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666 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

A Collection of Inspirational Verse from the Heart ...To ...

Broner-Watkins, Rhonda
A Collection of Inspirational Verse from the Heart ...To The Ears of God
Don't we hope that our unfulfilled needs and hearts desires in this life are not just a trickle of thought particles on the wind... but that they reach far beyond earths atmosphere, beyond the heavens... to seek out the One who is able to accomplish all things? That they reach the Supreme answer-er of prayers? Don't we want to let Him know that we think He is awesome, and amazing and incredible and fabulous and merciful and good and beautiful ...

CHF 24.50

Gnostic Christification

Gnosis, Daath / Aun Weor, Samael
Gnostic Christification
This book is 2 Texts, both written in 1963 by Samael Aun Weor and an Appendix which includes Samael's explanation of the Ray of Creation and references to the teachings of Gurdjieff. The first is the "Grand Gnostic Manifesto of the 2nd year of Aquarius" which discusses: The Aquarian Era, An Appalling Truth, The Soul, System to Dissolve the 'I', The Spirit, Sex Yoga, The Buddha, The Christ, The Universal Gnostic Christian Movement. The se...

CHF 30.90

Desert Horizons-Images of James Swinnerton's Southwest

Fillmore, Gary
Desert Horizons-Images of James Swinnerton's Southwest
James Swinnerton was a well known cartoonist who came to the American Southwest expecting to die from either tuberculosis or alchoholism in 1906. Instead, he experienced a full recovery from both afflictions. He spent the next fifty years painting the desert which he believed saved him from certain death. This book contains 23 color images of Swinnerton's paintings and 12 color images of the original art work for his beloved Canyon Kiddies ...

CHF 47.50

The War Opposing Creationism

Vanderploeg, Leo
The War Opposing Creationism
This book is about the philosophy of science and interpreting data according to different worldviews. This book also addresses the issue of Biblical authority in relation to observational science. A clear contrast is made between Biblical creation and evolutionary interpretations.

CHF 39.90


Tubbs, Brent
Get ready for 'Tusa'. An action packed debut novel that will keep you guessing until the very end. How can a book tell someone's future? And know their thoughts? Is it all in the reader's mind, or is there a mysterious author? A story filled with car chases, booby traps, and suspense, you have to make it to the end to find out.

CHF 44.90

SALT Summaries

Brand, Stewart
SALT Summaries
Condensed ideas about long-term thinking summarized by Stewart Brand (with Kevin Kelly, Alexander Rose and Paul Saffo) and a foreword by Brian Eno. These are summaries of talks by Jared Diamond, Craig Venter, Bruce Sterling, Jill Tarter, Martin Rees, Clay Shirky, Niall Ferguson, Jimmy Wales, Mary Catherine Bateson, Paul Hawken, Vernor Vinge, Ray Kurzweil, Sam Harris, Will Wright, Orville Schell, Nassim Taleb, Michael Pollan, Wade Davis, Lera ...

CHF 32.50

WE THREE - The Marathon Race

Hollingsworth, Darlene J.
WE THREE - The Marathon Race
WE THREE is a series of children stories about three young boys and their adventures together. "The Marathon Race" is the second book in the series. The stories consist of three major characters. One has Down Syndrome [intellectual challenge], another is wheelchair bound [physical challenge]. The third boy does not have a disability but rather is often teased because of his red hair and freckles. The wheelchair has a significant role in each ...

CHF 42.90

Racconti di M

Finazzi, Mauro
Racconti di M
Indagando nel mondo della vela, dai grandi marinai ai turisti della domenica, si scopre che gli argomenti di conversazione a bordi degli yacht di ogni mare, siano principalmente due. Il sesso e... la merda. Questo libro vuole essere un simpatico compagno di viaggio per tutti coloro che amano la vela, uno strumento per intrattenere i compagni di bordo con esilaranti racconti di storie realmente accadute, dal Lago di Garda alle isole dello Ionio...

CHF 20.50


Westerbeke, Willem
Chronologie betekent tijdrekenkunde. Bijbelse Chronologie is een tijdtabel die de jaren en perioden omvat van de Bijbelse geschiedenis. Die begint bij de Schepping en eindigt bij de profetieën van Johannes op Patmos. Het heeft de Heere behaagd om Zijn Kerk op aarde Verbondsgewijze en Periode-gewijze te besturen. De Schrift noemt dit tijden en volheid der tijden, Hand. 1:7, Gal. 4:4. Chronologie is heel belangrijk want het is geïnspireerd door...

CHF 20.50

Osobennosti mnozhestwa tranzitiwnosti

Kurbackij, Alexej
Osobennosti mnozhestwa tranzitiwnosti
V 70-tyh godah proshlogo weka V.I.Arnol'dom i ego uchenikami byli nachaty issledowaniq w oblasti prilozhenij teorii osobennostej k zadacham kachestwennoj teorii uprawleniq i differencial'nyh urawnenij, optimizacii. Mnogie interesnye woprosy w ätoj oblasti, qsnye i prostye po postanowke, a inogda, kazalos' by, i otwetu, eschö ostaütsq otkrytymi. K takowym, naprimer, otnositsq wazhnaq dlq prilozhenij zadacha o topologicheskoj ustojchiwosti zon l...

CHF 64.00

Vozmozhnosti nefroprotekcii

Jusupowa, Venera Abbqsowna
Vozmozhnosti nefroprotekcii
Imenno funkcional'nyj pochechnyj rezerw po srawneniü s mikroal'buminuriej, pokazal sebq bolee rannim diagnosticheskim pokazatelem funkcional'nogo sostoqniq pochek u pacientow s arterial'noj gipertoniej, saharnym diabetom 2 tipa. Kombinaciq antigipertenziwnoj terapii (iAPF s tiazidopodobnym diuretikom) w techenie 16 nedel' lecheniq, pokazala swoe nefroprotektiwnoe wliqnie na funkcional'noe sostoqnie pochek u pacientow s arterial'noj gipertoniej...

CHF 77.00

Nekategorichnost' wyskazywaniq kak lingwopragmaticheskaq ...

Milqnchuk, Natal'q
Nekategorichnost' wyskazywaniq kak lingwopragmaticheskaq kategoriq
Monografiq poswqschena issledowaniü i opisaniü sistemy raznourownewyh qzykowyh sredstw nekategorichnosti wyskazywaniq w nauchnom stile sowremennogo russkogo qzyka. V rabote wydeleny i predstawleny äxtralingwisticheskie faktory, opredelqüschie nekategorichnyj harakter nauchnogo izlozheniq, wydwinuto i obosnowano opredelenie nekategorichnosti wyskazywaniq kak lingwopragmaticheskoj kategorii, otrazhaüschej qzykowuü reflexiü goworqschego, formulir...

CHF 102.00

Biologiq dwuh fenotipicheskih form foreli

Zolotowa, Anastasiq / Panow, Valerij / Esawkin, Jurij
Biologiq dwuh fenotipicheskih form foreli
V monografii predstawleny dannye o biologicheskih osobennostqh i izmenenii osnownyh morfologicheskih struktur w organizme dwuh form foreli (zolotistoj i tipichno okrashennoj) pri intensiwnom wyraschiwanii s ispol'zowaniem teplyh wod älektrostancij. Oswescheny woprosy, kasaüschiesq sootnositel'nogo rosta otdel'nyh chastej tela i organow izuchaemyh ryb. Bol'shoe wnimanie udeleno rostu i gistostrukture raznyh chastej osewoj muskulatury (äpaxial'n...

CHF 77.00

Jenergeticheskaq äffektiwnost' sozdaniq lesnyh kul'tur

Burcew, Daniil
Jenergeticheskaq äffektiwnost' sozdaniq lesnyh kul'tur
V dannoj rabote dlq opredeleniq äffektiwnosti raznyh tehnologij sozdaniq lesnyh kul'tur razrabotan i primenen metod ocenki potokow änergii: sopostawleny potoki änergii solnca, pogloschaemoj pri funkcionirowanii iskusstwennoj lesnoj äkosistemy, i antropogennoj, zatrachiwaemoj na ee sozdanie. Na osnowe metoda ocenki potokow änergii mozhno prowodit' srawnenie raznoobraznyh tehnologij, oceniwat' strukturu zatrat antropogennoj änergii po otdel'nym ...

CHF 77.00

Nelinejnye kineticheskie äffekty w swerhstrukturah

Kuhar', Egor Iwanowich / Krüchkow, Sergej Viktorowich
Nelinejnye kineticheskie äffekty w swerhstrukturah
V rabote izlozheny rezul'taty teoreticheskogo issledowaniq wliqniq sil'nyh wneshnih polej na älektricheskie i opticheskie swojstwa odnomernyh poluprowodnikowyh swerhreshetok i nekotoryh struktur na osnowe grafena - nowogo perspektiwnogo materiala. Dlq poluprowodnikowyh swerhreshetok issledowano wliqnie shtarkowskogo kwantowaniq na poperechnuü magnitoprowodimost' i wliqnie postoqnnogo älektricheskogo polq na radioälektricheskij äffekt. Pokazana...

CHF 88.00

Osnowy menedzhmenta

Kirqkowa, Irina
Osnowy menedzhmenta
Soderzhanie knigi «Osnowy menedzhmenta» predstawlqet soboj celostnuü sistemu znanij o nauke uprawleniq organizaciqmi i, w chastnosti, w turizme. V knige proanalizirowany sleduüschie klüchewye ponqtiq, älementy i processy menedzhmenta: 1. suschnost' i soderzhanie ponqtiq «menedzhment», 2. tipy organizacionnyh struktur uprawleniq, 3. funkcii menedzhmenta i metody ih äffektiwnoj realizacii, 4. processy kommunikacij w organizacii, 5. process prinq...

CHF 64.00