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Zur Kasse

How Gross, My Séances

Chesnut, Jordan

How Gross, My Séances

How does the experience of loss alter the ways that we love? How Gross My Séances is a theatre of the imagination, and it takes place in "a world of wounds", a body of grief. The characters are precariously intertwined—memories are animate tattoos (flash sheet included), a chorus of crumbling statues consult and console, and a talk show host interviews our moody antagonist. This is a psycho-drama that interrogates subjectivity, grief and its embodiments, discourse around dispossessed persons, responsibility within and outside romantic love, and the efficacy of language itself.

CHF 20.90


ISBN 9780999724798
Sprache eng
Cover Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
Verlag Ingram Publishers Services
Jahr 20230223


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