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Transnational Commercial Surrogacy and the (Un)Making of Kin in India

Majumdar, Anindita

Transnational Commercial Surrogacy and the (Un)Making of Kin in India

Explores transnational commercial surrogacy and its workings within a complicated terrain of technology, law, medicine, and kinship~Draws from a context that is enmeshed in the local-global politics of reproduction, including the ways in which the transnational commercial surrogacy arrangement has led to an engaging and ongoing debate regarding ethics and morality in the sphere of reproductive rights.~Includes narratives of surrogates, intended parents, egg donors, clinicians, IVF specialists, lawyers, and embassy officials.

CHF 48.80


ISBN 9780199474363
Sprache eng
Cover Fester Einband
Verlag Oxford UP
Jahr 2017


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