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Scriptural Apologetics 100 Salvation

Roesch, John

Scriptural Apologetics 100 Salvation

The scriptural doctrine of Salvation is the most important doctrine in our Holy Bible, get that one wrong and none of the rest matter.

Every soul is precious to God, whether that soul is in a meth lab, a prison cell, a throne room, or out on the street. Some might say God doesn't love everyone because He said He hated Esau. (Romans 9:13 Malachi 1:3). You can love someone while hating them because the opposite of hate isn't love. The opposite of hate is like. That's why you can respect someone you hate, but you can't like them.

Love's opposite is apathy, Love is passion and concern, apathy is the lack of concern or passion. That's why God is love.

CHF 32.90


ISBN 9781329587908
Sprache eng
Cover Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
Jahr 20230214


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