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1661 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.


Burke, H. L.
Bryce and Kitrin defied kings and magic to be together. On the eve of happiness, an act of dark magic creates a barrier between them. One too strong even for love to overcome. A sprung trap separates Bryce from his friends and beloved Kit. Assumed dead by his allies in the flora magi rebellion, he finds himself at the mercy of his closest relative-and greatest enemy-Fire King Langstyn. With foul powers, the heartless king turns Bryce into a we...

CHF 30.50


Burke, H. L.
Joined by magic. Separated by kings. United in love. Two years ago, Kit's blossoming plant magic put a target on her back and forced her to flee for her life, leaving her beloved Prince Bryce behind. Now established as the leader of the rebel flora magi, she clings to hope that they can be reunited. However, the arrival of the charming and persistent Regyn, heir to the supposedly extinct quickened magi, challenges her fidelity. The events su...

CHF 30.50


Burke, H. L.
Book One in the Green Princess Trilogy When love blooms, beware the thorns. Kitrin has longed for freedom from her parents' secluded manor. However, one day her emotions trigger flowers to bloom, roots to grasp, and trees to bend. Unable to control her unexplained abilities, she finds an anchor in a young man with sad eyes and his own secrets. A man who sends sparks through her, but who might be tied to her destruction. Palace outcast and neph...

CHF 26.50

The Ultimate Killing Game

Hart, Asi
The Ultimate Killing Game
A human farm overseer decides to spice up his life with a little game of his own invention. As he develops his game on the fly, a number of unconnected factions get involuntarily involved: the police, the FBI, the criminal underworld, a murderous cannibal cult. All get to play the ultimate killing game.

CHF 23.90

Peppa Pig Mein Rätselbuch

Peppa Pig Mein Rätselbuch
Rätselspaß mit Peppa Pig und ihren Freunden . Für alle Fans von Peppa Pig und der bekannten Fernsehserie . Viele tolle Rätsel und kunterbunte Sticker . Für Mädchen und Jungen ab 4 Jahren Malen nach Zahlen, Schattenrätsel, Labyrinthe oder Suchaufgaben: In diesem Buch steckt jede Menge Rätselspaß. Peppa und ihre Freunde haben viele tolle Aufgaben vorbereitet, die es nun zu lösen gilt. Dieses Buch entführt in die kunterbunte Peppa Pig-We...

CHF 10.50

Paw Patrol Mein Rätselbuch

Paw Patrol Mein Rätselbuch
Rätselspaß mit der Paw Patrol und ihren Freunden . Für alle Fans von Paw Patrol und der bekannten Fernsehserie . Viele tolle Rätsel und kunterbunte Sticker . Für Mädchen und Jungen ab 4 Jahren Malen nach Zahlen, Schattenrätsel, Labyrinthe oder Suchaufgaben: In diesem Buch steckt jede Menge Rätselspaß. Chase, Rubble, Marshall, Skye und ihre Freunde haben viele tolle Aufgaben vorbereitet, die es nun zu lösen gilt. Dieses Buch entführt in di...

CHF 10.50

Kulleraugenbuch Im Zoo

Teller, Laura / Schwager & Steinlein Verlag
Kulleraugenbuch Im Zoo
Kulleruagenbuch mit beweglichen Kulleraugen und 5 Klappen Wer hat sich hinter dem Busch versteckt? Und wo ist das kleine Zebra? Für Kinder ab 12 Monaten Mit diesem Buch lernen schon die Kleinsten spielerisch die Tiere kennen. Mit 5 Klappen zum Entdecken und Staunen.

CHF 4.90

Paw Patrol Mein Malbuch

Paw Patrol Mein Malbuch
Kunterbuntes Malbuch mit Stickern mit deinen Helden der Paw Patrol 96 verschiedene Ausmalmotive aus der beliebten TV-Sendung Paw Patrol Viele bunte Sticker Für Kinder ab 4 Jahren zur Förderung der motorischen und kreativen Entwicklung Die Paw Patrol lädt in ihre kunterbunte Welt ein! Ryder, Chase, Marshall, Rubble, Skye und die anderen können jetzt in allen Farben ausgemalt werden, die das Stiftemäppchen hergibt. Ob in der Zentrale oder...

CHF 10.50

Thesis and Dissertation Guide: Theory and Applied Practice

Schnorr, Donna / Franklin-Guy, Sherri
Thesis and Dissertation Guide: Theory and Applied Practice
Thesis and Dissertation Guide: Theory and Applied Practice guides students through the process of developing and writing a research proposal and final study.The book focuses on research that might be quantitatively oriented, qualitatively oriented, or mixed methods and demonstrates to students that one approach is not superior to others, but rather, there needs to be alignment to the purpose of the study. A chart is provided to demonstrate ali...

CHF 132.00

Viaggi Celesti nell'Antichità

Lombardo, Massimo Barbetta - Massimo
Viaggi Celesti nell'Antichità
Da sempre l'uomo si pone degli interrogativi riguardo alla presenza della vita nel cosmo. La scoperta della sempre maggiore vastità dell'Universo conosciuto, con l'integrazione di concetti sempre più diversificati sugli universi paralleli, ci fa sentire davvero minuscoli di fronte alla grandezza dell'Universo. Il timore psicologico, ed, in taluni soggetti, la paura di essere davvero soli nella vastità del Cosmo ci spinge a ritenere che, come a...

CHF 37.50

Scribbled Emotions

Das, Sayantan
Scribbled Emotions
Human life is nothing but a build up of emotions. This book contains a range of emotions which the author tries to capture in the form of poems. The poems were scribbled out at the exact point of time when the emotions wanted to put a voice. This collection of poems is a reflection on the journey of life and the author hopes you would be able to connect to the poems at various phases of your life.

CHF 19.50