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2411 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Die Hauptstadt

Menasse, Robert
Die Hauptstadt
Der große europäische Roman | Deutscher Buchpreis 2017In Brüssel laufen die Fäden zusammen - und ein Schwein durch die Straßen. Fenia Xenopoulou, Beamtin in der Generaldirektion Kultur der Europäischen Kommission, steht vor einer schwierigen Aufgabe. Sie soll das Image der Kommission aufpolieren. Aber wie? Sie beauftragt den Referenten Martin Susman, eine Idee zu entwickeln. Die Idee nimmt Gestalt an - die Gestalt eines Gespensts aus der Gesch...

CHF 33.50

Carl J. Couch and the Iowa School

Katovich, Michael A.
Carl J. Couch and the Iowa School
This volume includes new Iowa School founder, Carl J. Couch's previously unpublished memoir The Romance of Discovery, alongside personal reflections from friends and colleagues. It also includes an unpublished essay by Couch reflecting on his methodology and unique theoretical approach of the Iowa School of symbolic interactionism.

CHF 192.00

The Sherlock He Knew

Smith, Allan
The Sherlock He Knew
Every family has a secret held close. This family has one, kept from the world for more than a century. Now it is time for that secret to be revealed, for the story to be told. It's a story which takes the reader from Australia in the 21st Century to London in the 19th - to the world of Queen Victoria, Conan Doyle and Sherlock Holmes. It's a story ranging over the lowest of society to the highest in the land, from genteel suburban respectabili...

CHF 56.90

Tendencias e innovación en la empresa periodística

Mancinas-Chávez, Rosalba / Pacheco Cobos, María Fernanda / Bohorquez-Pereira, Giovanni
Tendencias e innovación en la empresa periodística
El periodismo es, sin duda, uno de los sectores a los que más le han afectado distintos factores como las consecuencias de la crisis económica, la irrupción de la tecnología, los nuevos dispositivos móviles y el cambio en los hábitos de consumo de los ciudadanos. De ahí que la innovación, en la industria de los medios y por parte de los propios periodistas, no sea ni siquiera una opción. Más bien se trata de una obligación.

CHF 19.90

&#1605,&#1587,&#1578,&#1602,&#1576,&#1604, &#1575,&#1604,...

1593,&1606,&1601,&1575,&1585,, &.
&#1605,&#1587,&#1578,&#1602,&#1576,&#1604, &#1575,&#1604,&#1593,&#1585,&#1576
تم تقديم الدراسة في إطار المؤتمر القومي الفلسطيني الرابع ، و تقدمت الدراسة في إطار رؤية استشرافية للوضع العربي - العربي و الوضع الفلسطيني - الصهيوني . تم تقديم الدراسة في إطار المؤتمر القومي الفلسطيني الرابع ، و تقدمت الدراسة في إطار رؤية استشرافية للوضع العربي - العربي و الوضع الفلسطيني - الصهيوني . كما قدمت الدراسة تحيين للحالة و الوضعية الراهنة للمنطقة العربية و رؤية استشرافية لما يقع و ما يمكن ان تصير عليه الامور ، في وطننا العربي كما قدمت...

CHF 34.50


Slesser, Brandon
Red: An Evergreen Novella, is the newest novel in the Evergreen series. It follows an eight year old girl who witnesses her family murdered by a clan of Vampires. Now, ten years later, she finds it in herself to hunt down her family's killers and exacting her vengeance. Red takes place from the lush farm lands of Brunswick, Georgia to the dark underworld of New Orleans, Louisiana.

CHF 20.50

Dictionary of Jewish- Frum Life Humor

Kilimnick, David
Dictionary of Jewish- Frum Life Humor
From the writer of the 'Aliyah Dictionary' comes the new comedic work that received no support from any rabbi. Enclosed you will find the words and phrases that are vital for living as a religious Jew, as well as the words that are necessary for understanding the frum Jewish life experience. A work of pure comedy, the reader will walk away educated and laughing. In David's words: Jewish culture is found in humor. It is up to you to deliv...

CHF 28.50

Punkt Barana

Sowa, Aleksander
Punkt Barana
Nadszed¿ czas wyrównania rachunków. Znany z "Ery Wodnika" komisarz Emil Stompor wychodzi z wi¿zienia i spotyka dziewczyn¿ by¿ej partnerki, która proponuje mu wspóln¿ zemst¿. Ten odmawia, pragn¿c po latach wy¿¿cznie spokoju. Tymczasem w Warszawie dochodzi do serii brutalnych zabójstw. Prowadz¿ca ¿ledztwo grupa policjantów Komendy Stöecznej natrafia na pewien ¿lad. Trop prowadzi jednak w bardzo niebezpiecznym kierunku. Oparta na prawdzi...

CHF 25.90

Dolly McDuck

Park, James F.
Dolly McDuck
Hello everyone, I'm Dolly McDuck and I just love to colour in and I hope you do too so have lots of fun colouring in me and all my tartan friends and by the time you've finished you'll have designed your very own tartan.

CHF 11.50

The Storyteller

Mohinani, Simran
The Storyteller
Stories defy the lapse of time Up generations and places they travel and climb You can take them in your pocket wherever you go From the beaches of Australia to the Alaskan snow Told over fire pits and through ancient ruins The words so alive they're constantly moving Open this book up to see what you'll find Tales of mysterious adventures made in my mind The Storyteller is a sequel to the Goodreads Newcomers Bestseller...

CHF 38.50

The Legend of the Cagayan River

Gaspar, Anna Liza M.
The Legend of the Cagayan River
When Amang Bathala created the world and everything in it, he wanted the mountains to be triangular, the oceans oblong, and the rivers and streams rectangular. It was Diwata Nayades', together with her helpers, Duwende Diling and Nuno Kagat, task to create the rectangular rivers and streams. Will Duwende Diling and Nuno Kagat obey the rule of creating rivers and streams? Why do they have to obey this?

CHF 22.50