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646 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.


Allievi, Riccardo
Il libro traccia un'analisi sui requisiti necessari previsti dal Decreto Ministeriale n. 180 del 18 ottobre 2010 per costituire un organismo di mediazione ed un ente di formazione. Vengono anche chiariti quali siano i requisiti per diventare sia mediatore sia formatore nei corsi di formazione per mediatori. E' presente anche un approfondimento relativo all'onorario spettante per il procedimento di mediazione.

CHF 20.50

Responsibilities in the Family

Olowosoyo, Oluwagbemiga
Responsibilities in the Family
There are little or no information on the responsibilities each individual has in the family. This powerful book is written in simple language to meat that need. It is a material for everyone committed to joy in the family.

CHF 37.50

Big Love

Hardy, Richard / Puftlips, Regina
Big Love
Plunge into the deep pool that is big love. Explore the depths of human feeling. Claim the triumphs of spirit over evil and love over selfishness. Swim in the wit and wisdom of the Big Love for a while. Look at it as an instant vacation from drudgery and the mundane.

CHF 25.50


Arias, Wilian A.
El destino creo en ellos la mezcla perfecta, cualquiera diría que ellos son el bello y la bestia, el bonito y la fea, o que son el patito feo y el cisne. Oneidy tiene lo que a Ricky Martín, le hace falta y Ricky Martín, tiene lo que a Oneidy le hace falta, lo que ella busca incansablemente, ambos han sido invitados a unirse por obra del destino y puestos en caminos de sufrimientos diferentes, obligados también a dar la batalla contra el mal...

CHF 50.50

The Face in the Mirror

Reece, Adrienne
The Face in the Mirror
When I look up, I am standing face to face with the killer..." Charlotte 'Charlie' Foster is a normal teenage girl, except for the fact that two of her best friends are missing. Just when all hope is lost, one of them shows up. Too bad he's dead... As Charlotte looks for justice, what she finds could be more painful than death itself. Can she handle the truth?

CHF 17.50

Innovative Methods for Science Education: History of Scie...

Heering, Peter / Bruneau, Olivier / Grapí, Pere / Laubé, Sylvain / Massa-Esteve, Maria-Rosa / de Vittori, Thomas
Innovative Methods for Science Education: History of Science, ICT and Inquiry Based Science Teaching
This collective book results of several meetings since 2006 between European historians of science and technology. Regularly, the six editors (and most of the authors present in this publication) organized symposia inside international conferences about the role of history of science and technology in science education and teacher training. The principal objectives of this book are: i) to enlighten and to discuss different research problems co...

CHF 65.00

The Day of the Lord

Holland, Charles
The Day of the Lord
A Dire Prophecy and 'Present Day' Ominous Commination, Minatory and End Time Harbinger that outlines the 'Road Signs' for the Fall of The United States of America and Countries Worldwide precipitating a major Social, Political and Economic paradigm shift in World Policy and Direction as we know it today. Beijing, Mainland China, Russia, Turkey (The Land of Magog), Germany, England, Rome (The Vatican), Italy, Europe, Jerusalem, Israel, The Mid...

CHF 51.50

Gottes Haus

Czock, Miriam
Gottes Haus
Mit der Vorstellung vom Kirchengebäude als heiligem Raum untersucht die vorliegende Studie eine zentrale Denkfigur mittelalterlicher Gesellschaftsdeutung, die ?ecclesia?. Anhand auf das Kirchengebäude bezogener normativer, liturgischer und exegetisch-theologischer Quellen verfolgt sie den tiefgreifenden Wandlungsprozess eines politisch-religiösen Gesellschaftskonzepts von der Spätantike zum Frühmittelalter. Sie zeichnet nach, wie sich durch di...

CHF 196.00

Grundlagen der Laserzahnheilkunde

Franzen, Rene
Grundlagen der Laserzahnheilkunde
Dieses Buch wurde speziell für Zahnärzte und Ärzte geschrieben, die sich erstmals mit dem spannenden Gebiet der laserunterstützten Zahnmedizin bzw. Medizin beschäftigen. In leicht verständlicher Weise werden die Grundlagen des Lasers erläutert und die biophysikalischen Wirkprinzipien vorgestellt, die für die Wirkung der Laserstrahlung im Gewebe verantwortlich sind. In diesem Buch bringe ich es kurz und präzise auf den Punkt, was Sie von Beg...

CHF 87.00


Mel'nikow, Andrej
Kniga o priklücheniqh nashej sowremennicy w srednewekowom mire. O tom, kak tajnye zawetnye zhelaniq mogut stat' qw'ü. Poluchiw w nasledstwo ot dqdi Alexeq staryj dom w gluhoj podmoskownoj derewne, Alisa stanowitsq neozhidanno dlq sebq samoj obladatelem unikal'nogo artefakta. Instrukciq, poluchennaq wmeste s domom, glasila: «lük, kotoryj ty widela za dwer'ü w stene, äto dwer' w drugoj mir. Tochnee miry. Shlüz mezhdu mirami q priwyk nazywat' mod...

CHF 71.00

Nrawy nowyh russkih chast' 3

Varga, Vasilij
Nrawy nowyh russkih chast' 3
Ne wse bogatye lüdi wyderzhiwali tqzhelyj gruz, swaliwshijsq na ih plechi ¿ gruz nepomernogo obogascheniq. Odin iz glawnyh geroew Timur ne znal, kuda dewat' den'gi. Nesmotrq na shikarnye osobnqki w Podmoskow'e, snimal nomer w gostinice Pekin za tysqchu dollarow w sutki. Nowaq wlast' staralas' nawodit' porqdok, prizywat' tuzow k uplate nalogow, no Timur nikogo ne slushal, polagaq, chto emu wse pozwoleno. Po ego prikazu bylo mnogo ubito konkuren...

CHF 102.00

Il punto più vicino al cielo (I Greystoke)

Chiarle, Duilio
Il punto più vicino al cielo (I Greystoke)
Marcello Mastroianni, in una intervista televisiva ad Enzo Biagi, avvenuta un paio d'anni prima della morte, alla domanda "Quale film vorrebbe interpretare" rispose che avrebbe voluto interpretare Tarzan. Un vecchio Tarzan nel mondo di oggi. E questo, per puro caso, è proprio il "leitmotiv" del romanzo "Il punto più vicino al cielo". Un giornalista ormai cinico, ridottosi a "negro", compilatore di false autobiografie di personaggi celebri, vi...

CHF 24.50

Uluchshenie ustojchiwosti dwizheniq kolesnoj mashiny

Balakina, Ekaterina
Uluchshenie ustojchiwosti dwizheniq kolesnoj mashiny
Rassmotreno i issledowano wliqnie konstruktiwnyh i äxpluatacionnyh parametrow shassi na osnownye äxpluatacionnye swojstwa kolesnoj mashiny: ustojchiwost' dwizheniq, uprawlqemost', tormoznuü dinamiku. Predlozhena metodika komplexnogo wybora konstruktiwnyh i äxpluatacionnyh parametrow älementow shassi: koles s shinami, podwesok i rulewogo priwoda po sowokupnosti takih äxpluatacionnyh swojstw kolesnoj mashiny kak ustojchiwost' dwizheniq, uprawlqe...

CHF 114.00

Geografiq pochw s osnowami pochwowedeniq

Iwanowa, Tat'qna Georgiewna / Sinicyn, Igor' Sergeewich
Geografiq pochw s osnowami pochwowedeniq
V dannom posobii rassmatriwaütsq osnownye pochwenno-geograficheskie terminy. Terminy raspredeleny po temam, soglasno strukture osnownyh otechestwennyh uchebnikow po kursu «Geografiq pochw s osnowami pochwowedeniq». Slowar' dopolnen shemami, tablicami, kotorye pomogaüt luchshe oswoit' special'nuü terminologiü. Dannoe posobie prednaznacheno dlq studentow wysshih pedagogicheskih uchebnyh zawedenij, obuchaüschihsq po special'nosti «Geografiq s dop...

CHF 64.00

Faktory stabil'nosti personala w uslowiqh äkonomicheskogo...

Charyshewa, Cof'q
Faktory stabil'nosti personala w uslowiqh äkonomicheskogo krizisa
V knige izlozheny rezul'taty issledowaniq, zadachej kotorogo bylo najti nowyj podhod k prakticheskoj rabote po optimizacii processow antikrizisnogo uprawleniq personalom, po uluchsheniü social'no-psihologicheskogo sostoqniq rabotnikow w period izmenenij. Awtorom predlozheny rekomendacii po powysheniü äffektiwnosti biznesa za schet powysheniq äffektiwnosti i ustojchiwosti w uslowiqh krizisa glawnogo resursa kompanii - personala. Kniga budet pol...

CHF 77.00

Jekonomicheskaq ätnopsihologiq

Vasin, Valentin
Jekonomicheskaq ätnopsihologiq
Ne tol'ko nauchnye krugi, no kazhdyj chelowek regulqrno w ätoj zhizni zadaetsq woprosom, chem narody otlichaütsq drug ot druga, pochemu odni zhiwut tak, a drugie inache? Mnogie uchenye pytalis' w ätoj zhizni otwetit' na ätot wopros. Kak rezul'tat - poqwilos' mnogo terminow (sredi nih "nacional'nyj harakter", "mentalitet", "ätnos", "naciq", "narod", "nacional'nost'"). V ätoj knige awtor predprinimaet popytku ne tol'ko razgranicheniq ätih ponqti...

CHF 77.00

Formirowanie zwukoproiznositel'nyh nawykow u detej-bilingwow

Agatangelu, Elena
Formirowanie zwukoproiznositel'nyh nawykow u detej-bilingwow
Problemy bilingwizma, buduchi odnim iz proqwlenij globalizacii, wyzywaüt wse bol'shij interes issledowatelej razlichnyh naprawlenij. V buduschem chislo bilingwow budet rasti, i wse oni wstanut pered odnoj i toj zhe problemoj: kak stat' polnoprawnymi, s tochki zreniq wladeniq qzykom, chlenami obschestwa w strane prozhiwaniq. Bilingwizm mozhno i dolzhno izuchat' w razlichnyh aspektah. Awtorom knigi wybran odin iz naibolee aktual'nyh - narusheniq...

CHF 102.00