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1294 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Brothers and Sisters in Christ

Dimarzio, Nicholas
Brothers and Sisters in Christ
The issue of immigration in the U.S. today is critical and urgent, but frequently clouded over by issues such as economic pressures, the fear of the unknown and family issues.

CHF 12.50


James (18) wird aus dem Jugendgefängnis entlassen. Er soll vor neun Jahren einen kleinen Jungen in einem Fluss ertränkt haben, aber die Leiche wurde nie gefunden. Was keiner weiß: James war an jenem Tag nicht allein - sein Freund Anthony war bei ihm. Nun kehrt James zurück in den Trailerpark seiner Kindheit um sich seinen Dämonen zu stellen. Doch je tiefer er nachforscht, desto grauenhafter werden seine Entdeckungen. Vor allem Anthony will ver...

CHF 30.50

Preys Moon

Remesar, Joseph
Preys Moon
A Steam-London ravaged by poverty, an unknown beast seeks to avenge the poorest members of society. "Prey's Moon, " by Joseph. M. Remesar, is one of the short-stories of the anthology The Best Spanish Steampunk, edited and translated by Marian and James Womack follows the steps of two anthologies already released by Ediciones Nevsky, both in Spanish, "Steampunk. Antología Retrofuturista" edited by Felix J. Palma and "Retrofuturismos. Antologí...

CHF 11.50

The Scarlet Letter

Hawthorne, Nathaniel / Thomson, Hugh
The Scarlet Letter
Set in colonial Massachusetts, Hawthorne's 1850 masterpiece offers a uniquely American perspective on spiritual and moral issues. This deluxe hardcover reproduction of a rare 1920 edition features 31 atmospheric color plates by Hugh Thomson.

Phonic Books Dandelion Launchers Stages 1-7 Sam, Tam, Tim...

Phonic Books
Phonic Books Dandelion Launchers Stages 1-7 Sam, Tam, Tim (Alphabet Code)
Learn how to read with Dandelion Launchers decodable books for beginner readers.Dandelion Launchers Stages 1-7 are first reader books by Phonic Books which introduce children to a few letters and sounds at a time. This pack of 14 books is perfect for children in Pre-K and Kindergarten who are learning to read, teaching different letter patterns through a series of stories. Two books for every stage provide phonics practice while offering diffe...

CHF 61.00


Colicchio, Helga
..Non bisogna giudicare "follia" l'Amore che si prova verso un'assenza importante che ha "frantumato" il proprio cuore, non bisogna giudicare "follia" la sensibilità delle persone che piangono col cuore, non bisognerebbe fare la propria felicità con la sofferenza è il dolore del prossimo..! ..Un'abbraccio..come un pensiero riscalda l'anima di chi lotta in silenzio, per paura di disturbare chi non ha "tempo" di ascoltare, ne parole da dedicare...

CHF 16.90

Exploring Alaska

Intili, Henry
Exploring Alaska
Henry and Barbara canoe stretches of the Noatak, North Fork of the Koyukuk and the Yukon Rivers. They also drive through Alaska and the Yukon in a broken Plymouth Voyager van.

CHF 27.50

Del Suicidio a la Vida

Rojas Quiceno, Guillermo
Del Suicidio a la Vida
Este libro recopila la historia de un hombre (Papá), que en medio de la confusión y deseo de suicidarse, se pregunta sobre el encanto y desencantos de la Vida, en un recorrido por la tragedia, lo complejo, las dificultades, lo humano, lo sensible y lo espiritual. Se trata de una historia real que nos cuestiona frente al ser-hacer en la vida, el cómo asumir las complejidades, dilemas y desafíos, bajo el extraordinario sentido del amor y la arm...

CHF 20.90

Spring Break in Napa

Beach, Joe "Bondi"
Spring Break in Napa
Five short stories. In "Spring Break in Napa, " Kathleen indulges in Spring Break therapy in California with her friend Samantha and Samantha's brother and their friend Jim following betrayal by her boyfriend at school back in Boston. What is it with high school girlfriends, anyway? In "A Picnic with April, " the narrator recalls his high school romance and his self-created delusions about the continuing romance. It takes a reunion that goe...

CHF 14.90

¡Feliz Navidad! (mit CD)

Schwermann, Michaela / Fernández, Federico
¡Feliz Navidad! (mit CD)
Dieser unentbehrliche Schatz von Weihnachtsliedern und -geschichten läutet die wichtigste Zeit des Jahres ein. Herausgeberin Michaela Schwermann hat lustige und nachdenkliche Geschichten und viele zeitlos schöne Lieder aus Spanien und Lateinamerika sorgfältig zusammengestellt, übersetzt und mit didaktischen sowie landeskundlichen Hinweisen versehen. So kann die Adventszeit mit gemeinsamem Singen und Vorlesen wunderbar auf Weihnachten einstimme...

CHF 48.90


Pierbattisti, Margherita
In questo libro troverai la risposta alle tue esigenze alimentari. Ti sei mai chiesto le cause che stanno dietro un certo disturbo? o come mai non ti senti più come una volta? oppure come mai continui a mettere su peso? Ti darò la spiegazione a queste e altre domande. Ti assicuro che questo è il libro giusto per te!

CHF 25.90

The Vortex at Thompson Park Volume 3

Defranco, Michael
The Vortex at Thompson Park Volume 3
Pocket Book - The FIRST SCI-FI book series about an Upstate New York town called Watertown and its urban legend The Vortex at Thompson Park. Real locations and residents of Watertown along with a local NEWS crew interact with which may be fictional situations through out time, who knows for sure? Volume 3 continues the stories began in the previous volumes with different points in time addressed in each chapter, along with the introduction and...

CHF 25.50

Pawns of Heaven

Phillips, Justin
Pawns of Heaven
Epiphany Gale has never believed the stories her Grandpa told her, never believed in gods or angels. When her Grandpa is murdered by agents of the sinister High Church however, her whole world is turned upside-down, as with his dying breath he entrusts Epiphany with a secret that her family has been keeping for generations. She is torn out of her comfortable life of mending clothes on the edge of a half-drowned world and catapulted into a race...

CHF 26.50

Talking Tales: Sam's Sticky Sucker

Graham, Erica
Talking Tales: Sam's Sticky Sucker
Sam has dreamed all night about his strawberry sucker. When morning arrives, he is unable to resist sneaking downstairs to eat his sucker before breakfast. But when mom comes toward the room and Sam is forced to run back to bed, he loses track of his sticky strawberry sucker. Now where could that sticky strawberry sucker have gone? Will Sam find the sucker before his mom? This funny story is a great tool for any parent or speech therapist. It ...

CHF 15.90