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211 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 60.

Der Glücksverkäufer

Calì, Davide / Somà, Marco
Der Glücksverkäufer
Das Glück sei das Wichtigste überhaupt, heißt es. Doch wo findet man es? Im Konsum wohl kaum, darüber herrscht landläufig Konsens. Überhaupt: Man kann es weder verkaufen noch kaufen. Oder? Verkäufer des Glücks ist Herr Taube, ein gut gelaunter Handelsreisender, der mit seinem knatternden Pickup-Truck seine Kunden besucht, die in reizenden Baumhäusern leben: Frau Wachtel, Frau Zaunkönig, Herr Star, Frau Rotkehlchen, Frau Wiedehopf, Herr Fasan ...

CHF 27.90

Ismaaciil Mire

Cali Idaajaa, Axmed F.
Ismaaciil Mire
Ismaaciil Mire Cilmi geesinnimo ayuu ku sheegganaa, gabay quluud leh waa lagu yiqiin, markii looga baahdana talo fiican ayaa looga baxsan jirey. Taariikhda Daraawiisheed, in yarba ha ahaatee, qofkii wax ka yaqaani Ismaaciil Mire wuu garanayaa, kamana dahsoona kaalintii weyneyd ee uu kaga jirey dagaalkii dheeraa ee dhex-maray Daraawiish oo dhinac ah iyo Ingiriis iyo gaashaan-buurtiisii intii u dhexaysey 1899-1920kii.Tan oo ah daabacaaddii labaa...

CHF 26.90

Silsiladda Xulka Suugaanta Soomaalida: Qeybta 1

Cali Idaajaa, Axmed F.
Silsiladda Xulka Suugaanta Soomaalida: Qeybta 1
Buuggan ku hor-yaal (Qaybta 1d) iyo kuwa la eyniga ah ee xigaaba waxay xanbaarsan yihiin qoraallo silsilad ah oo kala duwan, hase ahaatee, ku wada saabsan suugaantii hore ee Soomaaliyeed qaybo ka mid ah, hadday tix ahayd iyo hadday tiraab-faneed ahaydba. Dhammaan waxay ku salaysan yihiin barnaamijyo Dhaqanka iyo Hiddaha Soomaalida aan kaga faalloon jirey, kana baxay idaacadaha Afsoomaaliga ku hadla qaarkood sida Raadyo Muqdisho, Raadyo Hargeys...

CHF 22.50

Where the World Ends

Cali, Davide / Dek, Maria
Where the World Ends
An ordinary day turns into an extraordinary adventure for three friends lying in the grass watching the clouds pass by as Zip, Trik, and Flip set off to find where the world ends. The trio journeys across fantastical landscapes-a lakeside city on stilts, a mysterious and magical forest, a snowy mountaintop-with countless delightful details for young readers to discover. Along the way, they encounter helping hands and discouraging doubters

CHF 25.90

Hugo no puede dormir

Cali, Davide / Aparicio Català, Anna
Hugo no puede dormir
Hugo está despierto toda la noche y no sabe por qué. Preguntará sin cesar a todos los animales de la selva, pero ellos solo quieren que les deje dormir tranquilos.----A restless bat wakes every animal in the jungle as he asks why he can't sleep. Only when the sun comes up does he find his answer . . .

CHF 21.50


Cali, A.
This book is printed in a font that helps earlier readers and people with Dyslexia read more confidently. This font can be used by all. For more info go to Go to to find out more about the typeface and discounts."After all the work is done and the sleigh is packed for Santa's deliveries, it's time for the elves to enjoy their vacation. Jingle uses his new camera to take elfies with his friends to show San...

CHF 36.50


Cali, A.
This book is printed in a font that helps earlier readers and people with Dyslexia read more confidently. This font can be used by all. For more info go to Go to to find out more about the typeface and discounts."After all the work is done and the sleigh is packed for Santa's deliveries, it's time for the elves to enjoy their vacation. Jingle uses his new camera to take elfies with his friends to show San...

CHF 27.90


Cali, A.
After all the work is done and the sleigh is packed for Santa's deliveries, it's time for the elves to enjoy their vacation. Jingle uses his new camera to take elfies with his friends to show Santa all the fun they're having while he's delivering presents. The elves set out to celebrate the first day of vacation and take lots of elfies along the way. Jingle is so excited to show Santa all the fun they had!

CHF 24.50

So was tun Erwachsene nie!

Cali, Davide / Chaud, Benjamin / Naumann, Ebi
So was tun Erwachsene nie!
Humorvolles Bilderbuch für Kinder ab 4 Jahren. Erwachsene sind einfach perfekt. Sie streiten sich nie, sie sind nie neidisch auf andere, sie tricksen nicht und sie achten stets darauf, die Umwelt sauber zu halten. Stimmt's? Natürlich nicht! Das wahre Treiben dieser sogenannten "vernünftigen" Erwachsenen wird hier schonungslos aufgedeckt!

CHF 17.50


Cali, A. / Du, Curry
After all the work is done and the sleigh is packed for Santa's deliveries, it's time for the elves to enjoy their vacation. Jingle uses his new camera to take elfies with his friends to show Santa all the fun they're having while he's delivering presents. The elves set out to celebrate the first day of vacation and take lots of elfies along the way. Jingle is so excited to show Santa all the fun they had!

CHF 24.90

Je n'ai pas fait mes devoirs parce que

Cali, Davide / Chaud, Benjamin
Je n'ai pas fait mes devoirs parce que
Als die Lehrerin ihren Schüler fragt, warum er seine Hausaufgabe nicht gemacht hat, erfindet er eine Entschuldigung nach der Anderen. Seine Fantasie sind keine Grenzen gesetzt. So ein Schüler kann doch nicht so faul sein! Ein Buch, das zum Lachen bringt und Spaß macht. Eine bekannte Situation in neuem Gewand, aufs Vielfältigste variiert. Hier findet sich jeder wieder - und vielleicht auch die eigenen Ausreden, die man sich niemals vorzubringe...

CHF 18.90

Con il fiato spezzato. Magherini: cronaca di un processo

Calì, Matteo
Con il fiato spezzato. Magherini: cronaca di un processo
Sono le 1.29 del 3 marzo 2014 quando Riccardo Magherini muore durante un arresto dei carabinieri in Borgo San Frediano a Firenze. Per strada e alle finestre ci sono 29 persone che assistono alla scena. Qualcuno prende un cellulare e registra un video. Tanti però raccontano di calci e pressioni sul corpo del 40enne, che urla disperato invocando aiuto. Il corpo è pieno di lividi e lesioni. La storia processuale del caso Magherini non risponde pe...

CHF 23.90

Mystery Club Graphic Novel: Wild Werewolves, Mummy Mischief

Cali, Davide / Robert, Yannick
Mystery Club Graphic Novel: Wild Werewolves, Mummy Mischief
Two graphic novel mysteries in one book, each filled with fun humor and intrigue. Are there really werewolves in London? Mummies in the metro? Fear not-Mystery Club is on the case! In Wild Werewolves, a stranger approaches Zoey and Kyle in the library as they ask the question: "Do you think monsters exist in London?" The stranger gives them information that sets them on a city-wide adventure with Ashley and Tyler. The Mystery Club pieces tog...

CHF 15.90

Mystery Club Graphic Novel: Wild Werewolves, Mummy Mischief

Cali, Davide / Robert, Yannick
Mystery Club Graphic Novel: Wild Werewolves, Mummy Mischief
Two graphic novel mysteries in one book, each filled with fun humor and intrigue. Are there really werewolves in London? Mummies in the metro? Fear not-Mystery Club is on the case! In Wild Werewolves, a stranger approaches Zoey and Kyle in the library as they ask the question: "Do you think monsters exist in London?" The stranger gives them information that sets them on a city-wide adventure with Ashley and Tyler. The Mystery Club pieces tog...

CHF 30.50

L'invasione delle carote giganti

Calì, Davide / Rivola, A.
L'invasione delle carote giganti
Una volta c'erano un direttore, un orto, un siero magico e tre monelli stanchi di mangiare solo carote. Con i fedeli amici Zoe Zolfanelli e Patrick Morselli detto Morbillo, un monello d'eccezione ci racconta l'avventura degli ortaggi mastodontici. Selvagge, ribelli, scatenate. Ma in fondo... adorabili. Sono le piccole pesti. Età di lettura: da 4 anni.

CHF 20.50

I Bacon Brothers. Ritorno in America

Calì, Davide / Badel, R. / Di Dio La Leggia, C.
I Bacon Brothers. Ritorno in America
Sono trascorsi vent'anni dallo straordinario successo dei Bacon Brothers. Ciascun componente della mitica band conduce una vita tranquilla... Fino al giorno in cui una loro vecchia canzone diventa virale su internet. Wolfie, l'agente del gruppo, decide allora di riunirlo. Destinazione gli States per un fantastico tour! I Bacon Brothers sono tornati! Età di lettura: da 6 anni.

CHF 27.90