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3032 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

La Hija de Marx

Obligado, Clara
La Hija de Marx

Karl Marx dejó tras de sí un impresionante legado teórico y una descendencia extensa. Dejó también un vástago adicional, hijo de la criada de la casa, al que nunca quiso reconocer y que entregó a su compañero, Engels. A través de otra hija bastarda de Marx, fruto de la aventura con una aristócrata rusa, Clara Obligado retrata toda una educación amorosa y sexual ?no...

CHF 29.50

&#2332,&#2366,&#2342,&#2369,&#2312, &#2361,&#2377,&#2325,...

Agrawal, Kiran
&#2332,&#2366,&#2342,&#2369,&#2312, &#2361,&#2377,&#2325,&#2368, &#2360,&#2381,&#2335,&#2367,&#2325,&#2381,&#2360, &#2324,&#2352, &#2360,&#2330,&#2381
जादुई हॉकी स्टिक्स- एैडी, हम्पी, ऐजे, डीजे और गोरजी हॉकी की एक बड़ी प्रतियोगिता में भाग लेने जा रहे हैं। उनका सामना होगा-मेस्सालडो ब्रदर्ज़ से, जो पिछले साल जीतने वाला चैम्पीयन दल है। एैडी के दल ने अभ्यास ही नहीं किया । मदद के लिए वे महान् साधु पीकू बाबा से मिलने जाते हैं। क्या पीकू बाबा किसी जादू से उनकी मदद करेंगे? क्या उन्हें कोई जादुई हॉकी स्टिक मिलेगी जिससे वे मेस्सालडो ब्रदर्ज़ को हरा पाएंगे? आगे पढ़ो और देखो कि एैडी और उसके दोस्तों के सामने कौन सा बड़ा रहस्य ख...

CHF 22.50

&#2342,&#2369,&#2352,&#2381,&#2327,&#2350, &#2346,&#2361,...

Agrawal, Kiran
&#2342,&#2369,&#2352,&#2381,&#2327,&#2350, &#2346,&#2361,&#2366,&#2337,&#2364, &#2325,&#2368, &#2330,&#2338,&#2364,&#2366,&#2312, &#2324,&#2352, &#232
दुर्गम पहाड़ की चढ़ाई- एैडी, डीजे, ऐजे, गोरजी और हम्पी एक पहाड़ पर चढ़ने जा रहे हैं। कोई ऐसा-वैसा पहाड़ नहीं....बहुत ऊँचा पहाड़! वापस आते समय, वे एक छोटे रास्ते से लौटना चाहते हैं। छोटा, लेकिन ख़तरनाक भी! ऐसा करने से उनके साथ क्या होता है? क्या छोटा रास्ता उन्हें घर जल्दी पहुँचता है या मुसीबत में डाल देता है? यह कहानी पढ़ो और देखो कि इस बार दोस्तों की इस टुकड़ी ने क्या पाया, क्या सीखा! करुणा का उपहार- नंदू हिरण एक गरीब परिवार से है। न उसके पास पर्याप्त खाना है, न प...

CHF 22.50

El Poder Creativo de Dios / God's Creative Power Gift Col...

Capps, Charles
El Poder Creativo de Dios / God's Creative Power Gift Collection
TUS PALABRAS CREAN TU FUTURO.   El universo completo fue creado por el poder creativo de la Palabra hablada de Dios, poder que le dio al creyente para que viviera la Palabra. La Biblia lo afirma con claridad: lo que usted dice tiene poder tanto en el mundo natural como en el espiritual. Dios afirma que las palabras que usted expresa —llenas de fe— pueden cambiar las circunstancias de su vida.   En El poder creativo de Dios, el reconocido maest...

CHF 16.50

The American Almanac of Finance

Abbott, Peter Alexander
The American Almanac of Finance
Economic Epics: A History of US Finance" takes you through the crucial moments that shaped the American financial landscape. This comprehensive guide provides in-depth analysis, beginning with the birth of the US dollar, through the stock market emergence, Great Depression, and post-war prosperity. The book navigates the transformative transition from manufacturing to service sectors, the rise of Silicon Valley, the Dot Com Bubble, and its su...

CHF 43.50

Il re Pastore

Pietro, Metastasio
Il re Pastore
Fra le azioni più luminose d¿Alessandro il Macedone fu quella di aver liberato il regno di Sidone dal suo tiranno, e poi, in vece di ritenerne il dominio, l¿avere ristabilito su quel trono l¿unico rampollo della legittima stirpe reale, che, ignoto a se medesimo, povera e rustica vita traeva nella vicina campagna. (CURZIO, lib. IV, cap. III, GIUSTINO, lib. II, cap. X). Come si sia edificato su questo istorico fondamento, si vedrà nel corso del...

CHF 14.50

After Jesus: Discover the Holy Spirit

Stadler, H. L.
After Jesus: Discover the Holy Spirit
Before Jesus left the Earth, He left a pivotal commandment for His believers. If they waited in Jerusalem, they would receive power when the Father's promise came upon them. So, after He ascended to Heaven, one hundred and twenty believers gathered in a room and waited.The Holy Spirit is not a force or power-He is a person and one of the Trinity. In fact, Jesus described Him as the one who would come after Him and accompany believers on Earth ...

CHF 14.90

Germans and Jews

Mosse, George L.
Germans and Jews
Originally published in 1970, Germans and Jews brings together George L. Mosse's thoughts on a critical time in German history when thinkers on both the left and the right shared a common goal. In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, intellectuals across the political spectrum aimed to solve the problems of contemporary society by creating a force that would eliminate both state Marxism and bourgeois society: a "third force" beyo...

CHF 40.90

The Earth is Wrapped in Plastic

Mardon, Austin / Knafelc, Lauren / Shourie, Priyanka
The Earth is Wrapped in Plastic
Modern societies have discovered that plastic can cause severe harm to the environment and human health. But, do enough people know how poor plastic control and dispensation can specifically impact them to care for and make a difference? The Earth is Wrapped in Plastic gives a detailed overview of human dependence on plastic and the potential consequences of plastic pollution. Understanding the history and manufacturing of plastic helps explai...

CHF 46.50

Just Keep Moving

Muse, The Mocha
Just Keep Moving
Just Keep Moving: Weight Loss Planner is your ultimate companion on the journey to achieving your weight loss goals. Packed with comprehensive guidance, practical strategies, and empowering tools, this planner is designed to help you make lasting lifestyle changes and transform your body and mind. In Just Keep Moving, you'll discover a step-by-step approach to weight loss that goes beyond fad diets and quick fixes. This planner takes a holist...

CHF 26.50