Suche einschränken:
Zur Kasse

13 Ergebnisse.


Bertinet, Richard
Brot backen in Perfektion!  Sauerteigpizza, Zimtknoten oder Fougasse mit Gruyère  - wie Ihnen so etwas Köstliches gelingt, erklärt Ihnen Profibäcker und Erfolgsautor Richard Bertinet Schritt für Schritt. Mit detaillierten Anleitungen für Klassiker und Trendgebäck und vielen Step-Fotos backen Sie selbst als Anfänger die Ideen des französischen Meisterbäckers ganz einfach nach. Knusprige Kruste und weiche Krume für Sauerteig- oder Hefebrot? Mit ...

CHF 34.50


Bertinet, Richard
Bread can be open and airy or compact and dense - it is all about the 'crumb' which characterises particular styles of loaf. In this inspiring new book, Richard Bertinet shares his hallmark straightforward approach to making bread through every step of the process, including the various techniques of fermenting, mixing, kneading and baking. Richard shows you how to make everything from classic and rustic breads to sourdough using different flo...

CHF 43.90


Bertinet, Richard / Pascarelli, A.
Non c'è aroma più rassicurante e accogliente del pane appena sfornato e nessuna ragione per rinunciare a questo fondamentale piacere. Richard Bertinet, panettiere di origine francese, assicura che fare il pane non è necessariamente complicato. Al contrario, egli dimostra che avere una pagnotta nel forno mentre la cena sta cuocendo, è parte integrante di un pasto quanto aprire una bottiglia di vino. È solo una questione di organizzazione e di u...

CHF 54.50

Brot und Gebäck für Geniesser

Bertinet, Richard
Brot und Gebäck für Geniesser
Frisches Roggenbrot direkt aus dem Ofen, ein duftendes Brioche wer kann da schon widerstehen? Überraschen Sie Ihre Familie mit Croissants zum Frühstück, Ihre Freunde mit Plundergebäck zum Nachmittagskaffee und mit kleinen Baguette-Stangen zum Abendessen. Mit einer fantastischen Kruste, einfach zum Reinbeißen und alles liebevoll selbst gebacken! Die detaillierten Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen und viele Tipps vom Meisterbäcker Richard Bertinet...

CHF 35.90


Bertinet, Richard
A step-by-step guide to making pastry with more than 50 recipes. From the bestselling author of "Dough" and "Crust", it explains how to make 4 different kinds of pastry and how to use them in each dish.

CHF 52.50


Bertinet, Richard
Helps you to master the mighty Sourdough and make your own ferments so that you can make bread anytime. This title looks at speciality breads, using a range of flours and flavours. It explores the Croissant and all its variations as well as covers other sweet breads such as Stollen and Brioche.

CHF 34.90

Patisserie Maison

Bertinet, Richard
Patisserie Maison
Originally trained as a baker in Brittany, Richard has over 20 years experience in the kitchen, baking, consulting and teaching. In 2005 he set up The Bertinet Kitchen cookery school in Bath, which now attracts people from all over the world to participate in his classes. His first book, Dough, was awarded The Guild of Food Writers Award for Best First Book, the Julia Child Award for the Best First Book and the James Beard Award for Best Book ...

CHF 48.90

Dough: Simple Contemporary Bread

Bertinet, Richard
Dough: Simple Contemporary Bread
The essence of this contemporary book on breadmaking is that it is simple and do-able. Richard has a revolutionary way of 'working' the dough, which makes for a lighter, more airy bread. A free 30-minute DVD gives additional guidance on techniques as well as showing recipes step-by-step.

CHF 33.90