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2474 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

The Unanswered Wonders of The Universe: The Unfathomed My...

Aaron, Todd / Locey, Braelyn
The Unanswered Wonders of The Universe: The Unfathomed Mysteries From Outside and Within the Universe
What can we often miss in the universe and the world around us? We see ourselves in a mirror and those walking around us. We observe the beautiful creation and the incredible sights around the world. But what is deep within one's body and beyond the world outside our physical bodies? What have we missed? What is yet to be found and discovered? Since the beginning of human existence, we have had a neverending desire to venture out and discover ...

CHF 12.50

Chiare luci dell'alba: versi poetici sentimentali, emozio...

Colavitto, Angela / Lerario, Roberto Gaetano
Chiare luci dell'alba: versi poetici sentimentali, emozionanti, vitali
In questo primo volume le poesie di Angela Colavitto vengono proposte ad un pubblico più vasto di lettori.Un articolato microcosmo prende vita dalla lettura di queste belle poesie, tenute insieme da una forte coscienza interiore e da una sensibilità fuori dall'ordinario, e che ci invitano ad accostarci alla fenomenologia del reale con grande circospezione e rispetto di sé stessi e degli altri, a partire dai nostri più stretti congiunti, ma sen...

CHF 40.90

What Will Be

Coles, Linda
What Will Be
A brutal murder. A friend in jeopardy. A steadfast sleuth. When a new cold case initiative is launched, cab driver and gravedigger Will Peters has no idea how close he is to a crime committed nearly twenty years ago. A man ferociously beaten to death in a derelict shoe factory. Someone knows what went on that night. That someone needs to start talking. With the help of ex-con Birdie Fox and elderly hard-nosed trade unionist Stanley Kipper,...

CHF 32.50

Of Wild and Merry Men: A Novel of Colonial New England's ...

Hutson, Garrett
Of Wild and Merry Men: A Novel of Colonial New England's Forgotten Queer Utopian Experiment
In seventeenth-century England, loving the wrong person could put you in a hangman's noose...Noah Bancroft, banished and rejected after being caught in a compromising position, hopes for a fresh start in the new colonies, where no one knows his sins. But his bright future gets derailed when he can't keep his eyes off a handsome young native man named Jimmy Hawkey.After escaping from a cruel master, Noah finds refuge in a community of young men...

CHF 32.90


Obermeier, Robert
Ein Buch mit Gedichten: >Verversungen<. Aber was ist damit gemeint? Verirrungen? Verdrehungen? Verschönerungen, Verwerfungen, Verwandlungen, Verweigerungen, Verwirklichungen?....? Man lese und urteile!

CHF 15.90

Carl Loewe als Männerchorkomponist

Ratte, Franz Josef / Brusniak, Friedhelm / Sauerwald, Burkhard / Internationale Carl-Loewe-Gesellschaft e. V. / Archiv der Internationalen Carl-Loewe-Gesellschaft e. V., Archive
Carl Loewe als Männerchorkomponist
Carl Loewes Männerchorstil ist ein ganz besonderer, ihm allein eigener: die Harmonie ist ganz einfach, auch beträchtliche Polyphonie wird nicht gegeben, dafür glänzt er durch treffliche Charakteristik, wort- und sinngemäßen Vortrag und häufig durch eine fast solistische Beweglichkeit und Sprechschnelligkeit der Einzelstimme." Armin Knab über Carl Loewes Männerchorlieder (1925)

CHF 30.50

Backen ohne Zucker XXL

Braun, Heike
Backen ohne Zucker XXL
Dieses Backen ohne Zucker Kochbuch ist voll von köstlichen, leicht zuzubereitenden Rezepten! Mit 150 Rezepten zur Auswahl, finden Sie in diesem Kochbuch bestimmt das, wonach Sie suchen... Studien haben gezeigt¿ ...dass die Low-Carb-Diät sehr effektiv bei der Gewichtsreduzierung ist. Neben der Gewichtsabnahme bietet die kohlenhydratarme Ernährung weitere gesundheitliche Vorteile, darunter die Senkung des Bluthochdrucks, die Senkung hoher Chol...

CHF 21.50

Never Give Up

Caspari, Sahra Sofie / Bayer, Isabell
Never Give Up
Gib niemals auf! Drei einfache Worte mit einer klaren Botschaft. Doch oftmals ist es gar nicht so leicht, sich daran zu halten. Viele von uns haben schon Situationen erlebt, in denen wir lieber aufgegeben hätten. Vielleicht wegen eines Verlustes oder einer Krankheit. Aber wenn man die Augen öffnet und genau hinsieht, dann kann man sie erkennen: Die Lichtblicke des Lebens! Diesem Thema haben sich 20 AutorInnen gewidmet und ihre wundervoll...

CHF 22.50

The Widows' Wine Club

Jarman, Julia
The Widows' Wine Club
What a brilliant premise for a novel! Julia's writing is a sparkling delight.' Sophie HannahThe beginning of Janet, Viv and Zelda's friendship could not have been less promising... Navigating their new lives as widows, the three women venture to the same dreary bereavement group in a chilly church hall. But what bonds them is not their shared predicament, but instead how quickly they all decide to flee the depressing gathering, choosing instea...

CHF 53.50

The Widows' Wine Club

Jarman, Julia
The Widows' Wine Club
What a brilliant premise for a novel! Julia's writing is a sparkling delight.' Sophie HannahThe beginning of Janet, Viv and Zelda's friendship could not have been less promising... Navigating their new lives as widows, the three women venture to the same dreary bereavement group in a chilly church hall. But what bonds them is not their shared predicament, but instead how quickly they all decide to flee the depressing gathering, choosing instea...

CHF 25.90