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1049 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

La catastrofe degli czars

Paolo, Valera
La catastrofe degli czars
Tra la grande rivoluzione francese e la grande rivoluzione russa non c'è analogia che nel finale catastrofico dell'antico regime. Le due monarchie sono cadute come due immensi bubboni purulenti che si slabbrarono e inondarono i due paesi di un fetore nauseabondo. Il tonfo dei rovesci dinastici è stato sentito in tutto il mondo. Le Corti nello sconquasso sono sembrate due ambienti di putrefazioni feudali. L'una non aveva nulla che non avesse l'...

CHF 14.50

Il bugiardo

Carlo, Goldoni
Il bugiardo
Il valoroso Pietro Cornelio, colla più bella ingenuità del mondo, ha confessato al Pubblico aver lavorato il suo Bugiardo sul modello di quello che fu attribuito in Ispagna a Lopez de Vega, quantunque un altro Autore Spagnuolo lo pretendesse per suo. Io con altrettanta sincerità svelerò a' miei Leggitori aver il soggetto della presente Commedia tratto in parte da quella del sopraddetto Cornelio. Vanta l'Autor Francese aver condotto l'opera su...

CHF 14.50

French Vocabulary Coloring Book

Pro, Fluency
French Vocabulary Coloring Book
Looking for a fun way to learn French? It's no secret that learning a new language can be tedious, time consuming and complicated for many. However, our vocabulary coloring book makes the process of learning more relaxing and fun! Build your French vocabulary in an enjoyable way through full size coloring pages providing you with a visual reference for essential nouns and adjectives. In this coloring book, you will find: 74 pages of ful...

CHF 27.50


Shaw, George Bernard
Pygmalion is a 5-act play by George Bernard Shaw. It was written in 1912 and first produced in 1913. The plot revolves around Professor Henry Higgins¿ bet with a colleague over whether he can transform a low-class flower girl, Liza Doolittle, into the equivalent of a Duchess in just 6 months. Pygmalion was a Greek mythological figure who fell in love with a sculpture he had carved and was a popular theme in Victorian drama. Most people would b...

CHF 22.50

Slaying Dragons II - The Rise of the Occult

Fraune, Charles D
Slaying Dragons II - The Rise of the Occult
For even the casual observer, it is evident that the world, nearly as a whole, is unmoored from obedience to Almighty God. The number of sins, many of which "cry to Heaven for vengeance, " which saturate the culture and the personal lives of the common man are legion, both in their breadth and in their diabolical quality. This spiritual depravity has invited, into the light of day, the Enemy who has always been working in darkness. The Rise ...

CHF 31.50

On Your Terms

Zhikhareva, Natalia P
On Your Terms
Can I tell you something? It's possible to live dysphoria free. To be seen. To no longer feel afraid. To look in the mirror and feel alive, free, confident...and not 20 years from now! Our culture teaches you to distrust yourself when it comes to your gender identity. To believe that the answers lie only within the binary of genders. Crippling you with self-doubt, insecurity, shame, and guilt. Hoping to eradicate your existence from this world...

CHF 18.50

The Power within the Smile of a Woman: A Journey that wil...

Thomas, Kasmon
The Power within the Smile of a Woman: A Journey that will lift you up and make you Victorious
If you liked "Woman Evolve: Break Up with Your Fears and Revolutionize Your Life" by Sarah Jakes Roberts then you'll love this book.On the 12 of April 2021, my life changed, I went through this storm that stole a lot from me, my strength, my confidence, my joy, my sanity, and my ability to be a mother, a daughter, and a companion. The goal of that storm was to steal, kill, and destroy anything good in my life.But then, Jesus the Messiah steppe...

CHF 18.90

As You Like It

Shakespeare, William
As You Like It
In a French duchy, the old Duke has been usurped by his younger brother, Frederick. A young man named Orlando is mistreated by his elder brother, against their dead father¿s wishes. Rosalind, the old Duke¿s daughter, has been allowed to remain in court only because she is the closest friend of Celia, Duke Frederick¿s daughter. When Rosalind is banished from court, she flees to the Forest of Arden with Celia and Touchstone, the court fool, mean...

CHF 18.50

Autoestima -Donde Todo Comienza-

Fergunson, Elisabeth S
Autoestima -Donde Todo Comienza-
La autoestima es el valor que una persona se da a sí misma, qué opinión tiene sobre sí misma, con qué grado de autoaceptación y autorrespeto se trata a sí misma. El sentimiento de la propia importancia y valor, tanto del lado de los demás como del lado de uno mismo, es importante para la formación de una personalidad armoniosa y saludable, por consiguiente: el éxito y la felicidad en la vida. La baja autoestima y la falta de confianza en nuest...

CHF 18.90


Bandi, Giuseppe
Vuoi tu, dunque, amico caro, ch¿io ti racconti quel che videro i miei occhi ed udirono i miei orecchi nell¿avventurosa corsa che facemmo da Genova a Marsala ne¿ primi giorni di maggio del 1860, quando saltò in testa a Garibaldi il ticchio di fare quella che parve da principio una gran pazzia, e fu giudicata di poi opera egregia e principalissima tra le sue più belle? Io, pel bene che ti voglio, non ho il cuore di risponderti: no, ma t¿amm...

CHF 20.90

I minatori dell'Alaska

Salgari, Emilio
I minatori dell'Alaska
- All'erta!... - Corna di bisonte!... - In piedi, Bennie!... - Brucia la prateria? - No!... - Fugge il bestiame?... Un clamore assordante, un misto di urla acute, latrati e muggiti echeggia improvvisamente in lontananza, rompendo di colpo il profondo silenzio dell'immensa prateria che, dalle rive del Piccolo lago degli Schiavi, si estende, quasi senza interruzione, fino a quelle del fiume Athabasca e ai piedi della gigantesca catena dell...

CHF 26.50