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1475 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Manual de rescate en socorrismo en instalaciones acústicas

Martinez, Patricia Buedo
Manual de rescate en socorrismo en instalaciones acústicas
El socorrismo en un medio acuático se desarrolla en un espacio donde conviven personas, de manera que, como en toda convivencia, surgen problemas de conducta entre usuarios, accidentes, etc. de ahí la importancia de estar preparados para cualquier situación, manejando las técnicas de primeros auxilios a la perfección, así como estar dotados de una formación y habilidades sociales que transmitan seguridad y confianza a cualquier persona necesit...

CHF 14.90

Durch die schimmernde Dunkelheit in mir

Kusy, Deni
Durch die schimmernde Dunkelheit in mir
Das ist für alle, die wissen, dass die dunklen Tage zum Leben gehören. Und wer weiß, vielleicht muss ein Herz erst brechen, damit Licht hineinfällt. Dies ist für dich und vor allem für unsere dunkelsten Stunden. Auf dass wir in ihnen niemals den Mut verlieren.'' Nach Kusy's erfolgreichem Debüt ''Fragmentiert'' folgt nun ihr zweites Buch, was ''tiefer, weiter und näher'' geht, wie die Autorin selbst sagt. Es ist erneut eine Sammlung aus poetis...

CHF 24.90

Wagging Tongues

Tatvaraj, Yogie Chandra
Wagging Tongues
Wagging Tongues is a compilation of short stories and reflections through the eyes and spirit of Ranjan D' Cruz, an Indian maverick Rock Singer. The stories reflect the irony and frailty of life looking at the positive learning and funny side and always being a student of life. It is inspired in thought by the philosophies of Bruce Lee, Krishnamurti , Rabindranath Tagore , Albert Einstein , Eckhart Tolle and Osho. The book looks at the beauty ...

CHF 27.50

The Hope in Hot Chocolate

Bloome, Rachael
The Hope in Hot Chocolate
One charming small town. Two business rivals. And a whole lot of chocolate. Kindhearted candymaker Sadie Hamilton wants nothing to do with Mr. Anti-sugar who's opening a business right next door. Especially since she's trying to save her struggling confectionery from going under while he's introducing a brand-new shiny establishment that will be a direct competitor to her little store. Between caring for his ailing mother and launching a r...

CHF 20.90


Bücker, Heinrich
Liesborn lebt als Kloster schon lange nicht mehr. Die Idee, über die Geschichte dieses Klosters zu schreiben, hatte Heinrich Bücker bereits vor 60 Jahren. Der aus Liesborn stammende Autor schloss sein theologisches Studium mit einer Arbeit über die historische Entwicklung des "heimatlichen" Klosters ab. Im vorliegenden Büchlein präsentiert Heinrich Bücker seinen Rückblick auf die geschichtlichen Stationen des Klosters als freie Erzählung. Vor ...

CHF 9.50


Eadie, Ll
Fifteen-year-old Jennifer Brice Hamilton has been subjected to her mother's new way of life ever since her parents' divorce two years earlier - a move to a lower tax bracket in Chicago, an undesirable school and her mother's newest boyfriend - Phil. Jennifer rebels. Her mother's answer to the "handful-slash-Jennifer" is to pack her up and send her to her grandma's, whom Jennifer has not seen in almost three years. Her mother's lusty plan is fo...

CHF 27.90

Patient Ninja's Halloween

Nhin, Mary
Patient Ninja's Halloween
Join in on a fun adventure with the Ninjas on Halloween and find out how a little patience goes a long way! Other ninjas may start to panic, But I stay calm and cool. Because I know thinking before acting Is always a great life rule. Life is tough. But so are you! The children's book series, Ninja Life Hacks, was developed to help children learn valuable life skills. Fun, pint-size characters in comedic books easy enough for young reade...

CHF 33.50

Eric, The Boy Who Lost His Gravity

Desmond, Jenni
Eric, The Boy Who Lost His Gravity
We've all seen kids who kick and scream and lose their cool. But when Eric loses his temper over his annoying little sister Alice, he floats up to the ceiling! And so we have a fresh and funny twist on temper tantrums created by star-on-the-rise Jenni Desmond. Eric, The Boy Who Lost His Gravity, with an amusing story and expressive painterly art, captures a spot-on understanding of how children feel when they get out of control and how they ne...

CHF 19.90

Words of Ahikar

Institute, Scriptural Research
Words of Ahikar
The Words of Ahikar is the oldest surviving Israelite story, with known copies in Aramaic dating back to the 5¿¿ century BC. As it has been translated into many languages over the past two and a half millennia, it now has several names and translations, including the Words of Ahiqar, the Story of Ahikar, and various variations of the name, including Achiacharos, from the Greek translation, ¿¿yqr from the Aramaic translation, Akyrios from the O...

CHF 22.90

Turning Point Moments

Kloser, Christine
Turning Point Moments
What If Your Next Life Challenge Could Be the Springboard to Your Greatest Joy and Success? We don't typically think of experiences like illness, death, betrayal, job loss, burnout, or accidents as the doorway to a more fulfilling and beautiful life. Yet, if you know how to look at these challenges in a different light, they can be powerful opportunities to turn your life around-in small and large ways. Seeing a challenge through the prism...

CHF 20.90

Crea Cuentos Fascinantes

de la Guardia, Ana Maria
Crea Cuentos Fascinantes
¡Descubre el mágico mundo de la creatividad con nuestro libro "Crea Cuentos Fascinantes: Libro Educativo para niños 7+" diseñado especialmente para niños de 7 a 11 años! Características del Producto: Viaje Educativo: Sumérgete en las páginas de este libro para explorar los secretos detrás de los cuentos. Aprenderás qué es un cuento, sus diferentes géneros, características esenciales y mucho más. Es la herramienta perfecta para que los niño...

CHF 18.50


Haedo, Paul
In this Science Fiction Box Set, you'll find all the adventures of Xander Martin and the crew of The Calyster! Filled with war, adventure, politics, and space exploration, this series will keep you entertained for quite some time! Sci-Fi Novels that are contained in this Bundle: Peace Keeper: 2nd Edition Rising Tide Star Rising Star Destroyer

CHF 69.00

Familienplaner 2024 - Madeira - Eine Perle im Atlantische...

Westermann, Dennis
Familienplaner 2024 - Madeira - Eine Perle im Atlantischen Ozean mit 5 Spalten (Wandkalender, 21 x 45 cm) CALVENDO
Eine atemberaubende Insel im Atlantischen Ozean vor der Nordwestküste Afrikas, Madeira. Kommen Sie mit auf eine Entdeckungstour und lernen Sie diese Perle im Atlantik von einer Seite kennen, die Sie zuvor so noch nicht gesehen haben. Freuen Sie sich auf eindrucksvolle Naturaufnahmen, zerklüftete Landschaften und malerische Orte die zum Träumen einladen. CALVENDO bietet Ihnen eine große Auswahl an Familienplanern mit den unterschiedlichs...

CHF 31.90

Guia práctica de elaboración de proyectos sociales

Martinez, Patricia Buedo
Guia práctica de elaboración de proyectos sociales
A lo largo de este libro se muestran y desarrollan diferentes proyectos de intervención social desde diferentes ámbitos: trabajo social comunitario, tercera edad, juventud, menores, migración, desahucios… finalizando, con un análisis sobre las fortalezas y debilidades de una Asociación, con el objetivo de servir de guía u orientación a estudiantes, profesionales o personas interesadas en el mundo social, que deseen o necesiten un modelo o paut...

CHF 19.50

Lover's Sacrifice

Webster, Ashley
Lover's Sacrifice
There is nothing like your first love, but getting over them is a whole differnt story. Lucas is a rich NFL player who is relocated to New York, and when he finds out the love his life, the one that got away and slipped through his fingers back in high school is not only there, but one of the reporters assigned to his team, he knows this is his chance to win her back. Maddie has a secret, and it may ruin any chance she has with Lucas, but s...

CHF 18.50

Blood for the Snow

Feathers, Brien
Blood for the Snow
No quarter given. No mercy shown. The war for the realm rages on with the second coming of the mad priest. Commander Drake embarks on a reconnaissance mission to the Alaskan Dome. Scorching the frozen water from underneath, the Prince of Fire sails up the Noatak River with a Viking crew. Upon reaching the fallen fortress, however, he shall find not Constantine, but a courtesan in the dead of winter. Treason amongst the High Council devastates ...

CHF 27.50