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Sensual Scribbles

Marie, Dk

Sensual Scribbles

Embark on a provocative journey into the labyrinth of desires, where passion and poetry entwine to create an intoxicating symphony of sensations. This collection of sensuous verses will enthrall your senses and ignite your imagination, sweeping you away to a realm where words become tantalizing caresses.

Explore the depths of love's most primal urges, as each page invites you to surrender to a tapestry of emotions. From the delicate dance of a first touch to the fierce embrace of primal lust, these poems captivate with their raw power and unapologetic vulnerability.

Don't resist the enchantment that lies within these pages. Surrender to the allure of Sensual Scribbles and allow yourself to be seduced by the power of poetic pleasure.

CHF 17.90


ISBN 9798223084631
Sprache eng
Cover Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
Verlag DK Marie
Jahr 20240116


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