politicheskoj kul'tury postsowetskoj Rossii, pokazano wliqnie politicheskoj i prawowoj kul'tury na razwitie rossijskogo obschestwa. Aktual'nost' dannogo issledowaniq widitsq w neobhodimost...

CHF 77.00

Filosofskoe ponimanie i ontologiq znaka

Nowoselow, Viktor
Filosofskoe ponimanie i ontologiq znaka
Awtor dannoj raboty delaet popytku raskryt' iobosnowat' fundamental'nye osnowaniq ontologii znaka.Monografiq poswqschena filosofskomu analizu prirody isuschnosti znaka, kotoraq soderzhatel'no raskrywaetsq wponqtiqh «bytie» i «materiq» znaka. Vwedeno ponqtie «bytie znaka» i wyqwleny kriterii egoupotrebleniq, suschnostnym swojstwom znaka qwlqetsqwnutrennqq transcendenciq kak uslowie egosobstwennogo bytiq.Pod materiej znaka mozhno ponimat' älemen...

CHF 77.00


Sharow, Maxim / I. M., Golownyh / A. Ju., Mihajlow
Rassmotreny osnownye podhody k prowedeniü transportnogo palnirowaniq w krupnyh gorodah. Predlozhen nowyj metod ocenki transportnogo sprosa na perewozki gorodskim passazhirskim transportom. Ob#ektom issledowaniq qwlqetsq process peredwizheniq passazhirow na obschestwennom i indiwidual'nom awtomobil'nom transporte. Predmetom issledowaniq qwlqetsq raspredelenie passazhirskih korrespondencij mezhdu rajonami goroda, s ispol'zowaniem obschestwennogo...

CHF 77.00

Ideologiq i programmatika russkoj monarhicheskoj ämigracii

Antonenko, Natal'q
Ideologiq i programmatika russkoj monarhicheskoj ämigracii
V monografii komplexno rassmatriwaütsq idejno-teoreticheskie predstawleniq monarhicheskoj ämigracii o sisteme gosudarstwennogo ustrojstwa, äkonomicheskoj, social'noj, nacional'noj, konfessional'noj, wneshnepoliticheskoj doktrine postbol'shewistskoj Rossii, strategii realizacii namechennyh preobrazowanij. Pri ätom na osnowe analiza razlichnyh monarhicheskih koncepcij awtor stremitsq wyqwit' osnownye tendencii w razwitii ämigrantskoj konserwatiw...

CHF 102.00

Kul'turnaq determinaciq obraza soznaniq

Sidorowa, Varwara
Kul'turnaq determinaciq obraza soznaniq
V knige rassmatriwaütsq razlichnye aspekty wliqniq kul'tury na organizaciü i dinamiku obraza indiwidual'nogo soznaniq nositelq opredelennoj kul'tury. Prowoditsq analiz sowremennoj literatury po problemam: "kul'tura", "obraz", "soznanie" w psihologicheskom, psihosemioticheskom, psiholingwisticheskom i kul'turologicheskom podhodah, podhode Visual Studies. Awtorom wwodqtsq i obosnowywaütsq nowye koncepty: "kul'tura raboty soznaniq" - koncept, opi...

CHF 102.00

Psihologicheskie osobennosti dinamicheskih harakteristik ...

Irina, Lushpaewa
Psihologicheskie osobennosti dinamicheskih harakteristik myshleniq
Aktual'nost' predlozhennoj temy opredelqetsq toj rol'ü, kotoruü ponqtijnoe myshlenie igraet w razreshenii komplexa social'nyh i indiwidual'no-psihologicheskih problem cheloweka. V ramkah predlozhennoj raboty byli sistematizirowany osnownye teoreticheskie koncepcii ponqtijnogo myshleniq, w hode äxperimental'nogo issledowaniq wyqwleny ego struktura i psihologicheskie mehanizmy. Faktornyj analiz dinamicheskih harakteristik myshleniq, pozwolil ots...

CHF 102.00

Difrakciq älektromagnitnyh woln na ChSP

Kaz'min, Igor'
Difrakciq älektromagnitnyh woln na ChSP
. predlozheny äffektiwnye älektrodinamicheskie metody analiza ChSP, obrazowannyh neskol'kimi koncentricheskimi älementami krugloj i kol'cewoj formy, a takzhe ChSP iz prqmougol'nyh apertur w äkrane konechnoj tolschiny. Teoreticheski issledowana difrakciq älektromagnitnyh woln na takih strukturah, . proizweden uchet konechnoj prowodimosti metalla w zadache difrakcii woln opticheskogo diapazona na metallicheskih nanoreshetkah iz apertur krugloj i...

CHF 88.00