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Love. Life. Death. Freedom

Magdalena, Karolina

Love. Life. Death. Freedom

How many times have you snoozed your alarm clock in the morning to postpone living an unhappy life?What does happiness mean to you, and why is everything else more important?What would need to happen for you to finally decide to follow your heart and create the happiest life journey without looking back?

Karolina finally made the scariest decision that followed her for a while and left her comfortable life behind to reunite with her confused heart. Not knowing what her happiness was about, she decided to follow the guidance of four big forces-Love, Life, Death, and Freedom-that took a human form and came together to transform her during an insightful journey all around the world.

Join Karolina in learning how to discover your path, understand love, grow your strength through heart-breaking moments, celebrate life, and eventually connect it all together to be happy and feel truly alive.

In her spiritual memoir Love. Life. Death. Freedom., Karolina chronicles her transformative journey in the form of short stories with life lessons, inviting you to look into every corner of your heart and reflect on what truly matters in your life.

CHF 15.90


ISBN 9783982477725
Sprache eng
Cover Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
Verlag Molecule of happiness
Jahr 20221030


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