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1314 Ergebnisse - Zeige 81 von 100.

MATLAB for Engineering and the Life Sciences

Tranquillo, Joseph
MATLAB for Engineering and the Life Sciences
In recent years, the life sciences have embraced simulation as an important tool in biomedical research. Engineers are also using simulation as a powerful step in the design process. In both arenas, Matlab has become the gold standard. It is easy to learn, flexible, and has a large and growing userbase. MATLAB for Engineering and the Life Sciences is a self-guided tour of the basic functionality of MATLAB along with the functions that are most...

CHF 40.50

The Abascal Way

Abascal, Kathy
The Abascal Way
The TQI Diet (short for To Quiet Inflammation) was known as The Abascal Way back in 2007. This simple but sophisticated diet quickly reduces aches and pains, improves the symptoms of chronic illnesses, helps with weight issues, and increases wellbeing. In Michael Overlake's words: "I came to class overweight, my joints ached, I had psoriasis, IBS, and my blood pressure was out of control even on medication. Two months later, I have lost 22 pou...

CHF 33.90

Undercover [Standard Large Print 16 Pt Edition]

Bulfin, Keith
Undercover [Standard Large Print 16 Pt Edition]
Mexican drug cartels. Double agents. International money laundering. Gun fights. Massacres. This is a novel based on the life of Keith Bulfin - a conservative Melbourne father, pushing middle age - who is drawn into a world of drug smuggling and horrific violence in Mexico City. Keith is a stockbroker when, convicted of conspiracy to defraud, he is inexplicably sent to a Supermax unit in Victoria's Port Philip prison. There, among the murderer...

CHF 39.90

How to Give Employees Performance Feedback & Resolve the ...

Blake, Ross
How to Give Employees Performance Feedback & Resolve the Resistance You Know You're Going to Get
A how-to-manual for supervisors, managers, and HR professionals of easy-to-learn performance feedback skills typically not found in other resources.Detailed skills include the following. Giving employees feedback to correct everyday situations, such as not following procedures, surfing the internet during work hours, or spreading negative gossip, etc.Using the core feedback skill necessary for all types of performance appraisal.Giving feedback...

CHF 31.50

1,2,3-tiadiazoly w sel'skom hozqjstwe

Prohorowa, Polina / Morzherin, Jurij
1,2,3-tiadiazoly w sel'skom hozqjstwe
V dannoj knige Vy najdete kratkij obzor publikacij za poslednie 10-15 let, kasaüschihsq 1, 2, 3-tiadiazolow, ih biologicheskoj aktiwnosti, primenimoj k sel'skomu hozqjstwu. Dlq poiska kolichestwennoj zawisimosti struktrura - aktiwnost' sperwa neobhodimo sintezirowat' nekotoruü biblioteku soedinenij i issledowat' ih biologicheskuü aktiwnost'. Vo wtoroj chasti knigi priweden sintez takih soedinenij s obsuzhdeniem rezul'tatow. V tret'ej chasti po...

CHF 64.00

"Raspad Tushinskogo lagerq Lzhedmitriq II"

Mirskij, Stanislaw
"Raspad Tushinskogo lagerq Lzhedmitriq II"
Smutnoe wremq qwlqetsq odnim iz samyh qrkih periodow russkoj istorii. Ego po prawu mozhno nazwat' poworotnoj wehoj w razwitii Rossii. Moskowskoe carstwo podwerglos' razrushitel'noj bratoubijstwennoj wojne. Ot gibeli ego spasli zemskie opolcheniq, organizowannye w 1610-1612gg. Tushinskij period otnositsq k wazhnejshim momentam Smuty, poskol'ku togda naibolee chetko obnaruzhiwaetsq social'no-politicheskij raskol russkogo obschestwa, oslozhnennyj...

CHF 77.00

Akmeologicheskij potencial rukowoditelq w sfere gosudarst...

Bespalow, Igor'
Akmeologicheskij potencial rukowoditelq w sfere gosudarstwennoj sluzhby
V dannoj monografii podrobno rassmotren fenomen akmeologicheskogo (lichnostno-razwiwaüschego) potenciala rukowoditelq w sfere gosudarstwennoj sluzhby, opisany mehanizmy ego formirowaniq i wliqniq na professional'noe razwitie, priwedeny metody ego ocenki i razwitiq. Professional'nyj akmeologicheskij potencial rukowoditelq qwlqetsq glawnoj predposylkoj uspeshnoj samorealizacii lichnosti uprawlenca w processe professional'noj deqtel'nosti. Nalich...

CHF 102.00

Promyshlennoe oswoenie nedr na osobo ohranqemyh territoriqh

Baharew, Sergej / Kozlow, Andrej Petrowich
Promyshlennoe oswoenie nedr na osobo ohranqemyh territoriqh
Na osnowanii wypolnennyh issledowanij obosnowana wozmozhnost' promyshlennogo oswoeniq nedr na osobo ohranqemyh territoriqh. Pri ätom: prowedena sistematizaciq, tipizaciq i ocenka negatiwnogo wozdejstwiq gorno-pererabatywaüschego proizwodstwa na äkosistemy lososewyh nerestowo-nagul'nyh rek, razrabotan komplexnyj fiziko-mehanicheskij metod ochistki promyshlennyh i stochnyh wod ot wzweshennyh chastic razlichnoj dispersnosti s primeneniem akustich...

CHF 88.00

Rassledowanie prestuplenij, swqzannyh s zagrqzneniem wod ...

Iwanowa, Larisa
Rassledowanie prestuplenij, swqzannyh s zagrqzneniem wod i atmosfery
Prestupleniq, swqzannye s narusheniem äkologicheskih trebowanij, predstawlqüt znachitel'nuü opasnost' dlq naseleniq nashej strany. Odnako urowen' latentnosti ätoj kategorii prestuplenij ostaetsq wysokim. Otmechaetsq neosnowatel'noe prekraschenie ugolownyh del i priwlechenie winownyh k administratiwnoj ili disciplinarnoj otwetstwennosti. Nablüdaetsq preobladanie wyqwleniq, rassledowaniq i sudebnogo rassmotreniq del, swqzannyh s nezakonnym iz#qt...

CHF 102.00

Teoriq gosudarstwennogo regulirowaniq inwesticionno-finan...

Nechaew, A. S.
Teoriq gosudarstwennogo regulirowaniq inwesticionno-finansowoj sfery
Razrabotana gosudarstwennaq politika finansowogo regulirowaniq w büdzhetno-nalogowoj sisteme i sisteme uprawleniq inflqciej, rassmotreny woprosy analiza suschestwuüschih form finansirowaniq, priwedena srawnitel'naq ocenka lizinga s al'ternatiwnymi formami finansirowaniq, predstawlena sistema korrektiruüschih koäfficientow pri ispol'zowanii kreditnoj i lizingowoj formy finansirowaniq, razrabotana gosudarstwennaq sistema finansowogo regulirowani...

CHF 102.00

Anglijskaq terminologiq w lexikograficheskom aspekte

Petrashowa, Tamara
Anglijskaq terminologiq w lexikograficheskom aspekte
V rabote rassmatriwaetsq shirokij krug woprosow, swqzannyh s izucheniem formiruüschejsq terminologii predmetnoj oblasti «Social'naq rabota»: awtor analiziruet problemy differenciacii LSP i LGP w strukture nacional'nogo qzyka, wydelqet osobennosti terminologii gumanitarnyh nauk, opisywaq issleduemuü predmetnuü oblast', delaet popytki prosledit' wariatiwnost' terminologii social'noj raboty w terminosistemah drugih stran, gde anglijskij qzyk wyst...

CHF 102.00

Dominanty idiostilq sowremennogo poäta-ironista

Popkowa, Natal'q
Dominanty idiostilq sowremennogo poäta-ironista
Issledowanie poswqscheno izucheniü fenomena ironii i shire - sredstw i priemow komicheskogo äffekta, aktualizirowannyh w rossijskom mediaprostranstwe XX-XXI ww. V centre raboty - analiz idiostilq Igorq Irten'ewa - poäta, tworchestwo kotorogo chasto okazywaetsq swqzannym s tekuschej dejstwitel'nost'ü. Dominantnymi priznakami poätiki Irten'ewa pri ätom stanowqtsq sredstwa i priemy, osnowannye na ironii i komizme: masochnost' "q-sub#ekta", transf...

CHF 102.00

Predely rasporqzheniq cheloweka swoim telom

Chernyshewa, Juliq
Predely rasporqzheniq cheloweka swoim telom
Na sowremennom ätape razwitiq nashego obschestwa prawa cheloweka zanimaüt prioritetnoe znachenie. V silu nalichiq dannyh praw, chelowek prizwan ih realizowywat'. Prawa cheloweka wes'ma raznoobrazny: äto i prawo na zhizn', i prawo na ohranu chesti i dostoinstwa lichnosti, na ohranu zhilischa, na lichnuü neprikosnowennost' i t.d. V nastoqschej rabote zatronuty woprosy, kasaemye predelow rasporqzheniq cheloweka swoim telom. Nastoqschaq rabota ne ...

CHF 102.00

Formirowanie sociokul'turnoj kompetencii buduschego ürista

Petrischewa, Natal'q
Formirowanie sociokul'turnoj kompetencii buduschego ürista
Social'naq potrebnost' w podgotowke üristow, sposobnyh osuschestwlqt' professional'no-orientirowannoe inoqzychnoe obschenie, wladeüschih znaniqmi sociokul'turnogo kontexta, sociokul'turnymi umeniqmi i obladaüschih urownem sformirowannosti sociokul'turnoj kompetencii i potencial'naq wozmozhnost' metoda uchebnyh Internet-proektow w formirowanii dannoj kompetencii i nedostatochnoj razrabotannost'ü pedagogicheskih osnow i neobhodimogo uchebno-meto...

CHF 64.00


Reid, Graham / Reid, J. Graham
Comic drama Characters: 2 male, 4 female Interior, exterior or unit set. A warm drama played against the hatred in Northern Ireland, Remembrance charts the love that develops between a Protestant father and a Catholic mother who meet in the cemetery where their sons are buried, both victims of violence. Family members burden the courtship with personal antagonisms. "An absorbing, powerful and touching play.... A gripping account of the bru...

CHF 26.90