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Killing Plato

The two sequences of this book form a braided ars poetica: "Killing Plato" and "Writing." The first is a numbered sequence of twenty-eight poems organized around an accident: a pedestrian has been hit by a truck and is dying in the middle of the road. Various characters appear-the philosopher Michel Serres, Robert Musil, a woman smoothing out her stocking, the truck driver, a boy on a balcony, the Spanish poet Jesús Aguado. At the bottom of the page another tale unfolds: a woman bumps into an old friend, a male poet who has written a book called Killing Plato about "a woman who has been knocked over by the force of a sound." "Writing, " the second part, unfolds as a lyrical meditation on mortality and literary production.

CHF 17.90


ISBN 9780811228992
Sprache eng
Cover Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
Verlag New Directions
Jahr 20191126


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