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908 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.


Correa, José Guilherme
Advising the reader to "diverge without losing his/her sportsmanship, " the author selects herein a few dozen books of essays which he read over many decades of life and classifies them from "stunning triumphs" to "actually hateful." Upon the whole he intends rather entertainment than instruction, or disgust by hurting the taste of the mainstream audience.

CHF 30.90

Cómo Ahorrar Gasolina Sin Modificar Ni Aparcar Su Coche

Lo, Mor
Cómo Ahorrar Gasolina Sin Modificar Ni Aparcar Su Coche
¿Pues sabía que su vehículo sólo consume el20%% de la gasolina que compra y que el 80 %% que queda es despilfarro o se desprende por el medio ambiente? Con el alza perpetua de los precios de los combustibles, nos gustaría todos economizar gasolina... y es posible. Aunque es imposible controlar los costes del carburante, puede cambiar por supuesto ciertos de sus costumbres, que les ayude a reducir el consumo de gasolina y los gases con efect...

CHF 41.50

The Journey Of Nations

Warren, Steven
The Journey Of Nations
This is a collection of several people Life Journey. It tells each person journey, their experiences through lives and why they want to advance their life and careers. It is a collection of sorrow, pain, happiness and the incredible will to succeed. They have falter, gave in to despair and felt loss, but they continued with an urgency that shall not be diminished. All of these stories is an account of life at its purest and comes from the hear...

CHF 77.00

Blindsided by the Walking Dead

Singleton, Irone / Terzieff, Juliette
Blindsided by the Walking Dead
There are 34 brief but meaty chapters ... the last six will really sate the hunger of diehard "Walking Dead" fans. Mekeisha Madden Toby, MSN ReviewsOn the streets of Atlanta, the fight to survive is a daily battle. From the drug-infested corners of one of the city's worst housing projects, to alleyways filled with ravenous zombies-- Blindsided by the Walking Dead examines one man's battle to overcome the violence, drugs, and crime of the 'hood...

CHF 28.50

From Mangia to Murder

Mickelson, Caroline
From Mangia to Murder
Little Italy, 1946 - Sophia Mancini would have enjoyed the grand opening celebration of her family's private detective agency if the volatile chef at Vincenzo's Ristorante had actually survived the meal. But before Sophia's chilled spoon hit the spumoni, someone plunged a knife into Vincenzo's back and the word on everyone's lips went from mangia to murder. Sophia soon finds herself trailing crime boss Frankie Vidoni, chatting with his mouthy ...

CHF 25.90

Pakistan on the Brink

Rashid, Ahmed
Pakistan on the Brink
Ahmed Rashid is a Pakistani journalist based in Lahore, who has covered Afghanistan, Pakistan and Central Asia for a variety of publications since 1979. He is the author of five books - the best selling Taliban, Descent into Chaos: The US and the Disaster in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Central Asia, Jihad and The Resurgence of Central Asia. He writes for the Financial Times, the New York Times, the New York Review of Books, , BBC Online and Paki...

CHF 28.50

Konec t'my2060 Nachalo sweta

Losew, Vladimir
Konec t'my2060 Nachalo sweta
2060 god. Chetwertyj Angel wylil chashu swoü na solnce: i dano bylo emu zhech' lüdej ognem. V dalekoj galaktike wzrywaetsq swerhnowaq. Potoki zhestkogo gamma-izlucheniq nesutsq k zemle, da i na samom solnce nachinaetsq uzhasnyj ognennyj uragan. Vse zhiwoe na zemle pogibaet, ostaütsq w zhiwyh tol'ko lüdi - te, kto ukrylsq w metro i bunkerah, i te, kto wyzhil nesmotrq ni na chto. Im sozdawat' nowuü ciwilizaciü, no snachala nuzhno wyzhit'.

CHF 55.50

Sublimaciq 2

Druzhinin, Viktor
Sublimaciq 2
Mnogie awtory sozdawali Utopii, kak nekie mechty o postroenii zamechatel'nogo ansamblq, w kotorom chelowek i priroda sliwalis' by w garmonichnom edinstwe. Proizwodilis' popytki realizowat' äti mechty. Odnako, bez oschutimogo rezul'tata. Awtor sozdaet Nowuü Utopiü, kak konkretnoe mesto, gde na osnowe sinteza filosofskih wzglqdow predstawitelej intellektual'noj älity chelowechestwa (o smysle zhizni, o prostranstwe i wremeni, swobode i neobhodimo...

CHF 71.00

Shpaga ubijcy

Andrienko, Vladimir
Shpaga ubijcy
V chöm prelest' horoshego detektiwa? V tom, chto on zastawlqet razmyshlqt', podmechat' wse podskazki, kotorye awtor ostawlqet po hodu dejstwiq, iskat' otgadku prestupleniq, fakticheski ¿ reshat' logicheskuü zadachu so mnogimi neizwestnymi, zadachu, prepodnesönnuü w osobo zanimatel'noj forme. Odna iz takih zadach pered wami... Vernuwshijsq iz Indii major Dzheral'd Martin byl priglashen w imenie lorda Artura Uälsli grafa Mornigtona, gde sobralis...

CHF 40.50

Beguschaq protiw wetra

Akin'shina, Polina
Beguschaq protiw wetra
Jeto chetwertyj mir. Mir sozdannyj trinadcat'ü bogami, i uprawlqemyj imi. Mir w kotorom nikomu nepodwlastny dwe iz trinadcati izwestnyh stihij - wremq i woda. Po krajnej mere wse tak dumali posle gibeli perwogo boga Vetra. No, tak li äto na samom dele? Väj-VäjTana nikogda ne dumala, chto ot ee resheniq budut zawiset' sud'by bogow. No tak uzh wyshlo, chto äto ej bylo prednachertano. Tak smozhet li ona uznat', kem qwlqetsq i pochemu nichego ne p...

CHF 40.50

Do it Well and Do it Now

O'Connor, Bernard
Do it Well and Do it Now
During World War Two over a thousand saboteurs were trained at Brickendonbury, near Hertford, UK. This book tells the stories of the successes and failures of Ole Geisler, Christian Rottbøll, Erik Petersen, Aage Christensen, Paul Brandenborg, Flemming Muus and others who were parachuted into Denmark to help the Resistance before liberation in May 1945. It also details the sabotage work done by brave Danes, including Jørgen Kieler, Jørgen Schmi...

CHF 25.90


López Landauro, Rodrigo
Imposible es una historia centrada en 2 jóvenes que se conocieron en la adolescencia, y que a pesar de que existe una fuerte atracción mutua, no es hasta cuando son adultos que llegan a intentar vivir el amor que persiste entre ambos a pesar de los años. El destino le pone muchas piedras en el camino a este amor, que sin embargo se resiste a desaparecer. Es la historia de un amor imposible. La narración navega por anécdotas de adolescentes y...

CHF 21.50

Pticy nizowij reki Us'wa (Permskij kraj)

Kuzikow, Igor'
Pticy nizowij reki Us'wa (Permskij kraj)
V monografii podwedeny itogi awifaunisticheskih issledowanij w 2004-2011 godah na nizhnej Us'we - pritoke reki Chusowaq, na territorii Permskogo kraq (Priural'e). Priwedeny napisannye w forme widowyh ocherkow materialy po rasprostraneniü i gnezdowoj äkologii ptic, otmechennyh w okrestnostqh posölka Mys Chusowskogo rajona, w srawnenii s prilegaüschimi territoriqmi Srednego Urala i Prikam'q. Prowedön analiz struktury lokal'noj ornitofauny rajona...

CHF 77.00

Teoriq i praktika mnogokriterial'nyh reshenij

Voronin, Al'bert / Ziatdinow, Jurij
Teoriq i praktika mnogokriterial'nyh reshenij
Sowremennoe obschestwo pred#qwlqet wysokie i chasto protiworechiwye trebowaniq k kachestwu prinimaemyh reshenij w razlichnyh predmetnyh oblastqh. Rezko wozrosla cena oshibki resheniq. Poätomu uhodqt w proshloe intuitiwnye priömy prinqtiq reshenij i uprawleniq, dlq ätogo razrabatywaütsq nauchno obosnowannye teoreticheskie i prakticheskie modeli i metody. V monografii predstawleny nowye razrabotki w oblasti formalizacii zadach prinqtiq reshenij ...

CHF 102.00


Ahmylowskaq, Larisa / Barysh, Andriana
V knige predstawlen odin iz awtorskih proektow, realizowannyh w processe obucheniq studentow Dal'newostochnogo Federal'nogo Uniwersiteta i Dal'newostochnoj gosudarstwennoj akademii iskusstw. Analiz proizwedenij sowremennoj amerikanskoj poätessy Kärol Lewin, naprawlen na podgotowku uchebnogo spektaklq (klass-koncerta), prodolzhaet issledowanie metodologicheskoj reflexii teatral'nogo perewodchika, metodologii formirowaniq partitury krosskul'turn...

CHF 88.00

Vliqnie fitosbora "Nowobet" na metabolicheskij process pr...

Sharofowa, Mizhgona
Vliqnie fitosbora "Nowobet" na metabolicheskij process pri diabete
Nablüdaemye pri saharnom diabete (SD) metabolicheskie narusheniq qwlqütsq mnogogrannymi ohwatywaüschie uglewodnyj, lipidnyj i belkowyj obmeny. Antidiabeticheskij sbor «Nowobet», sozdan w sootwetstwii s lechebnoj sistemoj Awicenny na osnowe ne toxicheskih, bezopasnyh lekarstwennyh rastenij Tadzhikistana, mnogie iz kotoryh sposobny ostanowit' swobodno radikal'noe okislenie. «Nowobet» pri äxperimental'nom diabete, proqwlqet aktiwnyj gipoglikemich...

CHF 88.00