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885 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

shui dao kang bing xiang guan ji yin de fen li ke long he...

Ding, Xin Hua
shui dao kang bing xiang guan ji yin de fen li ke long he gong neng jian ding
zhi wu zai sheng chang fa yu guo cheng zhong bu duan de shou dao ge zhong wei sheng wu de ying xiang qi wei le zai zhi wu zhong sheng zhi fan yan cai qu duo yang de sheng ming ce lve qi zhong zui zhu yao de shi tong guo fen mi xiao ying yin zi yi duo bi huo zhe po huai zhi wu de fang yu xi tong jing guo chang qi jin hua he zi ran xuan ze zhi wu xing cheng le yi tao di yu wai jie bu li qin hai de you xiao ji jing mi de fang yu xi tong bing qie ...

CHF 79.00

Lee Lockwood. Castro’s Cuba. An American Journalist’s Ins...

Lockwood, Lee
Lee Lockwood. Castro’s Cuba. An American Journalist’s Inside Look at Cuba, 1959–1969
... enthält viele Überraschungen für den Leser, der die kubanische Wirklichkeit nur aus dem Zerrspiegel der Propaganda kennt ... Ein erstklassiges psychologisches Dokument." - The New York Times Book Review, 1967 An Silvester 1958 reiste der damals noch junge Fotojournalist Lee Lockwood nach Kuba, um über das bevorstehende Ende des Batista-Regimes zu berichten. Er kam einen Tag vor Fidel Castros Machtübernahme an und verbrachte eine Woche da...

CHF 103.00

Il patto

Zanna, Steve
Il patto
Siamo a Pragelato, un paese dell'alta Val Chisone, in provincia di Torino.Nei primi giorni di Agosto tre persone si ritrovano incasa dell'Erborista, figura carismatica ed influente del paese: è tempo di rimettere in moto un ingranaggio fermo da tempo, perchè l'obiettivo da raggiungere è di quelli a cui non si può dire di no. Dovranno agire con prudenza e discrezione, individuando le persone giuste e adatte allo scopo, anche se mancano ancora q...

CHF 26.50

The Hateful 8

Tarantino, Quentin / Raskin, Fred / Morricone, Ennio / Clark, William Paul / Francini, Coco / Gladstein, Richard N. / Kacandes, Georgia / Mcintosh, Shannon / Sher, Stacey / Weinstein, Bob / Weinstein, Harvey / Richardson, Robert / Tatum, Channing / Jackson, Samuel L. / Russell, Kurt / Leigh, Jennifer Jason / Goggins, Walton / Roth, Tim / Bell, Zoë / Madsen, Michael / Dern, Bruce
The Hateful 8
Wyoming, einige Jahre nach dem amerikanischen Bürgerkrieg: Eine Kutsche bahnt sich mühsam ihren Weg durch den Schnee in Richtung der Stadt Red Rock. An Bord befinden sich der Kopfgeldjäger John "Der Henker" Ruth (Kurt Russell), dessen Gefangene Daisy Domergue (Jennifer Jason Leigh) sowie der Anhalter Major Marquis Warren (Samuel L. Jackson), der früher Soldat war und nun ebenfalls als Kopfgeldjäger sein Geld verdient, und Chris Mannix (Walton ...

CHF 16.50

From Burning Ashes

Brown, Stacey Marie
From Burning Ashes
This war is not being played on a battlefield.Killed by the man she loves, not even death is kind to Zoey. Neither life nor her fae powers will let her go in peace.In this final installment, Zoey's strength, determination, and trust are put to the ultimate test. In the fight to protect the people she loves and stop DMG from experimenting on fae, humans, and animals to create super soldiers, she learns the reality of how far Dr. Rapava will go ...

CHF 32.90


Ulrich, Janice R.
From the earliest days of Columbus, rural dwellers and city residents have shared a common goal of making the area a comfortable place to call home. The early Welsh and German settlers found fertile soil, lumber, a source of water in the Crawfish River, and generally adequate rainfall to successfully grow crops for their families and to sell for income. They needed little else except their own industrious spirits. With the establishment of the...

CHF 36.50

O Portal de Periódicos da CAPES

Chaves Edler de Almeida, Elenara
O Portal de Periódicos da CAPES
O Portal de Periódicos, da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Capes), é uma biblioteca virtual que reúne e disponibiliza a instituições de ensino e pesquisa no Brasil o melhor da produção científica internacional. Esse conta com um acervo de mais de 37 mil títulos com texto completo, 126 bases referenciais, 11 bases dedicadas exclusivamente a patentes, além de livros, enciclopédias e obras de referência, normas técnic...

CHF 54.50

L'art c'est fashion !

Mysliwiak, Estelle
L'art c'est fashion !
Arty ? compression de « art » et « trendy », l'art à la mode et l'art qui rend tendance !? Tout a commencé par mon obsession du mot « arty ». Un mot qui sonnait cool et qui donnait un air tendance, en plein dans l'air du temps. Ce terme à la mode que l'on entend souvent et partout sans vraiment le désigner et le comprendre. Mais qu'est-ce que c'est ? Une question qui m'obnubilait, et qui intriguait par sa réponse. J'ai tenté d'y répondre en in...

CHF 43.90

Prisoner of Fortune

Slater, Nikita
Prisoner of Fortune
International Bestselling Author, Nikita Slater's, debut standalone dark romance novel. Now re-written with new chapters!Sold to pay off a debt to the rich owner of a casino. He locked her up in his penthouse for his exclusive use. He held her captive, and punished her when she resisted. She knew he was a bad man, who did bad things. She had to get away before he took more than she could give.Khalid was used to taking what he wanted and walkin...

CHF 18.50

Flourish 31 Day Devotional

Cox, Malika
Flourish 31 Day Devotional
Flourish 31 Day Devotional is a monthly, daily look at "Supernatural Rest." Supernatural Rest" is not a break from activity but an inward cessation of self-efforts such as striving, worry and controlling behaviors. Hebrews 4 tells the Christian that there is a Sabbath Rest that we can live in. As we discover this "Supernatural Rest" we will find that we experience peace that transcends understanding, joy that is contagious, and a confident exp...

CHF 13.50

The Heart of a Soldier: The Intimate Letters of Gen. Geor...

Pickett, La Salle Corbell
The Heart of a Soldier: The Intimate Letters of Gen. George E. Pickett, C.S.A
This little volume is a collection of letters of the dashing Confederate General George E. Pickett to his third wife, La Salle "Sallie" Corbell, whom he married in 1863. In the introduction, Sallie recounts favorite personal memories of her husband, including their first meeting and subsequent courtship. She then gives an overview of his military experiences, beginning with his participation in the suppression of the San Juan Islands rebellion...

CHF 18.90


Kady, Sloane
How is love measured? By how much you're willing to bleed for another person? Do they show you one of those pain-rating scales and ask how much your relationship hurts? Point to the most anguished face and win a prize. At what point is it more humane to just rip each other's hearts out, instead of repeatedly cutting each other open with sharp words and lies? If love is measured in scars and sacrifices, I win. When my father's accident requires...

CHF 19.50

Culinary Shakespeare

Goldstein, David B / Tigner, Amy L
Culinary Shakespeare
Essays discuss food and drink in Shakespeare's plays, reframing questions about cuisine, eating, and meals in early modern drama and emphasizing the aesthetic, communal, and philosophical aspects of food, many issues in Shakespeare studies are thus considered in terms of the cultural marker of culinary dynamics"--

CHF 83.00

Editing as Cultural Practice in Canada

Irvine, Dean / Kamboureli, Smaro
Editing as Cultural Practice in Canada
Editing as Cultural Practice in Canada focuses on the varied and complex roles that editors have played in the production of literary and scholarly texts in Canada. Contributors offer analyses of the cultural and publishing politics of editorial practices that question inherited paradigms of literary and scholarly values.

CHF 55.90

Chan Rhetoric of Uncertainty in the Blue Cliff Record: Sh...

Heine, Steven
Chan Rhetoric of Uncertainty in the Blue Cliff Record: Sharpening a Sword at the Dragon Gate
This book provides an innovative and critical analysis, in light of Song dynasty (960-11279) Chinese cultural and intellectual historical trends, of the Blue Cliff Record, the seminal Chan/Zen Buddhist collection of commentaries on one hundred gongan/koan cases, which has long been celebrated for its intricate and articulate interpretative methods.

CHF 71.00

Risolvi il mal di schiena al volante. I dieci migliori es...

Radano, Nicola
Risolvi il mal di schiena al volante. I dieci migliori esercizi
L'automobile è una delle 'cause' maggiori del mal di schiena, soprattutto se manca un'adeguata attivazione muscolare delle pareti addominali e paravertebrali che non sostengono come dovrebbero la colonna quando vi è un'anomalia nella postura. In questo caso la colonna non è ben in estensione e, quindi, il carico posturale non risulta ben compensato. Il dolore avverte che 'qualcosa non va', che occorre ripristinare una condizione di equilibrio....

CHF 14.90

Engineering Physics

Asthana, Ashutosh
Engineering Physics
During the past three decades engineering has witnessed dramatic changes. In the days gone by, one would think impossible what is possible now. The modern technological advancement has acquired a unique status and reputation in almost all the segments of engineering and physics the base of all.Salient FeaturesText of this book is simple, coherent and complete· All topics in the book are in simple language· Illustrations and diagrams are used i...

CHF 205.00