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759 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

To Die Like a Gentlman

Gerlach, Damian
To Die Like a Gentlman
To Die Like a Gentleman follows the relationship between a boy and his grandfather during the most trying times of the grandfather's life, as he finds out that he has what's believed to be terminal cancer. Rather than compromise the remaining days of his life, the relationships that he's made throughout the years, as well as the possibility of never being able to teach his grandson all of life's lessons that he-himself learned over the years, ...

CHF 26.50

The Second Martin

Preus, Jacob A. O.
The Second Martin
An introductory biography on the late-Reformation writer Martin Chemnitz, who stood with Luther and Melanchthon as an author of the Lutheran confessions and father of Lutheran theology. This book is the first full-length biography and analysis of Chemnitz to appear in English.Identifies the key figures and events of the late Reformation Describes those involved in the writing of the Formula of Concord Includes a topically arranged analysis of ...

CHF 46.90

In der Dunkelkammer

Merz, Klaus / Bundi, Markus
In der Dunkelkammer
In Klaus Merz' früher Prosa zeigen sich bereits der zurückhaltende, eigene Ton, der hintergründige Humor sowie die schnörkellose und poetische Sprache, die sein gesamtes Werk prägen. Der zweite Band der Werkausgabe versammelt Prosatexte aus dem Frühwerk, darunter bislang unveröffentlichte Texte, die noch vor dem ersten Prosa-Band "Obligatorische Übung" entstanden sind, sowie das für die Arbeit des Autors wegweisende Prosastück "Latentes Materi...

CHF 36.90

Yeah, That Happened

Ehren, Erika
Yeah, That Happened
The typical baby album or Grandma's brag book immortalizes those precious firsts and oh-so-adorable milestones that are too cute for words. But any parent living in the real world knows that's only half the story. No kid is that perfect! They're messy, fussy, wild and sneaky, but you love them all the more for it. Yeah, That Happened: My Terrifically Terrible Toddler is a place to record the icky, sticky, awful events that prove you've got a r...

CHF 40.90

Thinking about Nothing

Conlon, Thomas E.
Thinking about Nothing
Thinking about Nothing contains, in addition to a new translation from the Latin of Otto von Guericke's most important writings, an account of his life and a perspective on his thought. Amid the turmoil of the Thirty Years War and the pressures of life as politician and diplomat, he was a pioneer investigator of the nature of space and the atmosphere, and was, most famously, the inventor of the vacuum pump.

CHF 48.50


Harris, Lawander
Is YOUR LIFE SPINNING OUT OF CONTROL? ARE YOU TIRED OF FEELING LIKE YOU'RE NEVER GOING TO GET THINGS ACCOMPLISHED? GET TO THAT GOAL? MEET YOUR DESTINY? OR HAVE YOU TRIED TO DO BUSINESS AS USUAL AND FAILED? NO WORRIES... The Father had a Method for your seemingly Madness. The book is called Biblical Business Bones. And it's another great Self-Help Book from "In the Light of His Word Ministry Series, " by Minister and Business Entrepreneur...

CHF 17.50

Hray-Mah! The Earth is Gone?

Vincent, Robert William
Hray-Mah! The Earth is Gone?
Hray-Mah is the Word of God shared unto mankind. Behold: Jesus returns quickly: What does that mean Today? What are the SEVEN PRAYERS Jesus asked only those following Him to pray? Who wants all the World "NOT TO READ THEIR BIBLE"? Hray-Mah is A WARNING TO CHRISTIANS ! No one is left to remember why the Earth as we knew it ended that day and all life was extinguished from its face: But, the signs were all around long before it happe...

CHF 87.00

island mantra

Mommsen, Trevor
island mantra
An archipelago holiday adventure turns into prisoners of war for Carol and Kevin. Carol's natural attributes and meditative dynamic mind focus bring elements together that conclude cessation of hostilities - her way

CHF 42.50

Semper Fight - The Squad Bay Stories

Figueroa, Rafael
Semper Fight - The Squad Bay Stories
A group of U.S.Marines from different parts of urban America become friends.They travel the world meet intresting people and begin a world wind of adventures.It in gulfs you in laugter and drama.Then it drags you through a dark side of the military that few are ever exposed to.A gun trafficking, gang affiliated chaos, with money the root of all evil taking over these young Marines souls. Their lives spirl out of control and heads crashing into...

CHF 45.50


Holmes, Linus
SSS OPEC and Sir Linus Holmes are assigned to assassinate Edward Philips because Edward wants to vaporized the planet earth to smoke and dust. SSS OPEC and Sir Linus Holmes must go undercover in the Saudi Secret Service in order to do so. They are acting as double agents to start with. Also, they would have to take part in a few invasions that Edward Philips and the Saudi Secret Service in order to do so. Even the Soviet Union in the Ukraine a...

CHF 25.50


Blommaert, Jan
This new and engaging introduction offers a critical approach to discourse, written by an expert uniquely placed to cover the subject for a variety of disciplines. Organised along thematic lines, the book begins with an outline of the basic principles, moving on to examine the methods and theory of CDA (critical discourse analysis). It covers topics such as text and context, language and inequality, choice and determination, history and proces...

CHF 87.00

Perechislenie nakrytij trehmernyh mnogoobrazij

Shmatkow, Mihail
Perechislenie nakrytij trehmernyh mnogoobrazij
Nachalo sistematicheskomu izucheniü (razwetwlennyh) nakrytij rimanowyh powerhnostej, a w dal'nejshem - i mnogoobrazij bolee wysokih razmernostej, s primeneniem algebraicheskih i kombinatornyh metodow bylo polozheno w klassicheskih rabotah A. Gurwica, otnosqschihsq k koncu XIX weka. Dal'nejshie issledowaniq zadachi o chisle nakrytij w dwumernom sluchae prowodilis' w rabotah takih matematikow, kak G. Vejl' (1931), H. Rörl (1963), K. Ezel (1968),...

CHF 88.00

Jekologicheskoe olimpijskoe obrazowanie i wospitanie

Maznichenko, M. / Kruglowa, L. / Kruglowa, M.
Jekologicheskoe olimpijskoe obrazowanie i wospitanie
Monografiq sistematiziruet mirowye kreatiwnye razrabotki w sfere olimpijskogo obrazowaniq i ego äkologicheskoj sostawlqüschej w uslowiqh kurortnogo goroda. Osoboe wnimanie udeleno unikal'nomu obrazowatel'nomu proektu «Sochi 2014». «Izüminkoj» raboty wystupaet komplexnyj podhod k äkologizacii olimpizma - ot strategicheskih orientirow do analiza obrazowatel'noj praktiki i äkologicheskoj PR-kampanii Igr 2014 goda. Vperwye sformulirowany koncepciq...

CHF 102.00

Infinite Possibility

Pine, B. Joseph
Infinite Possibility
In 1999 Joseph Pine and Jim Gilmore identified a seismic shift in the modern econ - omy. To set yourself apart from your competition, you needed to offer your customers more than just great goods or attentive service. You needed to offer experiences - memorable events that engage people in inherently personal ways. We're now deep into this Experience Economy. But the physical world, bounded as it is by matter, space, and time, offers limited o...

CHF 46.50

Figures of Speech

Turner, William
Figures of Speech
Recounting controversial First Amendment cases from the Red Scare era to Citizens United, William Bennett Turner - a Berkeley law professor who has argued three cases before the Supreme Court - shows how we've arrived at our contemporary understanding of free speech. His strange cast of heroes and villains, some drawn from cases he has litigated, includes Communists, Jehovah's Witnesses, Ku Klux Klansmen, the world's leading pornographer, pris...

CHF 39.90

Konstruirowanie social'noj real'nosti w mifo-logicheskom ...

Yarkeew, Alexej
Konstruirowanie social'noj real'nosti w mifo-logicheskom diskurse
V monografii predstawleny rezul'taty issledowaniq konstruirowaniq smysla social'noj real'nosti w mifologicheskom diskurse. Na osnowe konceptual'noj rewizii predshestwuüschih wzglqdow predlagaetsq principial'no inoj teoretiko-metodologicheskij rakurs rassmotreniq social'nogo i raskrywaütsq sposoby mifologizacii social'noj real'nosti. V ramkah ispol'zuemogo konstruktiwno-germenewticheskogo podhoda, dopolnennogo metodom sub#ekt-ob#ektnogo tozhdes...

CHF 77.00