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1213 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Born Of Fire (Digipak)

Ross The Boss
Born Of Fire (Digipak)
Wenn die stilprägenden Künstler der Metal-Szene zur Sprache kommen, darf ein Name nicht fehlen: Ross "The Boss" Friedman hat als Mitbegründer von Manowar, aber auch von The Dictators, Musikgeschichte geschrieben. Die ersten sechs Fabelwerke von Manowar, an denen Ross zwischen 1982 und 1988 maßgeblich beteiligt war, sind inzwischen unsterbliche Klassiker und dass die Band nach seinem Ausstieg nie wieder diese Qualität erreichte, spricht für den...

CHF 23.50

Race and Public Administration

Rutherford, Amanda / Meier, Kenneth
Race and Public Administration
Race and Public Administration offers a much-needed and accessible exploration of current and cutting-edge research on race and policy. This book is ideally suited as a text for courses in schools of public administration, public policy, or nonprofit management, and is required reading for those actively involved in policy analysis.

CHF 68.00

North America's Natural Wonders

Prost, Gary
North America's Natural Wonders
This book guides the reader through iconic scenery in Western North America, points out features of interest and describes how they came to be. Through numerous photos of world-class geologic features and discussions of lesser known but equally interesting areas, the author reviews the geology of the most spectacular sites on the continent.

CHF 297.00

True Crime British Killers - A Prequel

Neal, Jason
True Crime British Killers - A Prequel
Six Disturbing Stories of some of the UK's Most Brutal Killers A quick word of warning. The true crime short stories within this book are unimaginably shocking.Most news articles and television true crime shows skim over the offensive details of truly unsettling crimes. In my books, I try not to gloss over the facts, regardless of how disgusting they may be. My goal is to give my readers a clear and accurate description on just how demented ...

CHF 15.50