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So, You've Answered the Call?? Now What??

Foster III M. Div., Rev. Andrew L.

So, You've Answered the Call?? Now What??

The title of this book, So You've Answered The Call, Now What? speaks first to me. I want nothing more than to serve God and His people, my passion is for Christ and the salvation of His people. I asked myself what are the steps or the process that will lead to a successful and faithful ministry, be it ordained ministry or lay ministry in the sight of our Lord, Jesus Christ?What steps are necessary to ensure a healthy balance between family and ministry? What are the steps to be fully present with your family and fully present in the service of God?The call to Christian Ministry, in my opinion, is the highest calling there is. It is more than a vocation and even at its best can be very challenging, rewarding and at the same time can be mentally, physically and spiritually draining.Ministry can also be exhilarating and can also be lonely. It is full of joy and at times it can bring rivers of tears that no box of tissues can dry up.Ministry in itself is a paradox. The simple act of service can bring you to a place of needing to be served.It is my hope and fervent prayer that this book will serve you the reader as another tool you can place in your ministry tool box, to bring you closer to the awesome privilege and high honor of serving God with your whole heart, mind, body and soul."The Lord bless thee, and keep thee: The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace." Numbers 6:24-26Blessings always!!!The Rev. Andrew L. Foster, III., M.Div.Ordained Elder in the United Methodist Church

CHF 20.90


ISBN 9781412073615
Sprache eng
Cover Kartonierter Einband (Kt)
Verlag Trafford Publishing
Jahr 20060720


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