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1224 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

After She Fell

Riley, Mary-Jane
After She Fell
A darkly compelling psychological thriller, full of twists and turns, perfect for fans of AFTER ANNA, HE SAID/SHE SAID and AFTER I'VE GONE.

CHF 17.90

Search for the Loon's Necklace: Chronicles of Eirgalon: B...

Kreger, Joel
Search for the Loon's Necklace: Chronicles of Eirgalon: Book 2
In the alternate history world of a Celtic North America called Eirgalon, the newly anointed High King of the land, Skoth, pursues his quest to unite his people and save their future. As his loyal followers come into conflict with hostile powers from the western lands, they are taken captive and Skoth struggles with the dilemma of following his quest or rescuing those he loves. Entwined throughout this fast paced and engaging novel are genuine...

CHF 18.50

L'ora del tramonto

D'Andrea, Giorgio D. S.
L'ora del tramonto
L'ora del tramonto" vuole alludere al tramonto di una civiltà miope che, trincerata dietro l'intrico delle sue leggi, non sa più distinguere tra bene e male? O forse si tratta del tramonto di un mondo in cui la lotta per la sopravvivenza rende gli uomini simili ai lupi famelici che ha cacciato dalle sue montagne? O invece il tramonto è quello della saggezza che permetteva agli uomini di vedere oltre la morte? Mi sarebbe piaciuto intitolare qu...

CHF 26.50


Mb, Apostle Oleg

CHF 25.90

H.S. Counseling Wisdom Relentegrity - the Relentless Purs...

Gary, M. S. L. P. C. Kim L. D. Z.
H.S. Counseling Wisdom Relentegrity - the Relentless Pursuit of Integrity
If you are looking for a quick reference to intriguing topics in High School Counseling, you have found it. Many people don't know what school counselors really do or what they can do to have a great impact on their student's lives and that of the school environment. This book is meant to educate the reader on many different facets of school counseling as the school counselor is an integral part of any successful school community. With the exp...

CHF 27.50

Haikus y (paréntesis)

Moreda Santamaría, Jaime
Haikus y (paréntesis)
Poesía bastante natural y. a veces. casi fotográfica: momentos que mi mente seducida capturó y, con un pequeño ejercicio neuronal, los convirtió en poemas, en Haikus.

CHF 21.90

A passi lenti scavando nell'anima

Rossello, Carmela
A passi lenti scavando nell'anima
IRDA EDIZIONI Questo secondo libro dell'autrice Carmela Rossello è una sorta di grande abbraccio verso tutti coloro che vorranno leggerlo, vortici di emozioni che coinvolgono, raggi di vita che rispecchiano e attraversano tutti. Carmela descrive ogni cosa con la semplicità che la contraddistingue e con la naturalezza che l'accompagna. I versi sono sentimenti veri, emozioni pure che non passano inosservate e toccano gli animi delle persone...

CHF 18.50

Eres Tú

Sanchez, Enus
Eres Tú
Dos chicos, un amor incondional y miles de kilómetros que los separan. Por suerte, no se dan por vencidos y deciden conocerse y darse una oportunidad. Una oportunidad que cambiará el curso de sus vidas.

CHF 17.90


Chapman, Jimmie
BOLD!!! Author, Dr. Jimmie Chapman paints a bleak picture of the current world conditions, predicting they will only get worse, and soon. SHOCKING!!! He gives us shocking and horrifying possibilities of where the world is headed if it continues in its current direction. Every human being on earth will be affected. We are on the brink of worldwide disaster. ALARMING!!! He is sounding the wakeup call for people to heed the warnings of the Bibl...

CHF 54.50

What If

Shri, Aarthi
What If
We all wish our lives to take turns into various forms. Perhaps from dreams, wishes, day dreams as we gaze into the bright sun as we drive or walk along the greenish trees that gives us pleasant shades in the park. Melanie is the type of the girl who has lived and thought of her whole life as "What If", in each and every scenario but she forgot something that all of us have every now and then, a thing called, life. She has experienced pain, be...

CHF 44.90

Heirs of Magic (Contemporary Portal Fantasy Adventure)

Quinn, Humphrey
Heirs of Magic (Contemporary Portal Fantasy Adventure)
Orphaned at birth and traveling with their uncle to hide their ability to read each other's minds, a brother and sister are shocked to discover a book, that first-claims magic is real, and second-that they belong in that world, and third-they are chosen by blood to fulfil a prophecy: to either save or destroy all magic. From strange childhood to stranger adolescence, twins Meghan and Colin Jacoby are coming of age in a land of magic alongside ...

CHF 22.50