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2033 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.


Webster, K.
A man who made countless mistakes. A woman with a messy past. He's tasked with helping her find her way. She's lost in grief and self-doubt. Together they begin something innocent... Until it's not. His freedom is at risk. Her heart won't survive another break. All rational thinking says they should stay away from each other. But neither are very good at following the rules. A deep, dark craving. An overwhelming need. A burn much hot...

CHF 24.90

The Magic Necklace of Al-Andalus

Boyer, Robert H. / Risden, E. L. / Vanden Heuvel, Travis J.
The Magic Necklace of Al-Andalus
The Magic Necklace of Al-Andalus is a historical fantasy novel. The historical part occurs, with one Roman digression, in Spain during the nearly 800 years of the Arab presence from their initial tidal-wave invasion in 711to their expulsion in 1492. The Arab tide receded southward but then remained largely in place for several centuries. Al-Andalus refers to these Arab-ruled areas in which the Arabs, Muslims, tolerated and often even welcomed ...

CHF 31.50

¿Dónde está mi arco iris?

Baker, Rocio L.
¿Dónde está mi arco iris?
Pechocho tiene un amigo llamado Espectro. El disfruta mirando sus colores cada día. Un día, ya no lo ve más y se pone muy triste. ¡Esto nunca le había pasado antes! El piensa, se preocupa, y sueña lo que le podría haber sucedido. ¡Nube Blanca Cúmulo ha tragado a su amigo! ¿Qué puede hacer Pechocho? ¿Deja Nube Blanca Cúmulo en libertad a su amigo? ¿Puede Pechocho tener la esperanza de volver a ver a su amigo otra vez?

CHF 29.50

Il sogno dei filosofi

Cardella, Claudio / Costa, Stefano
Il sogno dei filosofi
Questo libro è rivolto ai filosofi naturali, ai curiosi della natura (e di natura), a coloro che cercano l'essenza delle cose e si pongono domande senza dare nulla per scontato. La scienza contemporanea non possiede, tra i suoi strumenti concettuali, alcuna determinazione riguardo alla natura della materia. Partendo dalle idee originarie che costituiscono i capisaldi della filosofia perenne, introdurremo i fondamenti della dottrina aristotelic...

CHF 68.00

The Chiswick Villain

Millar, Barbara
The Chiswick Villain
The Chiswick Villain was written by Barbara Millar in 2008. It is set in London in the days of Queen Victoria and concerns two notorious villains. Upon release from Newgate Prison they set off for Chiswick in west London and carry out a series of burglaries after targeting the rich residents in that area.

CHF 17.90

Penny A Corner A Novel

Millar, Barbara
Penny A Corner A Novel
Penny a Corner written by Barbara Millar in 2007 is set in the Holborn area of London in the days of the Sailor King. It concerns the murder of an esteemed doctor and takes into account the trial of Master Henry Harrison at the Old Bailey, London.

CHF 21.50

Uncollected Essays

Robertson, D. W.
Uncollected Essays
Foreword by Paul A. Olson ¿ Buzones Etymology ¿ The Manuel des Péchés ¿ Classical Origin of 'Circumstances' in the Medieval Confessional ¿ The Cultural Tradition of Handlyng Synne ¿ Marie de France, Lais, ¿ Cumhthach Labhras an Lonsa ¿ Chaucerian Tragedy ¿ St. Foy among the Thorns ¿ Amors de terra lonhdana ¿ De Amore of Andreas Capellanus ¿ Why the Devil Wears Green ¿ On Conjointure ¿ The Book of the Duchess ¿ Chaucer Criticism ¿ "And for my l...

CHF 45.90

Stochastic Partial Differential Equations for Computer Vi...

Preusser, Tobias / Pätz, Torben / Kirby, Robert M.
Stochastic Partial Differential Equations for Computer Vision with Uncertain Data
In image processing and computer vision applications such as medical or scientific image data analysis, as well as in industrial scenarios, images are used as input measurement data. It is good scientific practice that proper measurements must be equipped with error and uncertainty estimates. For many applications, not only the measured values but also their errors and uncertainties, should be-and more and more frequently are-taken into accoun...

CHF 63.00


Gugerell, Anna
Die vorliegende Arbeit diskutiert die Selbstdarstellung von Usern, mittels Fotos von Essen auf der Social Media Plattform Instagram. Die Fragestellung dazu war, welche Motive hinter dem Posten stecken und inwiefern sich die User somit über die Fotos ihres Essens ausdrücken. Das Medium Instagram repräsentiert "Die schöne Welt", welche als Inspiration und gleichzeitig als Plattform zur Selbstdarstellung genutzt wird. Zur Untersuchung der Forschu...

CHF 59.90

Energie Eigenverbrauchsoptimierung

Steinlechner, Stefan
Energie Eigenverbrauchsoptimierung
Dieses Buch konnte nur durch die Hilfestellung einer bestimmten Person in dieser Form generiert werden, der ich auf diesem Weg meinen Dank aussprechen möchte. Durch das zur Verfügung stellen seines privaten Anwesen, mit all den technischen Ressourcen ermöglichten es, dass an einer realen Versuchsanlage die Studie durchgeführt werden konnte. Allerdings nicht nur die technischen Komponenenten, nein auch der menschliche Aspekt bot mir eine enorme...

CHF 32.90