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1041 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.


Ehteshami, Anoushiravan
This book is the first comprehensive analytical study of the forces which have been shaping and changing modern Iran and its relations with the rest of the world. It looks at the roots of the 1979 revolution and the forces unleashed during the modernization process under the Pahlavi monarchy. Applying a range of theoretical approaches to understanding the Islamic republic¿s neo-authoritarian political system, Anoushiravan Ehteshami reflects on...

CHF 92.00

Lightworker Undercover: Your Time Is Now

Mann, Anya Sophia / Hadikin Bsc, Ruth
Lightworker Undercover: Your Time Is Now
Science has proven that your cells (and those of people around you) are constantly communicating to each other with light. What are they saying? And how can you actively use this light to enhance your life through better communication and relationships? A few years ago, the word 'lightworker' might have been considered woo-woo. But science is catching up fast and, far from being woo-woo, it is actually a proven scientific fact that every singl...

CHF 28.90

Master's Gift

Tunstall, Kit
Master's Gift
Chris Hanna didn't expect to provide blood and sex for vampire Hugh Klein when he became his assistant. He also didn't plan to fall in love with the other man. And he most definitely didn't think he would end up torn between his new lover and the woman who had captured his heart. He wants both of them, and the magic of Christmas just might make it possible.

CHF 17.50

Il profeta in versi

Pennacchioni, Mario
Il profeta in versi
Il libro "Il profeta in versi" nasce dalla passione dell'autore per la poesia in dialetto romano, una passione coltivata con amore per tanti anni e che ora prende forma nella pubblicazione di questa opera prima. La sua è una scrittura dal carattere originale e dallo stile molto personale. L'ispirazione affonda le radici nella vita quotidiana osservata con sguardo indagatore, in grado di cogliere con ironia il multiforme volto della realtà, de...

CHF 14.90

Learn Swift 3.0

Bura, John / Narang, Nimish / Nesiu, Razvan
Learn Swift 3.0
Have you always wanted to create your own iOS application? This book is a beginner's guide to the Swift 3.0 programming language. Swift 3.0 is a powerful, intuitive interface with which you can design incredible apps. With this book, you will learn how to experiment with Xcode using Swift 3.0's user-friendly Playground. As such, you will learn the foundations of making an app, and your first one will be up-and-running in no time!

CHF 93.00


Kliver, Christian P.
Die Marienverehrung ist eines der markanten Merkmale des Katholizismus und der Orthodoxie. Nachdem die Verehrung Mariens in den reformierten und evangelischen Kirchen keine Rolle spielt, ja sogar strikt abgelehnt wird, wird sich dieses Buch mit der Frage auseinandersetzen, woher diese Verehrung kommt und ob sie nicht doch auch ihre biblische Rechtfertigung findet.

CHF 13.50

Baelfire Book 1

Jesser, Jade
Baelfire Book 1
Our future is the past, and the present is forever altered by it. Science is both the liberator and the destroyer: Creating heroes and villains alike. Three children find themselves living in a world of vicious cycles, subject to the whims of ages long past. Torn from their families by a combination of greed, politics, and circumstance, this is their story - Their loss of innocence

CHF 26.90

WJ American Hero

Mountain, Michael W.
WJ American Hero
WJ American Hero is the final book in the Mountain Family trilogy. This action-packed fictional story begins in 1864 as the family moves to their new homestead in Blue Earth County in southern Minnesota. After the Dakota War of 1862, the largest Indian war in American history, the entire Indian population of Minnesota was forced to leave their lands throughout the state. Once the Indian population was exiled from the state, the federal governm...

CHF 35.90

Auà... ce reseme

Troiani, Giuseppe
Auà... ce reseme
Il secondo volume delle vignette di Auà. Dalle Ultime vignette del 2016 fino alle storiche vignette più famose. L'intera collana a colori.

CHF 24.90

Digital Organizations Leadership Disrupted

Shermon, Ganesh
Digital Organizations Leadership Disrupted
Organizations Disrupted - Alignment between organizations, culture, and leadership by linking dots in understanding the business of digital organizations while establishing a case for digital intellect. Leaders display behaviors through an understanding and comprehension of their business realities, challenges, and opportunities, manifested in everyday decisions. The book is built on the premise that digital organizations have their leadership...

CHF 72.00

The Liberal Leanings of the Liberating Lamb

Fronterhouse, Bob
The Liberal Leanings of the Liberating Lamb
When Jesus came, he revolutionized religion on our planet. He revealed a higher vision of God and a deeper understanding of the requirements and rewards for entering the kingdom of heaven. But, that vision has been ignored, distorted, or denied both by believers and nonbelievers alike. In The Liberal Leanings of the Liberating Lamb, author Bob Fronterhouse discusses that Christianity, as taught and practiced today, is too small to fulfill t...

CHF 45.90

Making Sense of Color Management

Hockenberry, Craig
Making Sense of Color Management
Get clarity in the tricky endeavor of managing colors from initial design to final product. Learn why colors shift, the science behind the human eye and color profiles, and how to set up your image editor and development environment for consistent color. Craig Hockenberry takes you through every step of color management, with indispensable advice on readying your work and workflows for new technologies.

CHF 38.90

Working the Command Line

Sharp, Remy
Working the Command Line
Don't fear the terminal. No, really. However you've wound up face-to-face with the cool glow of a terminal window, Remy Sharp is here to help. Gain command-line shortcuts and processing techniques, install new tools and diagnose problems, and fully customize your terminal for a better, more powerful workflow.

CHF 38.50

Der Praktische Taubenzüchter

Wright, Lewis
Der Praktische Taubenzüchter
In der heutigen Zeit werden Haustauben vor allem als Brieftaube und als Rassetauben gehalten. Es existieren vermutlich weltweit über 800 Rassen, die sich im Laufe der Zeit entwickelt haben. Haustauben könnte man in mehrere Kategorien aufgeteilen: Nach einem festgelegten Standard auf Schönheit gezüchtete Rassetauben, um auf Ausstellungen Preise zu erringen. Brieftauben, die in Wettflügen über größere Entfernungen gestartet werden, wobei es daru...

CHF 47.50