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562 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

The Effect of Your Name on Your Life - The Vedic Name Code

Charran, Swami Ram
The Effect of Your Name on Your Life - The Vedic Name Code
What is importance of your name or any name? How does your name control your life & experiences? Why are countries whose names start with an "I" suffering? Can your name tell the path of your life from birth to death? Are longer names better for longer lives? Can your name predict the type of career you will follow? Will your name forecast the diseases that will afflict you? All this and more can be answered in this book... Find out how chan...

CHF 43.90

Jerusalem segnen von Januar bis Dezember

Zande, Petra van der
Jerusalem segnen von Januar bis Dezember
Gottes Wort spricht sehr deutlich: Um selbst Segen zu empfangen, müssen wir zuerst segnen. ¿Jerusalem segnen von Januar bis Dezember - Gebetsimpulse für das ganze Jahr" ist ein Buch, das geschrieben wurde, um die Hauptstadt Israels - Jerusalem - auf ganz praktische und konkrete Weise im Gebet zu segnen. Nicht, indem wir unsere eigenen Worte benutzen, sondern indem wir die Worte der Bibel proklamieren, die der Schlachter 2000 und der Schlach...

CHF 22.50

The Bible's Amazing Mysteries Revealed

Johnson, John Daniel
The Bible's Amazing Mysteries Revealed
The Bible comes alive as author John Daniel Johnson reveals the hidden meanings of the Tabernacle, the sacrificial system, the altars of the Bible, the eternal destiny of mankind, and why Satan was not killed after he sinned in Heaven.

CHF 32.50

75 Quid and An Axe (George Got Gumption)

Matthews, Julia
75 Quid and An Axe (George Got Gumption)
Nothing could stop him, nothing was bigger, wilder, fiercer, more industrious than George. Not even WW2 could bring him down. A true icon of the Australian landscape, George Challis is the man for whom the word "Gumption" was invented. They were larger than life times! And George had more life than most! From a range of war episodes to personal encounters with the ferocity of the Australian landscape, George Challis had a unique way of dealin...

CHF 49.50

Mentre tutto cambia

Vannelli, Sara
Mentre tutto cambia
Roma, Berlino, Vienna, Shangai, Napoli, Bangalore, aeroporti e stazioni dei treni. Luoghi di passaggio. Luoghi in cui restare. Distanze geografiche, prossimità interiori, uomini e donne che danzano a tempo la stessa musica, ognuno nella propria stanza. E un'intimità che annulla spazi, che azzera diversità, intreccia identità e storie e le rende figlie del nostro stesso tempo. Trentasei racconti come sassate in uno stagno. Autoironia e provo...

CHF 21.90

OneWordTitle (Essays on Modern Culture & Perception)

Sika, Stephen
OneWordTitle (Essays on Modern Culture & Perception)
A humorous, yet penetrating, look at modern American culture. Sika examines the definitions of "average" and "normal" in a society that is largely determined by perception. Of course, this is all done is a manner that does not take itself too seriously. What do the philosopher Immanuel Kant and Bob Barker have in common? For one, they have both left their mark on our culture. So why not look at both sides of the same coin-the contemplative and...

CHF 27.50

Diary of a Basketball Mom

Knight, T. Rhythm
Diary of a Basketball Mom
After her son entered the NBA T. Rhythm Knight looked at a truckload of journal entries and did what any self-respecting writer would...she decided to take her journal entries and turn them into a book. Although it was impossible to include every journal entry into her book, Ms. Knight has done an incredible job of taking her readers through the wacky and oftentimes wild ride of a Basketball Mom. Come along with her as she chronicles her so...

CHF 25.90

Diritto privato

Li Donni, Silvio
Diritto privato
Una sintesi che consente di imparare il DIRITTO PRIVATO in tempi rapidi. Il volumetto ha le seguenti caratteristiche : tratta l'intero programma della disciplina, linguaggio semplice, esposizione chiara e sintetica, aggiornato, ideale per preparare velocemente esami (scolastici e universitari) e concorsi. Sul sito è possibile visualizzarne una breve anteprima.

CHF 31.50


David, Raymond
A collection of original unique stories of imaginative horror and bizarre intrigue that will appeal to a wide readership suitable for all ages. Shades of Stephen King with a hint of Hitchcock . . .

CHF 21.50

Cardiac Tissue Engineering

Cohen, Smadar / Sapir, Yulia / Ruvinov, Emil
Cardiac Tissue Engineering
Cardiac tissue engineering aims at repairing damaged heart muscle and producing human cardiac tissues for application in drug toxicity studies. This book offers a comprehensive overview of the cardiac tissue engineering strategies, including presenting and discussing the various concepts in use, research directions and applications. Essential basic information on the major components in cardiac tissue engineering, namely cell sources and bioma...

CHF 55.50

Awtorsko-prawowaq ohrana personazhej

Fridman, Veronika
Awtorsko-prawowaq ohrana personazhej
Nastoqschee izdanie qwlqetsq publikaciej dissertacionnoj raboty, wypolnennoj na kafedre prawowoj ohrany intellektual'noj sobstwennosti Rossijskogo gosudarstwennogo instituta intellektual'noj sobstwennosti (RGIIS, g. Moskwa), w wide monografii, prednaznachennoj dlq shirokogo kruga issledowatelej. Dannaq rabota poswqschena srawnitel'nomu analizu polozhenij zakonodatel'stwa ob awtorskom prawe w CShA i w Rossijskoj Federacii (do prinqtiq IV Chasti...

CHF 77.00

Transformaciq smyslowoj sfery ünoshej

Miroshnichenko, Alexandr
Transformaciq smyslowoj sfery ünoshej
V monografii podnimaetsq wopros ambiwalentnosti transformacij pod wliqniem informacionno-kommunikacionnyh tehnologij otnositel'no naprawlenij psihicheskogo razwitiq - pozitiwnyh ili negatiwnyh. Zatragiwaetsq takzhe wopros psihologicheskogo issledowaniq informacionnoj kul'tury w nashej strane s tochki zreniq rassmotreniq istorii wnedreniq, osnownyh ätapow, slozhnostej proishodqschego processa i skorosti razwitiq informacionnyh tehnologij. Krome...

CHF 102.00

Ribosomnaq DNK i sajt-specificheskie retrotranspozony nas...

Kagramanowa, Arina
Ribosomnaq DNK i sajt-specificheskie retrotranspozony nasekomyh
Klaster ribosomnyh genow (rDNK) äukariot qwlqetsq klassicheskim primerom mul'tigennogo semejstwa, w kotorom geny rRNK razdeleny rqdom spejsernyh posledowatel'nostej: wnutrennimi i wneshnimi transkribiruemymi, a takzhe mezhgennymi (IGS) spejserami. Izwestno, chto rDNK mnogih äukariot sluzhit mishen'ü dlq transpozicij mnozhestwa semejstw mobil'nyh älementow, w tom chisle R1 i R2 retrotranspozonow. Dannye retroälementy otnosqtsq k non-LTR retrotr...

CHF 77.00

Sredstwa dialogizacii monologicheskoj rechi

Moiseewa-Pron', Nataliq
Sredstwa dialogizacii monologicheskoj rechi
Master maloj zhanrowoj formy, A.P. Chehow otdaet predpochtenie dialogu, o chem swidetel'stwuet znachitel'nyj udel'nyj wes primerow dannogo tipa rechi w rasskazah i powestqh. Dialogizaciq awtorskoj i personazhnoj monologicheskoj rechi sostoit wo wwedenii w monologicheskuü rech' woprosno-otwetnyh postroenij, semantika kotoryh otrazhaet dwunachalie, dwusub#ektnost' rechewogo obrazowaniq. V monografii dan analiz sredstw dialogizacii monologichesko...

CHF 88.00