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2539 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Diving into the Deep

Lytle, Lowell
Diving into the Deep
Embark on an unforgettable journey of faith and courage! Escape the safety of the shore and embrace the extraordinary with a book that will captivate your soul, inspire your spirit, and leave you in awe. Enter a world of boundless possibilities, where readers are enchanted by the pages and compelled to share the magic with others. Are you yearning for an adventure that ignites your passion, sharpens your mind, and shatters the chains of your...

CHF 31.50

Storia di una Capinera

Verga, Giovanni
Storia di una Capinera
Avevo visto una capinera chiusa in gabbia: era timida, triste, malaticcia ci guardava con occhio spaventato, si rifuggiava in un angolo della sua gabbia, e allorché udiva il canto allegro degli altri uccelletti che cinguettavano sul verde del prato o nell'azzurro del cielo, li seguiva con uno sguardo che avrebbe potuto dirsi pieno di lagrime. Ma non osava ribellarsi, non osava tentare il rompere il fil di ferro che la teneva carcerata, la pove...

CHF 14.50


Kant, Immanuel
1. L¿uomo è la sola creatura capace di essere educata. Per educazione, in senso largo, s¿intende la cura (il trattamento, la conservazione) che richiede l¿infanzia di lui, la disciplina che lo fa uomo, infine la istruzione con la cultura. Sotto questi tre rispetti, egli è infante, allievo e scolare. Appena gli animali cominciano a sentire le proprie forze, le usano regolarmente, cioè in maniera tale da non recar danno a sè stessi. È curioso i...

CHF 14.50

The Cambridge Companion to European Criminal Law

Ambos, Kai / Rackow, Peter
The Cambridge Companion to European Criminal Law
The Cambridge Companion to European Criminal Law is of interest for a broad range of readers, from law students and the interested public, to specialized practitioners and legal scholars. Its essays, written by renowned international experts, combine the highest academic standards with comprehensibility.

CHF 169.00

The Cambridge Companion to European Criminal Law

Ambos, Kai / Rackow, Peter
The Cambridge Companion to European Criminal Law
The Cambridge Companion to European Criminal Law is of interest for a broad range of readers, from law students and the interested public, to specialized practitioners and legal scholars. Its essays, written by renowned international experts, combine the highest academic standards with comprehensibility.

CHF 59.50


D'Annunzio, Gabriele
Alcione [al¿t¿öne, al¿t¿¿¿ne]) è il titolo di una raccolta di 88 poesie del poeta italiano Gabriele D'Annunzio, scritte tra il 1899 e il 1903 e pubblicate nel 1903. Era inteso come il terzo volume di un'opera di sette libri intitolata Laudi del cielo, del mare, della terra e degli eroi che fu successivamente interrotta nel 1912 con soli quattro volumi pubblicati: Maia, Elettra, Halcyon e Merope. Il 7 luglio 1899, D'Annunzio scrisse al suo ed...

CHF 26.50

La vita che ti diedi

Pirandello, Luigi
La vita che ti diedi
Stanza quasi nuda e fredda, di grigia pietra, nella villa solitaria di Donn'Anna Luna. Una panca, uno stipo, una tavola da scrivere, altri pochi arredi antichi da cui spira un senso di pace esiliata dal mondo. Anche la luce che entra da un'ampia finestra pare provenga da una lontanissima vita. Un uscio è in fondo e un altro nella parete di destra, molto più prossimo alla parete di fondo che al proscenio. Al levarsi della tela, davanti all'usc...

CHF 14.50

A History of the Surrealist Novel

Watz, Anna
A History of the Surrealist Novel
Covering the history of the surrealist novel from its emergence in the 1920s to its contemporary iterations, this book provides pioneering research by major academics in the field. The volume will appeal both to scholars and students of surrealism and its legacies, modernist literature, and the history of the novel.

CHF 149.00

The Soul in Soulless Psychology

Kugelmann, Robert
The Soul in Soulless Psychology
Modern psychology began with a rejection of the "soul" as relevant for the science. How did that come about? The Soul in Soulless Psychology explores that question and details arguments for a soulless psychology. However, there was also opposition to this notion. This alternative history of psychology examines those who dissented from a "psychology without a soul, " including Neoscholastic psychologists and others, such as Ladd, Mèunsterberg, ...

CHF 155.00

The Government of Chance

Sintomer, Yves
The Government of Chance
Electoral democracies are in crisis. To face it, randomly selected deliberative minipublics such as the citizens' assemblies for the climate are organized. Sortition was widespread in history. Can it contribute to a democratic renewal? This book provides the first reconstruction of the government of chance from Athens to contemporary experiments.

CHF 139.00

Ordinary Human Beings

Salem Miles
Ordinary Human Beings
This year was supposed to be about me being out of the spotlight and minding my own business, not about me French kissing one of the school's most hated kids in the back of the burner room! Yasmina shut the door in my face. "You better not lock-" the click was loud enough for me to roll my eyes. "The door." *** After a controversial start to the New Year, Kendall Riddick has to navigate her first senior year at Riveria Boarding School wh...

CHF 20.90

China Up and Down

Foster, John T.
China Up and Down
China Up and Down is a personal account of one B-24 pilot, his World War II exploits, and his improbable return to China some twenty-four years after he first left. It is a thrilling story--as improbable as it may be.

CHF 21.90