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Zur Kasse

1888 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.


Camillo Antona, Traversi
Gran salone di ricevimento nel palazzo Lanfranchi. ¿ Architettura del Rinascimento. ¿ Nel fondo, a destra dello spettatore, porta altissima, formata di quattro colonne di marmo, e capitello di marmo, che comunica in una Galleria di quadri.

CHF 20.90

Del Romanzo storico

Alessandro, Manzoni
Del Romanzo storico
Il romanzo storico va soggetto a due critiche diverse, anzi direttamente opposte, e siccome esse riguardano, non già qualcosa d'accessorio, ma l'essenza stessa d'un tal componimento, così l'esporle e l'esaminarle ci pare una bona, se non la migliore maniera d'entrare, senza preamboli, nel vivo dell'argomento...

CHF 14.50

Normalwerte pocketcard

Imöhl, Matthias / Jakob, Michael
Normalwerte pocketcard
. Normalwerte der wichtigsten klinisch-chemischen Parameter sowie Hämatologie und Urin . Blutgaswerte, Liquoruntersuchung, Pleuralflüssigkeit mit Unterscheidung von Transsudat und Exsudat . Übersichtliche, farblich abgesetzte Darstellung in tabellarischer Form, innerhalb eines Bereiches alphabetisch sortiert

CHF 5.50

Glücksorte in Mittelhessen

Reidt, Andrea
Glücksorte in Mittelhessen
Mittelhessen: Das ist das grüne Band zwischen der Domstadt Limburg und dem Vogelsbergstädtchen Lauterbach. Sanfte Hügel aus Vulkangestein, Schlösser und Burgen, urige Wirtshäuser in engen Gassen - das Glück hat hier viele Gesichter. Ob Trachtenfest, Grimm-Dich-Pfad, Gießkannenmuseum oder Hufeisenkirche: Andrea Reidt hat auf ihrer Glücksreise 80 Orte entdeckt, die das Herz erwärmen.

CHF 22.50

Glücksorte im Harz

Niedostadek, André
Glücksorte im Harz
Magisch, mystisch, märchenhaft Bezaubernde Kaffeepausen, kristallene Erlebniswelten, ein Hauch von Hawaii - der Harz hat viele Facetten. Eines haben sie jedoch gemein: Sie schenken pures Glück. André Niedostadek hat im Harz schon vor Langem sein Glück gefunden. 80 Schätze der idyllischen Region präsentiert er hier und hinter jeder Seite wartet ein neuer Ort darauf, entdeckt zu werden. Und wer wissen möchte, wie Glück auf der Zunge schmeckt, fü...

CHF 22.50

Small Changes, Great Impact

Sharma, Rajat
Small Changes, Great Impact
Small Changes, Great Impact" is a powerful guide with free step by step Checksheet that teaches readers how to create meaningful and lasting change in their lives and the world through small, incremental steps. This book explores the science of habit formation and offers practical tips and inspiring stories to help readers adopt new behaviors and attitudes. Whether you want to improve your health, relationships, finances, or the environment, t...

CHF 15.50

Clone Rebellion 2: Abtrünnig

Kent, Steven L. / Lühn, Matthias / Kühner, Anna-Lena / Parmiter, Helga
Clone Rebellion 2: Abtrünnig
Lt. Wayson Harris ist einer von Tausenden von Klonen, die geboren und großgezogen wurden, um zu einem ultimativen Soldaten zu werden. im Gegensatz zu den anderen, ist Harris jedoch ein geächtetes Modell - eines mit eigenständigen Gedanken und einem Hang zur Gewalt. Während er gegen seine Konditionierung ankämpft, wird Harris von der Vereinigten Obrigkeit zum Dienst einberufen. Mit Separatisten unterwegs durch die Galaxie, muss Harris nun eine ...

CHF 34.50

Spanish Vocabulary Coloring Book

Pro, Fluency
Spanish Vocabulary Coloring Book
Looking for a fun way to learn Spanish? It's no secret that learning a new language can be tedious, time consuming and complicated for many. However, our vocabulary coloring book makes the process of learning more relaxing and fun! Build your Spanish vocabulary in an enjoyable way through full size coloring pages providing you with a visual reference for essential nouns and adjectives. In this coloring book, you will find: 74 pages of f...

CHF 25.90

Valentina's Fun Day Out

Booth, Belinda
Valentina's Fun Day Out
It's a bright summer's day and Valentina is excited, she's going out with nanny and granddad and cannot wait because she knows it's going to be fun. Nanny and granddad take Valentina to Crystal Peaks shopping centre and to a children's shop, to 'Dog and Gate', which is every child's dream shop because you can shop with your dog. There is also a big ice cream parlour in the middle of the shop, which makes the shopping experience even more mag...

CHF 37.90

Night Fall

Cummins, Melissa
Night Fall
They will pay for what they've done. The first time Mya met Erik, he saved her life. He became her guardian, her confidant, her best friend, and lover. It didn't matter that others might think their relationship was wrong, or that it would have to be kept a secret. Nothing else mattered as long as she had him. But then he died, and her world shattered. Mya never stopped grieving his death, even after three hundred years. But it was all a...

CHF 29.50


ANTIG. O Ismene, or di' germana mia: de' mali, Onde cagion fu Edípo, alcun ne sai Che, viventi ancor noi, non compia Giove? Nulla evvi pur d'obbrobrïoso e turpe, Che a' tuoi danni ed a' miei giunto io non vegga. Ed or qual bando è questo che il regnante (Siccome è grido) a' cittadini tutti Posto ha testè? N'hai tu contezza? udisti Favellarne? o non sai che a' nostri amici

CHF 26.50


Rabelais, François
Beoni lustrissimi e voi, gottosi preziosissimi, ho visto, ricevuto, udito e inteso l'ambasciatore che la Signoria delle vostre Signorie ha inviato alla mia Paternità, e m'è sembrato assai buono e facondo oratore. Il sommario del suo discorso ridurrò a tre parole, le quali sono di sì grande importanza che a Roma un tempo con queste tre parole il pretore rispondeva a tutte le istanze esposte in giudizio, con queste tre parole decideva ogni ...

CHF 26.50

12 Secrets to Becoming a Go-To Confident Speaker

Kangwa, Justin
12 Secrets to Becoming a Go-To Confident Speaker
The ability to confidently speak in front of people is arguably the biggest single skill that eludes many people across professions. Yet at some point in life, every person is required to address a 'crowd' out of either obligation or necessity.This little book is an answer to the question, "Can novices, moderate and experienced speakers benefit from the same 'pep talk' to respectively develop and sharpen their public speaking acumen?"Written i...

CHF 16.90