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The Pursuit of God [Standard Large Print 16 Pt Edition]

Tozer, A. W. / Snyder, James L.
The Pursuit of God [Standard Large Print 16 Pt Edition]
Written during a train trip in the late 1940s, The Pursuit of God shows how God pursues humans to draw them into a relationship with Himself, while humans thirst after the things of God - though they attempt to fill this thirst with things other than worship of their Creator. Tozer explores different aspects of this desire within the human heart, calling readers to examine what they believe and put aside preconceived ideas that disrupt this re...

CHF 32.50

Fasting with The Lord's Prayer

Towns, Elmer L. / Franklin, Jenetezen
Fasting with The Lord's Prayer
Prayer and Fasting go hand in hand. Jesus taught the Lord's Prayer as the model for how to pray and showed us that when we prayed this way, it praises God and covers everything believers need in this life to attain eternal happiness. The Bible teaches fasting as an expression of faith in God's word and will. When Jesus taught His disciples to pray the Lord's Prayer, He immediately concluded, ''Now when you fast . . .'' (Matthew 6:16). Fasting ...

CHF 40.90

Deutsche Gebärdensprache

Happ, Daniela / Vorköper, Marc-Oliver
Deutsche Gebärdensprache
Die Anerkennung der Gebärdensprache als Minderheitensprache und das wachsende Selbstbewusstsein der gehörlosen Menschen haben das Interesse an der DGS und den Wunsch, diese zu erlernen, gesteigert. Die Nachfrage nach qualifizierter DGS-Dolmetschleistung eröffnet zudem ein interessantes Berufsfeld. Mit dem Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch antworten die Autorin und der Autor auf den Bedarf nach einem systematischen, anwendungsorientierten Lehrwerk. Der er...

CHF 58.50