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14 Ergebnisse.

Subtly Worded and Other Stories

Teffi / Jackson, Anne Marie / Kitson, Clare / Chandler, Robert / Wase, Natalia
Subtly Worded and Other Stories
A selection of the finest stories by this female Chekhov Teffi's genius with the short form made her a literary star in pre-revolutionary Russia, beloved by Tsar Nicholas II and Vladimir Lenin alike. These stories, taken from the whole of her career, show the full range of her gifts. Extremely funny - a wry, scathing observer of society - she is also capable, as capable even as Chekhov, of miraculous subtlety and depth of character. There are ...

CHF 19.90

Other Worlds

Teffi / Chandler, Robert / Chandler, Robert / Chandler, Robert / Chandler, Elizabeth
Other Worlds
Stories about the occult, folk religions, superstition, and spiritual customs in Russia by one of the most essential 20th-century writers of short fiction and essays.Though best known for her comic and satirical sketches of pre-Revolutionary Russia, Teffi was a writer of great range and human sympathy. At times she had to warn her readers that "those seeking laughter should not turn on me and tear me to pieces if, instead, they find tears - th...

CHF 23.90

Luchshie jumoristicheskie rasskazy

Teffi / Averchenko, Arkadij / Zoshhenko, Mihail
Luchshie jumoristicheskie rasskazy
V knigu vkljucheny luchshie jumoristicheskie rasskazy samyh izvestnyh pisatelej HH veka - "korolevy russkogo jumora" Teffi (Nadezhdy Aleksandrovny Lohvickoj), "Rycarja ulybok" i "Korolja smeha" Arkadija Averchenko, nepodrazhaemogo mastera jumoristicheskogo bytopisanija Mihaila Zoshhenko. Raznye vzgljady pisatelej-jumoristov pozvoljat chitatelju nepredvzjato i raznostoronne vzgljanut' na jetot mir.

CHF 12.50

Maloe sobranie sochinenij

Maloe sobranie sochinenij
Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Lohvickaja ¿ znamenitaja Tjeffi ¿ odna iz samyh jarkih figur russkoj literatury nachala XX veka. Uzhe posle pervogo sbornika jumoristicheskih rasskazov, uvidevshego svet v 1910 godu, Tjeffi priobrela kolossal'nuju populjarnost', ne utihajushhuju do sih por. Zoshhenko pisal o nej: «Ee schitajut samoj zanimatel'noj i "smeshnoj" pisatel'nicej. I v dlinnuju dorogu nepremenno berut tomik ee rasskazov». Jumoristicheskimi rassk...

CHF 22.90

Da Mosca al Mar Nero

Teffi / Prina, S.
Da Mosca al Mar Nero
Mosca, autunno 1918. Nei caffè male in arnese, i poeti leggono versi ululando con voci affamate in mezzo ad avventori coi cappotti laceri e puzzolenti. Come numerosi altri scrittori e artisti, anche i poeti vogliono stare in mezzo alla gente perché da soli, a casa, c'è da avere paura. Ogni tanto qualcuno scompare, ed è impossibile sapere dove sia finito, se a Kiev o in un posto dal quale non si fa ritorno. «Parola Russa», la rivista, è stata c...

CHF 33.50

Memories - From Moscow to the Black Sea

Memories - From Moscow to the Black Sea
A darkly humorous and heartbreaking account of the writer and satirist, Teffi, who was forced to leave Russia forever following the revolution. Settling in Paris, she became a leading figure in the emigre literary scene. 'Wonderfully idiosyncratic, coolly heartfelt and memorable' "Sunday Times

CHF 20.90


Teffi, Nadezjda / Hemmink, Lena
Net als het overgrote deel van de Russische intelligentsia verwelkomde Teffi de revoluties van 1905 en 1917. Na de machtsovername door de Bolsjewieken in 1918 werd echter al snel duidelijk dat zij, met haar adellijke afkomst en haar onafhankelijke, scherpe geest, groot gevaar liep te worden gearresteerd. Toen ze in 1919 uit Moskou vertrok had Teffi nog goede hoop om binnen afzienbare tijd terug te keren. De strijd tussen de 'Witten' en het R...

CHF 25.90

Memories: From Moscow to the Black Sea

Teffi / Haber, Edythe / Chandler, Robert
Memories: From Moscow to the Black Sea
WINNER OF THE 2018 READ RUSSIA PRIZE AND THE PUSHKIN HOUSE BEST BOOK IN TRANSLATION IN 2017Considered Teffi's single greatest work, Memories: From Moscow to the Black Sea is a deeply personal account of the author's last months in Russia and Ukraine, suffused with her acute awareness of the political currents churning around her, many of which have now resurfaced.In 1918, in the immediate aftermath of the Russian Revolution, Teffi, whose stori...

CHF 27.50