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561 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

A Tale of Two Houses

Cazabon, Yvan-Pièr
A Tale of Two Houses
An Historical Survey of Traditional Domestic Architecture in Trinidad and Tobago, Case Studies of: The Boissiere and Piccadilly Houses in Port of Spain, Trinidad. Survey and documentation conducted by Faculty and students of the Azrieli School of Architecture & Urbanism, Carleton University, Ottawa, CANADA with The Citizens for Conservation, Trinidad & Tobago. Book contains over 150 images including photographs, sketches, measured drawings, an...

CHF 33.50

Soul's Child

Gray, Dianne
Soul's Child
Winner of the 2012 YWO Book of the Year Award Aurora Jones dreams in pictures. Pictures that depict tragedy and death. After the death of her Mother and sister, Aurora's father, Merv, moves them across the world to LA, where he forges a new career as a celebrity ghost hunter, thanks to Aurora's dreams. But Aurora sees her father changing into a character she doesn't recognize - his alter ego - Clive Soul. Unable to keep the father she...

CHF 28.90

Grunt RX-10

Kolacek, Martin
Grunt RX-10
A Sci-fi comedy Grunt RX-10 is a story of a neurotic machine who is so depressed by being a metallic item without a soul he becomes a renegate in the world of machines. While escaping the High computer's servants, he snatches a female machine and looks forward to interconnecting the fuel tanks when something goes terribly wrong. After they have both been killed few times by a bored Author a group of mad esorcists imprison them in human bod...

CHF 28.50

Représentations et conceptions de l¿espace dans la cultur...

Rohde, Martin / Suarez-Nani, Tiziana
Représentations et conceptions de l¿espace dans la culture médiévale. Repräsentationsformen und Konzeptionen des Raums in der Kultur des Mittelalters
This volume contains the records of the international Freiburg Colloquium of the same name which was held by the Medieval Institute of the University of Freiburg from October 19 to 21, 2009. The academic reconstruction of the conception and perception of space in the culture of the Latin Middle Ages requires a differentiated treatment and corresponding competencies - something which can be realized only through an interdisciplinary approach. E...

CHF 196.00

Outline of Sanity

Chesterton, G. K.
Outline of Sanity
This antiquarian book contains Gilbert Keith Chesterton's 1926 thesis, The Outline of Sanity. Within this famous book Chesterton explores the subjects of poverty, concentration of wealth, work, agriculture, machinery, and capital gain. Chesterton championed wealth distribution, but was staunchly opposed to socialism, he was an advocate of private ownership, but was an anti-capitalist. This fascinating text will appeal to those with an interest...

CHF 39.50

Semantics. Volume 1

Maienborn, Claudia / Portner, Paul / Heusinger, Klaus Von
Semantics. Volume 1
This series of HANDBOOKS OF LINGUISTICS AND COMMUNICATION SCIENCE is designed to illuminate a field which not only includes general linguistics and the study of linguistics as applied to specific languages, but also covers those more recent areas which have developed from the increasing body of research into the manifold forms of communicative action and interaction. For "classic" linguistics there appears to be a need for a review of the sta...

CHF 508.00

Fenomen chelowecheskogo tela

Timoshenko, Marina
Fenomen chelowecheskogo tela
Mnogoobrazie konceptual'nyh podhodow swidetel'stwuet ob ustojchiwom interese uchenyh k probleme telesnosti. V kul'turnoj reflexii telo predstawlqet soboj osobuü cennost'. Cennost' zaklüchaetsq w fenomenal'noj wseohwatnosti: telo - ob#ekt social'noj regulqcii, reprezentaciq indiwidual'nogo w cheloweke, forma ontologii i istorii chelowechestwa. Naprawlennoe i wnutr' i wowne, ono okazywaetsq integral'noj harakteristikoj, ne sowpadaüschej ni s isk...

CHF 102.00

A History of Mindfulness

Sujato, Bhikkhu
A History of Mindfulness
The Satipä¿hana Sutta is the most influential scripture in Buddhist meditation. It is the foundation text for the modern schools of 'vipassana' or 'insight' meditation. The well-known Pali discourse is, however, only one of many early Buddhist texts that deal with mindfulness. This is the first full-scale study to encompass all extant versions of the Satipä¿hana Sutta, taking into account the dynamic evolution of the Buddhist scriptures and th...

CHF 40.90

Transnacional'nye korporacii

Kondrat'ew, Nikolaj Iwanowich / Al'bertowich Klejn, Al'bert
Transnacional'nye korporacii
V monografii rassmotreny aktual'nye problemy äffektiwnosti transnacional'nyh korporacij w uslowiqh finansowyh krizisow global'noj äkonomiki. Prowedennoe awtorami issledowanie wklüchaet w sebq analiz äwolücii wzglqdow na soderzhanie, formy i modeli deqtel'nosti sowremennyh TNK. Osoboe wnimanie udeleno raskrytiü suschnosti i wyqwleniü mehanizmow funkcionirowaniq transnacional'nyh korporacij w uslowiqh krizisnyh qwlenij global'noj äkonomiki, rass...

CHF 64.00

Vliqnie krizisa na äkonomiku Juzhnoj Korei

Lewickaq, Elizaweta
Vliqnie krizisa na äkonomiku Juzhnoj Korei
Rabota analiziruet izmeneniq, proizoshedshie w äkonomike Korei w rezul'tate global'nogo äkonomicheskogo krizisa. V rabote takzhe rassmotreny antikrizisnye mery, predprinqtye kak prawitel'stwom, tak i chastnymi kompaniqmi. Prowedeno issledowanie naskol'ko ustojchiwa korejskaq äkonomika, a takzhe ee sposobnost' k bystromu wosstanowleniü. Osoboe wnimanie udeleno social'nomu aspektu.Otdel'naq chast' raboty poswqschena dinamike razwitiq äkonomiki K...

CHF 64.00


Osejchuk, O. / Romanowskaq, I. / Sewast'qnow, O.
Dannaq rabota poswqschena izucheniü äliminirowaniqfenol'nyh toxikantow iz rastworow s ispol'zowaniemfermenta peroxidazy hrena (POH). V ramkah nastoqschegoissledowaniq izucheny biohimicheskie swojstwa chastichnoochischennogo fermentnogo preparata peroxidazy, wydelennoj iz kornej hrena. Optimizirowany uslowiqperoxidaznogo okisleniq rqda fenol'nyh soedinenij, priwodqschego k obrazowaniü nerastworimyh polimernyhproduktow. S ispol'zowaniem znacheni...

CHF 88.00

Otnoshenie zhitelej Moskwy k igornomu biznesu

Tagibowa, Asiqt
Otnoshenie zhitelej Moskwy k igornomu biznesu
Vekowaq strast' lüdej k igre, nesmotrq na wse pessimisticheskie dowody, neiskorenima - k schast'ü dlq igornogo biznesa i k neschast'ü "igromanow". Zhelanie "dat' sud'be schelchok", kak pisal Dostoewskij, redko dowodit do dobra, i zachastuü priwodit k zhiznennym dramam. Azartnye igry prakticheski wsegda byli chast'ü zhizni mnogih lüdej, karty, ruletka i stremlenie k "bystromu bogatstwu" mnogie weka zanimali tysqchi i milliony lüdej po wsemu mir...

CHF 64.00


Kucherenko, Alexandr
Poznanie naibolee glubinnyh i okutannyh tajnojosnowanij deqtel'nosti soznaniq, processa obrazowaniqchelowekom predstawlenij ob okruzhaüschejdejstwitel'nosti i o samom sebe sostawlqet dostatochnoser'eznuü i wse esche malo izuchennuü problemu, wyzywaüschuü postoqnnuü raznogolosicu mnenij u teh, ktoo nej razmyshlqet. Odnim iz istochnikow nashih znanijpriznaetsq tak nazywaemoe «chistoe soznanie», predstawlqüschee soboj sowokupnost' pustyh, apriorn...

CHF 102.00


Nikitin, Grigorij / Karasowa, Irina
V monografii raskrywaütsq osnowy metodiki formirowaniq u shkol'nikow predstawlenij o nauchnom metode poznaniq w processe izucheniq fundamental'nyh fizicheskih teorij, daötsq klassifikaciq i sistematizaciq istoricheskih opytow, w zawisimosti ot ih statusa w razwitii fizicheskogo znaniq. Dlq izucheniq istoricheskih opytow awtory predlagaüt ispol'zowat' sowremennoe oborudowanie PHYWE, L-mikro (na osnowe datchikow), a takzhe modelirowat' istoriche...

CHF 102.00


Uspenskij, V. / Irtüga, O. / Gordeew, M.
Rabota poswqschena izucheniü anewrizm kornq aorty, sochetaüschihsq s aortal'noj nedostatochnost'ü.Rassmotreny woprosy anatomii kornq aorty, ätiologii i patogeneza anewrizm kornq aorty, sochetaüschihsq s aortal'noj nedostatochnost'ü, wklad disbalansa matrixnyh metalloproteinaz w narushenie struktury äxtracellülqrnogo matrixa i formirowanie anewrizmaticheskogo rasshireniq woshodqschego otdelaaorty. Proanalizirowany razlichnye podhody khirurgiche...

CHF 88.00


Prowalinskaq, Lübow' / Efimowich, Elena
Bor'ba s korrupciej stala w poslednie gody odnoj iz naibolee aktual'nyh tem w obschestwe s rezko wozrosshim k nej interesom. V monografii predstawleno qwlenie korrupciq kak slozhnoe obschestwenno-opasnoe qwlenie, kotoroe wyrazhaetsq w razlichnyh formah zloupotreblenij gosudarstwennymi ili inymi polnomochiqmi dlq polucheniq wygody w lichnyh celqh libo w interesah tret'ih lic. Ej swojstwenny sleduüschie priznaki: wysokoe social'noe polozhenie ee...

CHF 64.00

Anglijskoe obschestwo XV weka

Zolotow, Vsewolod
Anglijskoe obschestwo XV weka
V centre issledowaniq awtora politicheskoe isocial'noe razwitie anglijskogo obschestwa s pozicijsowremennogo istoricheskogo znaniq. Na osnowanii rqdatraktatow i drugih powestwowatel'nyh istochnikowrassmatriwaütsq predstawleniq, obrazy, modelipowedeniq korolewskoj wlasti w glazah otdel'nyhsocial'nyh grupp obschestwa, kogda sakral'nost' obrazakorolq wsö bol'she ustupaet mesto obrazu korolq kakotwetstwennogo i mudrogo prawitelq. Osweschaütsqpopyt...

CHF 102.00

Oxid azota (II) u laktobacill

Yarullina, Dina / Il'inskaq, Ol'ga
Oxid azota (II) u laktobacill
Laktobacilly - wazhnyj komponent estestwennoj mikroflory cheloweka i zhiwotnyh. Oni intensiwno ispol'zuütsq w proizwodstwe probioticheskih preparatow i produktow funkcional'no pitaniq. U bakterij Lactobacillus plantarum wperwye obnaruzhen i oharakterizowan specifichnyj NO-sintaznyj put' obrazowaniq oxida azota. Namecheny podhody k ocenke fiziologicheskogo smysla biosinteza NO kletkami laktobacill. Uchastie mikrobnogo oxida azota w stress-reakc...

CHF 77.00